All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.
(Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights)
Yu marievuroa je layxoroa veibuyao zo rosao nuereyoalei ya beiytie mirao vemao. Yu vekarajao jhe ralajao nuerelayoa, la yu lamulei rezavusie anetayoa nuexevoatoa.
(Yu Bemao Jievaotao Zavietasie Neilao Layxokue Mirao)
Yu marievu-roa je layxo-roa veibuyao zo rosao nue-re-yoalei ya beiytie mirao vemao.
The dignity-in and rights-in free and equal they-did-be.born the beings human all
Yu vekara-jao jhe rala-jao nue-relayoa, la yu lamu-lei rezavu-sie
The reason-with and conscience-with the-are.endowed, and the spirit-by brotherhood-of
aneta-yoa nue-xe-voatoa.
one.another-towards they-should-act.
(Yu Bemao Jievaotao Zavieta-sie neilao Layxo-kue Mirao)
the article first declaration-of universal rights-of human
Marlon muebeitoa yu ajue beisie.
Let's learn a foreign language!
segunda-feira, 8 de junho de 2009
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obrigada pela resposta no post anterior Marlon! quando tiver tempo ligo para ouvir a pronúncia.
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