"Liberdade" em gaélico escocês é uma palavra bem curta, e a pronúncia correta não é de acordo com a escrita do termo, já que em gaélico escocês algumas combinações de letras têm sons diferentes daqueles representados pela grafia em português.
liberdade --> saorsa (você pronuncia "ao" com som de "u" longo com os lábios não arredondados, quer dizer, faz lábios para falar "i", mas pronuncia "u" longo, como o "u" na língua japonesa. O "rs" é o som de um "s" diferente, com a ponta da língua no céu da boca, um pouco atrás dos dentes, e soa quase como o "x" ou "ch" no português.
Tha thu aig saorsa do thoil fhèn.
"Você está livre para fazer o que quiser".
saorsa nam meadhanan
"liberdade da imprensa"
Tha saorsa againn tre Chrìosd, ar Tighearna.
"Nós temos liberdade por meio de Cristo, nosso Senhor."
saorsa bhon olc
"freedom from evil"
Aqui segue a tradução "liberdade" para outros idiomas:
1. português: liberdade
2. gaélico (Gàidhlig): saorsa
3. alemão (Deutsch): Freiheit
4. inglês (English): freedom
5. japonês (nihongo): jiyuu
6. yulami (Yuelami): veibueyo
7. polonês (polski): wolność
8. sueco (svenska): frihet
9. finlandês (suomi): vapaus
10. lituano (lietuviu): laisve
11. russo (russkii): svobóda
12. turco (türkçe): özgürlük
13. espanhol (español): libertad
14. húngaro (magyar): szabadság
Quem quiser ouvir a pronúncia ou fazer questões sobre o gaélico pode ligar para
Ou envie um e-mail para o seguinte endereço: marlon@aluno.unb.br
Beannachd leibh!
Deagh dhùrachd!
Bästa hälsningar!
Marlon muebeitoa yu ajue beisie.
Let's learn a foreign language!
segunda-feira, 22 de junho de 2009
segunda-feira, 8 de junho de 2009
Kalarao Yuelamileis Axeilao, 2 / Other Poetry in Yulami, 2
Yu Etue Reveizajao
1. Varao juevas ojaxue baretetei beimekuroa
Neyuzei jasao nueriezitei je mieruzeis anivao
Li zueratujao moasie resomazei juezaburoa
Onuzeis einaolao nueriesoatei jiesomuzei livao
2. Leivaynuzei, juyzei, mayuzeis, eiyjuzeis, eytuzei
Omieba nueriesekitei la noala nueriejokeitei
Moarievarei yei kaboa vabetoatao zumei beituzei
Vaoytaoyoa vamao neyusie borama moariezokeitei
3. Volaneiroa voaxue muriesabeireis etue bove
Las ozaole ya maoyrue juezabusie nuerievayei
Yei jievamoa nusie zaka moatetei jueziekove
Etuzei resoabitao jatuyoa lazei moariekayei
4. Kezuejekue yu ekietaburoa nuerieliebazei
Muyoa bieta yu vojekutaos etuxue omibao
Kajieluzei yei vabetoas eivi moariesabazei
Eixa naoyjuzei lamao mueliekaotes etue jibao
5. Moariezayei lonieka, yu nanulei moareyurilei
La ye jierorei buevoazeis aroakao moariesashei
Moaxue yu etuzei yei rukoa moaxeriebarilei
Borayoas obari jieneyu eixa mueriekieraxei
6. Yu zuekueveiyoa vueti kirao yoka moariesezatei
La ye mierozei buevoasie moarieserilei yu lajao
Zeilas etujao riemosiroas omuyoa moarieratei
Yu ekietabuyoa mueriezosei yu etue reveizajao.
Yu Etue Reveizajao
The stray sheep
Varao juevas ojaxue baretetao beimekuroa
In a place that was not so far from here
Neyuzei jasao muriezitei je mieruzeis anivao
There were happy animals and a humble person
Li zueratujao moasie resomazei juezaburoa
Who lived with his family on a farm
Onuzeis einaolao nuriesoatei je jiesomuzei livao
And they had enough money and nice small house
Leivaynuzei, juyzei, mayuzeis, eiyjuzeis, eytuzei
Pigs, oxen/cows, chickens, horses/mares, sheeps
Omieba nueriesekitei la noala nueriejokeitei
They took care and raised heartily there
Moarievar yei kaboa vabetoatao zumei beituzei
The boy wanted to be a good shepherd
Vaoytaoyoa vamao neyusie borama moariezokeitei
So he met all the needs of the livestock.
Volaneiroa voaxue mueriesabeireis etue bove
But one day a sheep disappeared
Las ozaole ya maoyrue juezabusie nuerievayei
And the people of the farm became worried
Yei jievamoa nusie zaka moatetei jueziekove
Since their elder son was reponsible
Etuzei resoabitao jatuyoa lazei moariekayei
He grabbed a club to look for the missing sheep
Kezujeku yus ekietaburoa nuerieliebazei
Ninety-nine ones were left in the barn
Muyoa bieta yu vojekutaos etuxue omibao
But even though that one single sheep
Kajieluzei yei vabetoas eivi moariesabazei
The kind pastor decided to bring back
Eixa naoyjuzei lamao mueliekaotes etue jibao
For the little sheep would face great dangers out there
Moariezayei lonieka, yu nanulei moareyurilei
He went out in a hurry, he ran accross the field
La ye jieroroa buevoazeis aroakoa moariesashei
And he saw a hungry wolf in the mountain
Moaxue yu etuzei yei rukoa moaxeriebarilei
The lad should save the sheep from it
Borayoa obari jieneyue eixa mueriekieraxei
For the little animal flocked near there
Yu zuekueveiyoa vueti kirao yoka moariesezatei
Then he boldly drew near the wild animal
La ye mierozei buevoasie moarieserilei yu lajao
And he hit the wolf’s head with his club
Zeilas etujao riemosiroas omuyoa moarieratei
He got back home with the sheep in his arms
Yus ekietabuyoa mueriezosei yu etue reveizajao.
And the stray sheep returned to the barn.
1. Varao juevas ojaxue baretetei beimekuroa
Neyuzei jasao nueriezitei je mieruzeis anivao
Li zueratujao moasie resomazei juezaburoa
Onuzeis einaolao nueriesoatei jiesomuzei livao
2. Leivaynuzei, juyzei, mayuzeis, eiyjuzeis, eytuzei
Omieba nueriesekitei la noala nueriejokeitei
Moarievarei yei kaboa vabetoatao zumei beituzei
Vaoytaoyoa vamao neyusie borama moariezokeitei
3. Volaneiroa voaxue muriesabeireis etue bove
Las ozaole ya maoyrue juezabusie nuerievayei
Yei jievamoa nusie zaka moatetei jueziekove
Etuzei resoabitao jatuyoa lazei moariekayei
4. Kezuejekue yu ekietaburoa nuerieliebazei
Muyoa bieta yu vojekutaos etuxue omibao
Kajieluzei yei vabetoas eivi moariesabazei
Eixa naoyjuzei lamao mueliekaotes etue jibao
5. Moariezayei lonieka, yu nanulei moareyurilei
La ye jierorei buevoazeis aroakao moariesashei
Moaxue yu etuzei yei rukoa moaxeriebarilei
Borayoas obari jieneyu eixa mueriekieraxei
6. Yu zuekueveiyoa vueti kirao yoka moariesezatei
La ye mierozei buevoasie moarieserilei yu lajao
Zeilas etujao riemosiroas omuyoa moarieratei
Yu ekietabuyoa mueriezosei yu etue reveizajao.
Yu Etue Reveizajao
The stray sheep
Varao juevas ojaxue baretetao beimekuroa
In a place that was not so far from here
Neyuzei jasao muriezitei je mieruzeis anivao
There were happy animals and a humble person
Li zueratujao moasie resomazei juezaburoa
Who lived with his family on a farm
Onuzeis einaolao nuriesoatei je jiesomuzei livao
And they had enough money and nice small house
Leivaynuzei, juyzei, mayuzeis, eiyjuzeis, eytuzei
Pigs, oxen/cows, chickens, horses/mares, sheeps
Omieba nueriesekitei la noala nueriejokeitei
They took care and raised heartily there
Moarievar yei kaboa vabetoatao zumei beituzei
The boy wanted to be a good shepherd
Vaoytaoyoa vamao neyusie borama moariezokeitei
So he met all the needs of the livestock.
Volaneiroa voaxue mueriesabeireis etue bove
But one day a sheep disappeared
Las ozaole ya maoyrue juezabusie nuerievayei
And the people of the farm became worried
Yei jievamoa nusie zaka moatetei jueziekove
Since their elder son was reponsible
Etuzei resoabitao jatuyoa lazei moariekayei
He grabbed a club to look for the missing sheep
Kezujeku yus ekietaburoa nuerieliebazei
Ninety-nine ones were left in the barn
Muyoa bieta yu vojekutaos etuxue omibao
But even though that one single sheep
Kajieluzei yei vabetoas eivi moariesabazei
The kind pastor decided to bring back
Eixa naoyjuzei lamao mueliekaotes etue jibao
For the little sheep would face great dangers out there
Moariezayei lonieka, yu nanulei moareyurilei
He went out in a hurry, he ran accross the field
La ye jieroroa buevoazeis aroakoa moariesashei
And he saw a hungry wolf in the mountain
Moaxue yu etuzei yei rukoa moaxeriebarilei
The lad should save the sheep from it
Borayoa obari jieneyue eixa mueriekieraxei
For the little animal flocked near there
Yu zuekueveiyoa vueti kirao yoka moariesezatei
Then he boldly drew near the wild animal
La ye mierozei buevoasie moarieserilei yu lajao
And he hit the wolf’s head with his club
Zeilas etujao riemosiroas omuyoa moarieratei
He got back home with the sheep in his arms
Yus ekietabuyoa mueriezosei yu etue reveizajao.
And the stray sheep returned to the barn.
language / idioma,
língua artificial,
Kalarao Yuelamilei, 3 / Poetry in Yulami, 3
Yu Tabeitao
Buera beilare loamoayoa beisie
Larazei layaos Evoayoa veisie
Oakarao maosie muebeitoa za,
La beivabeitoa, lokaos ata
Maozei beizueseijaloa, tamatoamie!
Mei zera moabeitoa yei zuebeivoa
Ramuzei mueliesaroa, takuroamie,
Yu maosie eivue lamao labeitoa!
A Essência Divina
Para sempre cantarei ao meu mestre,
Um lindo cântico ao nosso Deus!
O teu Amor é realmente
Forte demais, e eu não sou.
Eu te amo tanto, ó Pai!
O Colossal é muito bondoso
Reflete tua glória, ó Senhor,
A tua grandiosa bondade!
Yu Tabeitao
The Divine Essence
Buera beilare loamoayoa beisie
Forever I will sing to my master
Larazei layaos Evoayoa veisie
A beautiful song to our God
Oakarao maosie muebeitoa za,
Your love is really
La beivabeitoa, lokaos ata
Too deep and I am not.
Maozei beizueseijaloa, tamatoamie!
I love you so much, oh Father!
Mei zera moabeitoa yei zuebeivoa
The most high is very good
Ramuzei muliesaroa, takuroamie,
Your glory is reflected, oh Lord!
Yu maosie eivue lamao labeitoa!
By your kindness that is great!
Yu Ta-beitao
The Divine-Essence
Buera bei-lar-e loamoa-yoa bei-sie
Forever I-sing-will master-to I-of
Lara-zei layaos Evoa-yoa vei-sie
Song- beautiful god-to we-of
Oakarao mao-sie mue-beitoa za,
Love(2) you-of it-is really
La bei-va-beitoa, lokaos ata
And I-not-am, strong too
Mao-zei bei-zues-eijaloa, ta-matoa-mie!
You-of I-very-love, Divine-Father-oh!
Mei zera moa-beitoa yei zuebeivoa
Good very he-is the high
Ramu-zei mue-liesaroa, takuroa-mie,
Glory- it-reflects, lord-oh,
Yu mao-sie eivue lamao la-beitoa!
The you-of kindness great which-is
Buera beilare loamoayoa beisie
Larazei layaos Evoayoa veisie
Oakarao maosie muebeitoa za,
La beivabeitoa, lokaos ata
Maozei beizueseijaloa, tamatoamie!
Mei zera moabeitoa yei zuebeivoa
Ramuzei mueliesaroa, takuroamie,
Yu maosie eivue lamao labeitoa!
A Essência Divina
Para sempre cantarei ao meu mestre,
Um lindo cântico ao nosso Deus!
O teu Amor é realmente
Forte demais, e eu não sou.
Eu te amo tanto, ó Pai!
O Colossal é muito bondoso
Reflete tua glória, ó Senhor,
A tua grandiosa bondade!
Yu Tabeitao
The Divine Essence
Buera beilare loamoayoa beisie
Forever I will sing to my master
Larazei layaos Evoayoa veisie
A beautiful song to our God
Oakarao maosie muebeitoa za,
Your love is really
La beivabeitoa, lokaos ata
Too deep and I am not.
Maozei beizueseijaloa, tamatoamie!
I love you so much, oh Father!
Mei zera moabeitoa yei zuebeivoa
The most high is very good
Ramuzei muliesaroa, takuroamie,
Your glory is reflected, oh Lord!
Yu maosie eivue lamao labeitoa!
By your kindness that is great!
Yu Ta-beitao
The Divine-Essence
Buera bei-lar-e loamoa-yoa bei-sie
Forever I-sing-will master-to I-of
Lara-zei layaos Evoa-yoa vei-sie
Song- beautiful god-to we-of
Oakarao mao-sie mue-beitoa za,
Love(2) you-of it-is really
La bei-va-beitoa, lokaos ata
And I-not-am, strong too
Mao-zei bei-zues-eijaloa, ta-matoa-mie!
You-of I-very-love, Divine-Father-oh!
Mei zera moa-beitoa yei zuebeivoa
Good very he-is the high
Ramu-zei mue-liesaroa, takuroa-mie,
Glory- it-reflects, lord-oh,
Yu mao-sie eivue lamao la-beitoa!
The you-of kindness great which-is
language / idioma,
língua artificial,
Kalarao Yuelamileis Axeilao Juevani, 2 / Another Poetry in Yulami, 2
Yes oabitie
1. Yu kelazulei laniraos ejoajhao moasie
Kayeva moarievosei yu elajoa
Moariejatei ye vabamozei kaji lomoasie
Mozei moabarielayei yhei luenajoa
La vone jueva moxetei ye lake naro
Bieta moriesolaxei yes oshieles aro
2. Oayas omiebaroa nuerielarei veiykue mibao
Luema muriesokeilezei kelazue
Zueserietana nuerieroamazei neyue jibao
Bove muebarueroalei mirao yazue...
“Las oloayoa mi morieritei ye zienos aki?”
Moariezalei yei zuloas otebujao raki
3. Zuroa jueva moariekerei yeis ejoas exa
Moarieselixeis ozaole resemirao
Yela moarievoatei yeis elajoa zuevexa
Moaneixue moarielatei kirao
Nievosijao moarienieseyeis oma naluzei
Zaka moarievarei jasei juevoataos ashuzei
4. Vieleivas oyluxue ye leimo moriebat’
Za yei kuenizei matoasie mosie
Evoalei jasa moriezaboteis omieba
La nieriezoseish omuyoa relajosie
Yu zueratue mosie moayoa muerielieneirazei
Zera vemue yu lexuroa nuerieleirazei.
Marlon Ribeiro
Literal translation
Yes oabit-ie
The disappear-er/miss-er
1. Yu kelazu-lei laniraos ejoa-jhao moa-sie
the forest-through pressed horse-by he-of
Kayeva moa-rie-vos yu elajoa
Calmly he-did-ride the knight
Moa-rie-jat-ei ye vabamo-zei kaji lomoa-sie
He-did-search the younger daughter-accusative beautiful lord-of
Mo-zei moa-ba-rie-lay-ei yhei luenajoa
She-v.o. he-not-did-catch the enemy
La vone jueva mo-xet ye lake naro
And healthy very she-was the young woman
Bieta mo-ries-olax-ei yes oshieles aro
Although she-did-depart the bright sun
2. Oayas omieba-roa nue-rie-lar-ei veiykue mibao
Still there-in they-did-sing birds some
Luema mue-ries-okeilez-ei kelazue
While it-did-darken forest
Zues-eriet-ana nue-rie-roamaz-ei neyue jibao
Really-prison-without they-did-wander animals small
Bove mue-ba-r-ue-roal-ei mirao yazue...
But it-not-did-be-hear human word
“Las oyloayoa mi mo-rie-rit-ei ye zienos aki?”
“and trees-to behind she-did-hide the lass question-marker ?
Moa-rie-zal-ei yei zuloas otebu-jao raki
He-did-question the man armor-with brilliant
3. Zu-roa jueva moa-rie-ker-ei yeis ejoas exa
Time-in much he-did-canter the horse since/as
Moa-ries-elix-ei ozaole resemirao
He-did-become then tired
Yela moa-rie-voat-ei yeis elajoa zue-vexa
But he-did-act the knight much-sensitively
Moa-nei-xue moa-rie-lat-ei kirao
He-self-from he-did-come down then
Nievo-si-jao moa-rie-niesey-ei oma nalu-zei
Foot-two-with he-did-continue at all to look for-accusative
Zaka moa-rie-var-ei jasei juevoa-taos ashu-zei
Because he-did-want happy boss-objective to see-accusative
4. Vielei-vas oylu-xue ye leimo mo-rie-bat-(ei)
Final-ly plants-from the maiden she-did-appear
Za yei kueni-zei matoa-sie mo-sie
Yes the servant-acc. father-of she-of
Evoa-lei jasa mo-rie-zabot-ei omieba
God-by fortunately she-did-come accross there
La nie-rie-zos-eish omu-yoa relajo-sie
And they two-did-return house-to princess-of
Yu zueratue mo-sie moa-yoa mue-rie-lieneiraz-ei
The family she-of he-to it-did-to thank
Zera vemue yu lexu-roa nue-rie-leiraz-ei.
A lot everybody the kingdom-in they-did-celebrate
Rather good translation
Yes oabitie
The missing lady
1. Yu kelazulei laniraos ejoajhao moasie
Tthrough a dense forest on his horse
Kayeva moarievos yu elajoa
The knight calmly rode
Moariejatei ye vabamozei kaji lomoasie
He was searching for the beautiful younger daughter of his lord
Mo-zei moabarielayei yhei luenajoa
As the enemy had not caught her
La vone jueva moxetei ye lake naro
The young woman was quite safe
Bieta moriesolaxei yes osieles aro
Although the bright sun had already set
2. Oayas omiebaroa nuerielarei veiykue mibao
There were still some birds singing there
Luema mueriesokeilezei kelazue
While the forest became dark
Zueserietana nuerieroamazei neyue jibao
And small animals wandered freely
Bove muebarueroalei mirao yazue...
But no human word was heard...
“Las oyloayoa mi morieritei ye zienos aki?”
“Did that lass hide behind the trees?”
Moariezalei yei zuloas otebujao raki
Asked the man in a brilliant armor
3. Zuroa jueva moarieker yeis ejoas exa
As the horse had been walking for a long time
Moarieselixeis ozaole resemirao
It ended up becoming tired
Yela moarievoatei yeis elajoa zuevexa
But the knight acted really kindly towards it
Moaneixue moarielatei kirao
For he came off the horse
Nievosijao moarienieseyeis oma naluzei
And just continued the search on foot
Zaka moarievarei jasei juevoataos ashuzei
Because he wanted to see his master happy
4. Vieleivas oyluxue ye leimo moriebat’
Finally the maiden jumped out of the bushes
Za yei kuenizei matoasie mosie
And indeed the servant of her father
Evoalei jasa moriezaboteis omieba
Thanks God she happily came accross there
La nieriezoseish omuyoa relajosie
And they two returned to the house of the princess
Yu zueratue mosie moayoa muerielieneirazei
Her family gave him many thanks
Zera vemue yu lexuroa nuerieleirazei.
And everybody in the kingdom feasted a lot.
1. Yu kelazulei laniraos ejoajhao moasie
Kayeva moarievosei yu elajoa
Moariejatei ye vabamozei kaji lomoasie
Mozei moabarielayei yhei luenajoa
La vone jueva moxetei ye lake naro
Bieta moriesolaxei yes oshieles aro
2. Oayas omiebaroa nuerielarei veiykue mibao
Luema muriesokeilezei kelazue
Zueserietana nuerieroamazei neyue jibao
Bove muebarueroalei mirao yazue...
“Las oloayoa mi morieritei ye zienos aki?”
Moariezalei yei zuloas otebujao raki
3. Zuroa jueva moariekerei yeis ejoas exa
Moarieselixeis ozaole resemirao
Yela moarievoatei yeis elajoa zuevexa
Moaneixue moarielatei kirao
Nievosijao moarienieseyeis oma naluzei
Zaka moarievarei jasei juevoataos ashuzei
4. Vieleivas oyluxue ye leimo moriebat’
Za yei kuenizei matoasie mosie
Evoalei jasa moriezaboteis omieba
La nieriezoseish omuyoa relajosie
Yu zueratue mosie moayoa muerielieneirazei
Zera vemue yu lexuroa nuerieleirazei.
Marlon Ribeiro
Literal translation
Yes oabit-ie
The disappear-er/miss-er
1. Yu kelazu-lei laniraos ejoa-jhao moa-sie
the forest-through pressed horse-by he-of
Kayeva moa-rie-vos yu elajoa
Calmly he-did-ride the knight
Moa-rie-jat-ei ye vabamo-zei kaji lomoa-sie
He-did-search the younger daughter-accusative beautiful lord-of
Mo-zei moa-ba-rie-lay-ei yhei luenajoa
She-v.o. he-not-did-catch the enemy
La vone jueva mo-xet ye lake naro
And healthy very she-was the young woman
Bieta mo-ries-olax-ei yes oshieles aro
Although she-did-depart the bright sun
2. Oayas omieba-roa nue-rie-lar-ei veiykue mibao
Still there-in they-did-sing birds some
Luema mue-ries-okeilez-ei kelazue
While it-did-darken forest
Zues-eriet-ana nue-rie-roamaz-ei neyue jibao
Really-prison-without they-did-wander animals small
Bove mue-ba-r-ue-roal-ei mirao yazue...
But it-not-did-be-hear human word
“Las oyloayoa mi mo-rie-rit-ei ye zienos aki?”
“and trees-to behind she-did-hide the lass question-marker ?
Moa-rie-zal-ei yei zuloas otebu-jao raki
He-did-question the man armor-with brilliant
3. Zu-roa jueva moa-rie-ker-ei yeis ejoas exa
Time-in much he-did-canter the horse since/as
Moa-ries-elix-ei ozaole resemirao
He-did-become then tired
Yela moa-rie-voat-ei yeis elajoa zue-vexa
But he-did-act the knight much-sensitively
Moa-nei-xue moa-rie-lat-ei kirao
He-self-from he-did-come down then
Nievo-si-jao moa-rie-niesey-ei oma nalu-zei
Foot-two-with he-did-continue at all to look for-accusative
Zaka moa-rie-var-ei jasei juevoa-taos ashu-zei
Because he-did-want happy boss-objective to see-accusative
4. Vielei-vas oylu-xue ye leimo mo-rie-bat-(ei)
Final-ly plants-from the maiden she-did-appear
Za yei kueni-zei matoa-sie mo-sie
Yes the servant-acc. father-of she-of
Evoa-lei jasa mo-rie-zabot-ei omieba
God-by fortunately she-did-come accross there
La nie-rie-zos-eish omu-yoa relajo-sie
And they two-did-return house-to princess-of
Yu zueratue mo-sie moa-yoa mue-rie-lieneiraz-ei
The family she-of he-to it-did-to thank
Zera vemue yu lexu-roa nue-rie-leiraz-ei.
A lot everybody the kingdom-in they-did-celebrate
Rather good translation
Yes oabitie
The missing lady
1. Yu kelazulei laniraos ejoajhao moasie
Tthrough a dense forest on his horse
Kayeva moarievos yu elajoa
The knight calmly rode
Moariejatei ye vabamozei kaji lomoasie
He was searching for the beautiful younger daughter of his lord
Mo-zei moabarielayei yhei luenajoa
As the enemy had not caught her
La vone jueva moxetei ye lake naro
The young woman was quite safe
Bieta moriesolaxei yes osieles aro
Although the bright sun had already set
2. Oayas omiebaroa nuerielarei veiykue mibao
There were still some birds singing there
Luema mueriesokeilezei kelazue
While the forest became dark
Zueserietana nuerieroamazei neyue jibao
And small animals wandered freely
Bove muebarueroalei mirao yazue...
But no human word was heard...
“Las oyloayoa mi morieritei ye zienos aki?”
“Did that lass hide behind the trees?”
Moariezalei yei zuloas otebujao raki
Asked the man in a brilliant armor
3. Zuroa jueva moarieker yeis ejoas exa
As the horse had been walking for a long time
Moarieselixeis ozaole resemirao
It ended up becoming tired
Yela moarievoatei yeis elajoa zuevexa
But the knight acted really kindly towards it
Moaneixue moarielatei kirao
For he came off the horse
Nievosijao moarienieseyeis oma naluzei
And just continued the search on foot
Zaka moarievarei jasei juevoataos ashuzei
Because he wanted to see his master happy
4. Vieleivas oyluxue ye leimo moriebat’
Finally the maiden jumped out of the bushes
Za yei kuenizei matoasie mosie
And indeed the servant of her father
Evoalei jasa moriezaboteis omieba
Thanks God she happily came accross there
La nieriezoseish omuyoa relajosie
And they two returned to the house of the princess
Yu zueratue mosie moayoa muerielieneirazei
Her family gave him many thanks
Zera vemue yu lexuroa nuerieleirazei.
And everybody in the kingdom feasted a lot.
language / idioma,
língua artificial,
Kalarao Yuelamileis Axeilao Juevani / Another Poetry in Yulami
Ye Nako
Mueriemasoa yu olibue
Muebaseboxoa benibue
Yu mekao jueva zueboalie
La beibheitoa musie roalie
Za yu kerue ojao livao
Muereikazoa kueta labue
Yu oliebusie leinitao
Reselao zuema layabue!
O vento passou
E não para em nenhum lugar
É o importante carregador
E eu sou o seu ouvinte
Eis que o som agradável
Soa como uma música
Do rápido vento
Que é a beleza bem tocada!
Ye Nako
The melody
Mueriemasoa yu olibue
The wind blew by
Muebaseboxoa benibue
It stopped nowhere
Yu mekao jueva zueboalie
The very important big taker
La beibheitoa musie roalie
And I am its listener
Za yu kerue ojao livao
That really nice sound
Muereikazoa kueta labue
Resounds just as a music
Yu oliebusie leinitao
Of the fast wind
Reselao zuema layabue!
The beauty well played!
Ye Nako
The melody
Mue-rie-masoa yu olibue
It-ed-pass.by the wind
Mue-bas-eboxoa benibue
It-not- stop nowhere
Yu mekao jueva zue-boal-ie
The important very big-tak-er
La bei-bheitoa mu-sie roal-ie
And I-am it-of listen-er
Za yu kerue ojao livao
Yes the sound here nice
Mue-reikazoa kueta labue
It-resounds just.as music
Yu oliebu-sie leinitao
The wind-of fast
Res-elao zuema layabue!
Which-played well beauty!
Mueriemasoa yu olibue
Muebaseboxoa benibue
Yu mekao jueva zueboalie
La beibheitoa musie roalie
Za yu kerue ojao livao
Muereikazoa kueta labue
Yu oliebusie leinitao
Reselao zuema layabue!
O vento passou
E não para em nenhum lugar
É o importante carregador
E eu sou o seu ouvinte
Eis que o som agradável
Soa como uma música
Do rápido vento
Que é a beleza bem tocada!
Ye Nako
The melody
Mueriemasoa yu olibue
The wind blew by
Muebaseboxoa benibue
It stopped nowhere
Yu mekao jueva zueboalie
The very important big taker
La beibheitoa musie roalie
And I am its listener
Za yu kerue ojao livao
That really nice sound
Muereikazoa kueta labue
Resounds just as a music
Yu oliebusie leinitao
Of the fast wind
Reselao zuema layabue!
The beauty well played!
Ye Nako
The melody
Mue-rie-masoa yu olibue
It-ed-pass.by the wind
Mue-bas-eboxoa benibue
It-not- stop nowhere
Yu mekao jueva zue-boal-ie
The important very big-tak-er
La bei-bheitoa mu-sie roal-ie
And I-am it-of listen-er
Za yu kerue ojao livao
Yes the sound here nice
Mue-reikazoa kueta labue
It-resounds just.as music
Yu oliebu-sie leinitao
The wind-of fast
Res-elao zuema layabue!
Which-played well beauty!
language / idioma,
língua artificial,
Kalarao Yuelamilei Juevani / More Poetry in Yulami
Ye Lietamo
1. Yei zuloa yu jevuroa yu nanusie birao reseratei
Kayeva moariezuesaxoa yes alebozei kaji kueya…
Vuyoa moariesaloavazoa Takuroa tanoreis oazeis atei
La vuboatoas oaya vamuzei vueriexeloarisei jueya…
2. Kerazue masi, oyloa yurei, je neyu erietani
Yu omao kivao, yu olibue ruemelao, ya yhayzue layao
Mueruevalei veiyanue Evoaleis okilayoa mirao laoni
Laybue je kalayraos eijalaxue, ya jasalei jievayao…
3. La yu Yhasao, zuevarieva lasereiyazao yu oxeinue
Yu roturoa zuevoliena luema mosoxiloa yes Aro
Tamatoayoa bazuvei mueyuekosoa yu zuesaneilao liereinue
Moataos ajaoruzei muebeitoas exa vusie lame karo
4. Mueruesoaraolei yu yhelaos ojao i anosiroa larieke
Mabuevas oabietuzei muebeloa yu vikue ya nelayxasie
La biela beivabitoa borama kueta baroyoa elieke
Beireyalei zaka ye lietamoxue yu avao zuekarasie!
Ye Lietamo
The Spring
1. Yei zuloa yu jevuroa yu nanusie birao reseratei
The man lying on the grass of the vast field
Kayeva moariezuesaxoa yes alebozei kaji kueya…
Calmly behols the so beatiful nature
Vuyoa moariesaloavazei Takuroa tanorei yeis oazeis atei
The Lord Almighty has delievered us the world ready
La vueboatoas oaya vamuzei vueriexeloarisei jueya…
And we still act as though we had to create everything...
2. Je kerazue masi, oyloa yurei, neyu erietani
The green forest, the high trees and the animals free
Yu omao kivao, yu olibue ruemelao, ya yhayzue layao
The clean water, the fresh wind, and the beautiful words
Mueruevalei veiyanue Evoaleis okilaoyoa mirao laoni
Perfection was designed by God without human help.
Laybue je kalayraos eijalaxue, ya jasalei jievayao…
Love songs and love poems, and sighs of joy
3. La yu Yhasao, zuevarieva lasereiyazao yus oxeinue
And the Earth, a planet rotating everlastingly
Yu roturao zuevoliena luma mosoxiloa yes Aro
While the sun shines intensely in the sky.
Tamatoayoa bazuvei mueyuekosoa yu zuesaneilao liereinue
We give our thanks to the heavenly father
Ajaoruzei Moataos mubeitoas exa vusie lame karo
And our great passion is to worship him
4. Mueruesoaraolei yu yhelaos ojao i anosiroa larieke
This life has been placed into his holy hands.
Mabuevas oabietuzei muebeloa yu vikue ya nelayxasie
And gradually the burden of problems starts to disappear.
La biela beivabitoa borama kueta baroyoas elieke
And I do not seem anymore like a withered rose
Beireyalei zaka ye lietamoxue yu avao zuekarasie!
For I have drunk from the fountain of the complete satisfaction.
1. Yei zuloa yu jevuroa yu nanusie birao reseratei
Kayeva moariezuesaxoa yes alebozei kaji kueya…
Vuyoa moariesaloavazoa Takuroa tanoreis oazeis atei
La vuboatoas oaya vamuzei vueriexeloarisei jueya…
2. Kerazue masi, oyloa yurei, je neyu erietani
Yu omao kivao, yu olibue ruemelao, ya yhayzue layao
Mueruevalei veiyanue Evoaleis okilayoa mirao laoni
Laybue je kalayraos eijalaxue, ya jasalei jievayao…
3. La yu Yhasao, zuevarieva lasereiyazao yu oxeinue
Yu roturoa zuevoliena luema mosoxiloa yes Aro
Tamatoayoa bazuvei mueyuekosoa yu zuesaneilao liereinue
Moataos ajaoruzei muebeitoas exa vusie lame karo
4. Mueruesoaraolei yu yhelaos ojao i anosiroa larieke
Mabuevas oabietuzei muebeloa yu vikue ya nelayxasie
La biela beivabitoa borama kueta baroyoa elieke
Beireyalei zaka ye lietamoxue yu avao zuekarasie!
Ye Lietamo
The Spring
1. Yei zuloa yu jevuroa yu nanusie birao reseratei
The man lying on the grass of the vast field
Kayeva moariezuesaxoa yes alebozei kaji kueya…
Calmly behols the so beatiful nature
Vuyoa moariesaloavazei Takuroa tanorei yeis oazeis atei
The Lord Almighty has delievered us the world ready
La vueboatoas oaya vamuzei vueriexeloarisei jueya…
And we still act as though we had to create everything...
2. Je kerazue masi, oyloa yurei, neyu erietani
The green forest, the high trees and the animals free
Yu omao kivao, yu olibue ruemelao, ya yhayzue layao
The clean water, the fresh wind, and the beautiful words
Mueruevalei veiyanue Evoaleis okilaoyoa mirao laoni
Perfection was designed by God without human help.
Laybue je kalayraos eijalaxue, ya jasalei jievayao…
Love songs and love poems, and sighs of joy
3. La yu Yhasao, zuevarieva lasereiyazao yus oxeinue
And the Earth, a planet rotating everlastingly
Yu roturao zuevoliena luma mosoxiloa yes Aro
While the sun shines intensely in the sky.
Tamatoayoa bazuvei mueyuekosoa yu zuesaneilao liereinue
We give our thanks to the heavenly father
Ajaoruzei Moataos mubeitoas exa vusie lame karo
And our great passion is to worship him
4. Mueruesoaraolei yu yhelaos ojao i anosiroa larieke
This life has been placed into his holy hands.
Mabuevas oabietuzei muebeloa yu vikue ya nelayxasie
And gradually the burden of problems starts to disappear.
La biela beivabitoa borama kueta baroyoas elieke
And I do not seem anymore like a withered rose
Beireyalei zaka ye lietamoxue yu avao zuekarasie!
For I have drunk from the fountain of the complete satisfaction.
language / idioma,
língua artificial,
Kalarao Yuelamileis Axeilao / Other Poetry in Yulami
Naburoa beisie muezitoa larao
Tamatoayoa bazuroa lazeitei
Moayoa lamao muebeitoas eijalao
Taramujao zujei laroseitei
Yus okaraos Evoasie boya,
Muebeitoa zaka, muebaviele
Liematanao zo burao kuya
Viena yeis oalei muevesiele
No meu coração há um cântico
Ao grande Pai que está no céu
É grande meu amor por ele
Ele atravessa o tempo com sua glória
Jamais o amor de Deus
Vai se acabar, pois ele é
Tão incomparável e eterno
Sempre fluirá pelo mundo.
Nabu-roa bei-sie mue-zitoa larao
Heart-in I-of it-there is a-song
Ta-matoa-yoa bazu-roa la-zeitei
Divine-Father-to heaven-in who-is
Moayoa lamao muebeitoas eijalao
He-for great it-is love(1)
Ta-ramu-jao zu-jei la-roseitei
Divine-glory-with time- who-cross
Yus okaraos Evoasie boya,
The love(2) God-of never
Mue-beitoa zaka, mue-ba-viel-e
It-is because, it-not-end-will
Liemat-anao zo burao kuya
Comparison-without and eternal so
Viena yeis oa-lei mue-vesiel-e
Always the world-through it-flow-will
Naburoa beisie muezitoa larao
Tamatoayoa bazuroa lazeitei
Moayoa lamao muebeitoas eijalao
Taramujao zujei laroseitei
Yus okaraos Evoasie boya,
Muebeitoa zaka, muebaviele
Liematanao zo burao kuya
Viena yeis oalei muevesiele
No meu coração há um cântico
Ao grande Pai que está no céu
É grande meu amor por ele
Ele atravessa o tempo com sua glória
Jamais o amor de Deus
Vai se acabar, pois ele é
Tão incomparável e eterno
Sempre fluirá pelo mundo.
Nabu-roa bei-sie mue-zitoa larao
Heart-in I-of it-there is a-song
Ta-matoa-yoa bazu-roa la-zeitei
Divine-Father-to heaven-in who-is
Moayoa lamao muebeitoas eijalao
He-for great it-is love(1)
Ta-ramu-jao zu-jei la-roseitei
Divine-glory-with time- who-cross
Yus okaraos Evoasie boya,
The love(2) God-of never
Mue-beitoa zaka, mue-ba-viel-e
It-is because, it-not-end-will
Liemat-anao zo burao kuya
Comparison-without and eternal so
Viena yeis oa-lei mue-vesiel-e
Always the world-through it-flow-will
language / idioma,
língua artificial,
Kalarao Yuelamilei / Poetry in Yulami
Moabuzei muenayazoa mirue ota
La zorievuzei¹¹ muezeiloa
Moakenazoa¹² yeis elitie ora?
Yu nabuyoa zera yu jetaos anoasie
Zeilajeila muenekeiloa¹³
Muezeritoa¹° bove jasao Tamatoasie
Moaselitoa beitie kuelaxeis²¹ ona
La zuevara²² moaxeratoa²³
Kirao vaji mieseivatazoa²° vona
Jalonuzei³¹ muyoa miezueboaxo
Emueta³² moarienoalatoa³³
Las ozaole roseva mievalo
Vabiejuzei³° muebeitoas exa nayue
Ya maoyruzei lajuelazao*
Muyoas are muezeitoa beisie ayue
Miebasoriekezoª zierayoa lavi
Zueloasie reserobazao°
Zuyroa jueva noleva** mievale bi!
by Maruelonoa Koatoa Riebeiroa
¹¹ raiva (rage)
¹² comemorar, celebrar (to celebrate, to feast)
¹³ perturbar (to disturb)
¹° satisfazer (to satisfy)
²¹ semelhante (similar, alike)
²² tão longe (faraway, so far)
²³ chegar (to arrive, to get to)
²° alcançar (to reach, to achieve)
³¹ motivo (reason, motive)
³² com perseverança (with perseverance)
³³ esforçar-se (to effort, to struggle)
³° vil doença (foul disease)
* contaminar (to defile, to infect)
ª não estristecer-se (not to be sad)
° que conquistou (who conquered)
** corretamente (correctly, right)
Moabuzei munayazoa mirue ota
Como pode uma pessoa alguém invejar / How can a person to envy anyone,
La zorievuzei muezeiloa
E sua raiva acender / and unleash his(her) rage
Moakenazoa yeis elitie ora?
Enquanto que o vencedor celebra? / while the winner celebrates?
Yu nabuyoa zera yu jetaos anoasie
Ao coração muito a conquista alheia / To the heart someone else’s victory a lot
Zeilajeila muenekeiloa
Repetidamente perturba / repeatedly disturbs
Muezeritoa bove jasao Tamatoasie
Mas satisfaz é alegria do Pai / but what satisfies is the Father’s joy
Moaselitoa beitie kuelaxeis ona
Se o ser semelhante vence / If the similar being (neighbor) you overcomes
La zuevara moaxeratoa
E tão longe pode chegar and so far he(she) can reach
Kirao vaji mieseivatazoa vona
Então você também alcança com saúde / then you also achieve healthily
Jalonuzei muyoa miezueboaxo
O motivo para isto entenda / the reason for this, please understand
Emueta moarienoalatoa
Com perseverança se esforçou / with perseverance he(she) struggled
Las ozaole roseva mievalo
E então do mesmo jeito faça / and then, do likewise!
Vabiejuzei muebeitoas exa nayue
Vil doença é, pois, inveja / the envy is a foul disease
Ya maoyruzei lajuelazao
Que às pessoas contamina / that infects other people
Muyoas are muezeitoa beisie ayue
Contra isto está meu conselho / and against this here you are my advice:
Miebasoriekezo zierayoa lavi
Não se entristeça com o sucesso / do not be sad about the success
Zueloasie reserobazao
Do homem que conquistou / of a man who conquered
Zuyroa jueva noleva mievale bi!
Pois por muitos anos corretamente você fará com certeza. / Because for long years you will surely do right.
Moabuzei muenayazoa mirue ota
La zorievuzei¹¹ muezeiloa
Moakenazoa¹² yeis elitie ora?
Yu nabuyoa zera yu jetaos anoasie
Zeilajeila muenekeiloa¹³
Muezeritoa¹° bove jasao Tamatoasie
Moaselitoa beitie kuelaxeis²¹ ona
La zuevara²² moaxeratoa²³
Kirao vaji mieseivatazoa²° vona
Jalonuzei³¹ muyoa miezueboaxo
Emueta³² moarienoalatoa³³
Las ozaole roseva mievalo
Vabiejuzei³° muebeitoas exa nayue
Ya maoyruzei lajuelazao*
Muyoas are muezeitoa beisie ayue
Miebasoriekezoª zierayoa lavi
Zueloasie reserobazao°
Zuyroa jueva noleva** mievale bi!
by Maruelonoa Koatoa Riebeiroa
¹¹ raiva (rage)
¹² comemorar, celebrar (to celebrate, to feast)
¹³ perturbar (to disturb)
¹° satisfazer (to satisfy)
²¹ semelhante (similar, alike)
²² tão longe (faraway, so far)
²³ chegar (to arrive, to get to)
²° alcançar (to reach, to achieve)
³¹ motivo (reason, motive)
³² com perseverança (with perseverance)
³³ esforçar-se (to effort, to struggle)
³° vil doença (foul disease)
* contaminar (to defile, to infect)
ª não estristecer-se (not to be sad)
° que conquistou (who conquered)
** corretamente (correctly, right)
Moabuzei munayazoa mirue ota
Como pode uma pessoa alguém invejar / How can a person to envy anyone,
La zorievuzei muezeiloa
E sua raiva acender / and unleash his(her) rage
Moakenazoa yeis elitie ora?
Enquanto que o vencedor celebra? / while the winner celebrates?
Yu nabuyoa zera yu jetaos anoasie
Ao coração muito a conquista alheia / To the heart someone else’s victory a lot
Zeilajeila muenekeiloa
Repetidamente perturba / repeatedly disturbs
Muezeritoa bove jasao Tamatoasie
Mas satisfaz é alegria do Pai / but what satisfies is the Father’s joy
Moaselitoa beitie kuelaxeis ona
Se o ser semelhante vence / If the similar being (neighbor) you overcomes
La zuevara moaxeratoa
E tão longe pode chegar and so far he(she) can reach
Kirao vaji mieseivatazoa vona
Então você também alcança com saúde / then you also achieve healthily
Jalonuzei muyoa miezueboaxo
O motivo para isto entenda / the reason for this, please understand
Emueta moarienoalatoa
Com perseverança se esforçou / with perseverance he(she) struggled
Las ozaole roseva mievalo
E então do mesmo jeito faça / and then, do likewise!
Vabiejuzei muebeitoas exa nayue
Vil doença é, pois, inveja / the envy is a foul disease
Ya maoyruzei lajuelazao
Que às pessoas contamina / that infects other people
Muyoas are muezeitoa beisie ayue
Contra isto está meu conselho / and against this here you are my advice:
Miebasoriekezo zierayoa lavi
Não se entristeça com o sucesso / do not be sad about the success
Zueloasie reserobazao
Do homem que conquistou / of a man who conquered
Zuyroa jueva noleva mievale bi!
Pois por muitos anos corretamente você fará com certeza. / Because for long years you will surely do right.
language / idioma,
língua artificial,
Yuelami sample text
All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.
(Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights)
Yu marievuroa je layxoroa veibuyao zo rosao nuereyoalei ya beiytie mirao vemao. Yu vekarajao jhe ralajao nuerelayoa, la yu lamulei rezavusie anetayoa nuexevoatoa.
(Yu Bemao Jievaotao Zavietasie Neilao Layxokue Mirao)
Yu marievu-roa je layxo-roa veibuyao zo rosao nue-re-yoalei ya beiytie mirao vemao.
The dignity-in and rights-in free and equal they-did-be.born the beings human all
Yu vekara-jao jhe rala-jao nue-relayoa, la yu lamu-lei rezavu-sie
The reason-with and conscience-with the-are.endowed, and the spirit-by brotherhood-of
aneta-yoa nue-xe-voatoa.
one.another-towards they-should-act.
(Yu Bemao Jievaotao Zavieta-sie neilao Layxo-kue Mirao)
the article first declaration-of universal rights-of human
(Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights)
Yu marievuroa je layxoroa veibuyao zo rosao nuereyoalei ya beiytie mirao vemao. Yu vekarajao jhe ralajao nuerelayoa, la yu lamulei rezavusie anetayoa nuexevoatoa.
(Yu Bemao Jievaotao Zavietasie Neilao Layxokue Mirao)
Yu marievu-roa je layxo-roa veibuyao zo rosao nue-re-yoalei ya beiytie mirao vemao.
The dignity-in and rights-in free and equal they-did-be.born the beings human all
Yu vekara-jao jhe rala-jao nue-relayoa, la yu lamu-lei rezavu-sie
The reason-with and conscience-with the-are.endowed, and the spirit-by brotherhood-of
aneta-yoa nue-xe-voatoa.
one.another-towards they-should-act.
(Yu Bemao Jievaotao Zavieta-sie neilao Layxo-kue Mirao)
the article first declaration-of universal rights-of human
language / idioma,
língua artificial,
quinta-feira, 4 de junho de 2009
Dicionário de pronúncia do Gaélico Escocês / Scottish Gaelic Pronunciation Dictionary
Para aqueles que precisam aprender melhor a pronúncia da palavras do gaélico escocês, eis abaixo um link para dois dicionários de pronúncia e também para uma página na internet muito boa sobre discussão de temas relacionados com o Gàidhlig, em especial a fuaimneachadh.
For those who need to improve their pronunciation of Scottish Gaelic words, here you are a link to two pronunciation dictionaries. I also provide you with a link to a website on issues related to Gàidhlig, specially concerning its fuaimneachadh.
Weil ich leider kaputt Deutsch spreche, dann entschuldigen Sie mich bitte für die Fehler in den folgenden Sätzen. Für die, die ihre Aussprache der schottisch-gälishen Sprache zu entwickeln brauchen, schreibe ich hier ein Link zu zwei Aussprachwörterbücher und ich zeige ihnen auch das folgende Link zu einer sehr guten Webseite über Schottish-Gälisch, und besonders sein richtige Aussprache.
For those who need to improve their pronunciation of Scottish Gaelic words, here you are a link to two pronunciation dictionaries. I also provide you with a link to a website on issues related to Gàidhlig, specially concerning its fuaimneachadh.
Weil ich leider kaputt Deutsch spreche, dann entschuldigen Sie mich bitte für die Fehler in den folgenden Sätzen. Für die, die ihre Aussprache der schottisch-gälishen Sprache zu entwickeln brauchen, schreibe ich hier ein Link zu zwei Aussprachwörterbücher und ich zeige ihnen auch das folgende Link zu einer sehr guten Webseite über Schottish-Gälisch, und besonders sein richtige Aussprache.
gaélico escocês,
language / idioma,
scottish gaelic
quarta-feira, 3 de junho de 2009
Zavazaos Eijalaxue
Mijao kueya muebeitoa yu yhelao vusie, zera nuebaneraloa yoa voay yhu areinuroas ojao zaka. Evoalei taveiyanei muerueloarisei yu yhasao vamao yu zuyoa remasao jueva ji vulei lasomazao.
Tamatoaxue burei muerieseishei yu vamue nora vulei lasashao, yeis oaroa muebajitoa mirue eila neyue moalei barelaxao bi. Kinao Tasetuezoayoa kameinoa vusie viena vuexeliereine, vuyoa zuerama yu yhelazei vielanao moariekasoa zaka.
Vuejoniele bena, oma taziemarazei moasie vuekeise, yes anelojao moayoa vuekeite la yu lotajao lamao vaji moayoa vueletes ona. Yu kejienuxue vuzei moabariloa, vuezelozei moabazuevaroas eixa. Yu vemuyoa kueta beitazei vusie atuesa moaseijaloa Takuroa borama!
Talietamoyoa jasashie je navosie je zierasie vukie vuexesajaoroa, moayoas aya nuekeroloa yu aybue vamao vulei lasoatao. Yei Tajievamoayoa moasie bajeli Yasoazei Mexeiyue labeitei vuzei loaraoysayoa zeilao moarieliexeis Evoa, la zuelarieka vuexeyeloas ozaole. Yi anosiroa tanore moasie nuezeitoa ya naybue vusie moayoa vulei rekayuevazao, ya maoyruyoa vamao zuema vuevhote zoteina.
Kova yu koararoa yelasie ayjuzei vusie moariekalei yei Tasabakue zuerosanei zo liematanei boya. Takatalutao moasie roaluzei vuezitoa, la taviexazei moasie zera vuexesanole. Zuemeta baza muebaviele tabeitaos Evoasie yu belayoa voaysie lanivei.
Tamatoaxue burei muerieseishei yu vamue nora vulei lasashao, yeis oaroa muebajitoa mirue eila neyue moalei barelaxao bi. Kinao Tasetuezoayoa kameinoa vusie viena vuexeliereine, vuyoa zuerama yu yhelazei vielanao moariekasoa zaka.
Vuejoniele bena, oma taziemarazei moasie vuekeise, yes anelojao moayoa vuekeite la yu lotajao lamao vaji moayoa vueletes ona. Yu kejienuxue vuzei moabariloa, vuezelozei moabazuevaroas eixa. Yu vemuyoa kueta beitazei vusie atuesa moaseijaloa Takuroa borama!
Talietamoyoa jasashie je navosie je zierasie vukie vuexesajaoroa, moayoas aya nuekeroloa yu aybue vamao vulei lasoatao. Yei Tajievamoayoa moasie bajeli Yasoazei Mexeiyue labeitei vuzei loaraoysayoa zeilao moarieliexeis Evoa, la zuelarieka vuexeyeloas ozaole. Yi anosiroa tanore moasie nuezeitoa ya naybue vusie moayoa vulei rekayuevazao, ya maoyruyoa vamao zuema vuevhote zoteina.
Kova yu koararoa yelasie ayjuzei vusie moariekalei yei Tasabakue zuerosanei zo liematanei boya. Takatalutao moasie roaluzei vuezitoa, la taviexazei moasie zera vuexesanole. Zuemeta baza muebaviele tabeitaos Evoasie yu belayoa voaysie lanivei.
language / idioma,
língua artificial,
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