Sinofên lofamul onudž Vabungula
Oklêd madžog ke so ic fwil mala pratêk deradagu la fjarmagusek su ka. So malaš faleske cifamagte lofamule pro gêmkelam su êndiramêke dimêkal oklam so fagêmlê šalg mislarêm. Fûn so mulu aguglu ka alagê da soske.
So sa bêrebêl alaran i lami fla mojansukan su Brasil le agaponsu, ponsu i pokesum su so, ži diruze su so lafido mala gapûnmo resolo alaran aga. Fûnke onsu su so lami fla Pará (lese kace siêndwa fla Upoja Brasil oklam so mala masa su). De sa alekalam lag i jansa fagêmlê vi so i gapoksumi su so sa do misal.
Larla alara i donûn so fadžumni fla “Šonjaron pro Dirolel su Efamurake Efakele” (ŠDEE, “COAF” onudž Portgula) okam co Dimêkal su Efamurake Donigal (DED, Financil Intelligence Unit – FIU onudž Inglyšgula). Murafalame agaglu ŠDEE da ladesome gezamale su murafa onudž alagên džuasum vi ke kûla mole murafake fabolamil (money laundering) i leglûnmûke efamurasan (terrorist financing) fla Brasil.
Kitura gêmkelam su ŠDEE onudž Inglyšgula, /?set_language=en.
Kalar so fjarmadžuseka la ka janglu da soske, odoe? Ke co dolapak pro fûn.
So lamisum su siêndwa fla Upoja Brasil okam aman Pará. Lag kacul lale janglu ne 40ºC (bares šuvêne Sêlsius, ke eziras acel 104ºF [ubana šuvêne Farenhajt]). Solam ênske lese kace!
So mala mulun sufamke fla jansukan okam jana rapeta masara saj. Ofûmna kaclar masa fla kelapak Sênkanco, rap su tu rapeta lonoêm mufû ži da kacel i dihea sikak mêf magro. Fla kelonêm Bêlkaco tulamke sumi lêmolada lag nûgû i fepûs fjalkalame, zukraplame i karalame. Ke co sol Parasumi faaman “sikaradwûn”. Têlar jansa alcemalile celas tu jansukan pro idošo kaclarke skumêlar su del okam katal sêna hodelar.
So majûla masa la tê sikaradwûn šalg slorêmûn le suzumi su so... So majûla karal rapyn fla momekaras... So nifipê tên dokar dûlmêke cepin i ekarflame okam jêla oko lag fla Para.
So mala mason la Brasília (mojansukan su êndwado su so), ži jadžumlame fla siêndwa su so fwil lese do. So mala enad džumnirê fla dokele jadžumlam, tudž so mala endžu The University of Brasilia (UnB) oklam so džumnirê cifamagnidž larla bana alaran i donûn.
So kenad mulun êndwasaksum su Brasil fla jasinot êndwadon (mojane Nihon) i nimêlas ke so lale la Dimekal Ojadke Ênsumin (DOÊ). So mulu sa lag janasa dotke egêmlal.
So šalar famu siagufan i olarêm mulu fasuseka alagê sisekûlo. So karalan dal gulen nimênolal su nilmûd su so tugac. So ic rogela sagêmrok i rogimêkam i šimona ronûs fla lasolam la famidobên su so. So masa la dokalam le pokesum su so, osokam sa resolo alaran, fla Ularêmke i Lolarêmke halarêm. Sol agele rigeke ronûme lag, dolagu la dolamke Onsu su sol i džumni da Mug su Do.
Marlon muebeitoa yu ajue beisie.
Let's learn a foreign language!
quarta-feira, 5 de novembro de 2008
Vabungula, 2
Jakaeke rapeta masa, bola
I facemes tu misal
Rapaga, la Do jana dokadola
Šalagê nakel rapeta ic mela
Ke co gas edodisal
La emojêl su ka i su karela
Fûmojake janara dal krapdolas
Ifransum fwil gel enkara
Dolapaka da Onsu ka legolas
Ži mulu fasadoke diragula
De co larla inalara
Tudž la fla jaralam žusa rabula!
Osokam lûmfwa arkêl i glûnûl
I la rap su Do lomafe
Mulu mêno doledo dašonûl
Osokam su Donsum lese karap
Mulu imaske tulafe
Tu bolake i afaluke rap!
Co galasê donidale šisul
De fwilar fanabu ka
I enad su tu do sušazel misul
Zelesum dosajde i šalarêmke
De fwilar fileguka
Ži su de šazedal lese farêmke
Tu šisul kafagêprok lefwil oko
La su ka, kral ic sumi
Osakam ifran su de, ži keoko
Pro agulomên gaske karalane
Lemal enad šalasumi
Fla dwajên fûdža tu kenal mojane
Aman su tueku šisul kele
Sakafûsum Kristos Jesus
Sumagul agele
Geni ke De azu su ka dojal
Jalagake mala lesus’
Džûkwal su va amarênag haljal...
"Tara la ka pro tên rika siagufan okam ka mala famu i madžu la so. Dabuna ka mala famu zira siagufan onudž karela mugolan?
So fûnke lesi faleske da karela alagê ekamon. (So sulapak mala falpak famu i lêmolada PHP jazofunifal pro famêlêt fjarmadžuseke pro egêdžusal-gêmkelam su šisum su so. Ke co icera i fjalêgeke egêmkanel la ne so ("for me"). So co mala famu COBOL-jazofunifale larla bêrekol alaran.)
So mala amucalapê ("finish reading") onûn Julami-muadžel okam ka mala madžu la so. Oglûno! Galasê ke jansa pro džumni! Ke co lese grezira alagê gas mugola. So mala afakar i afakic jasi ûndan su ke, i lafirlêm so mulu fjarmadžuseka ke manau la ka. Fûn so frana amuca i džumnirê ke ikir, fwil pro fasavu Inglyšgula lofamul, kral pro vi fabu džumni ke.
Doglarêd! Ka mala famêlêt lese rika i golamake mugola! Vajgule, ka sa golamake gêmlarf! Fidona ke so fwil dal amuca Portugesgula. Vabungula ic lese grezira gas mugola! Dogarêd ikir!
So kra mala famu zira siagufan ke tên okam so mala madžu la ka. So is mala famu onudž Portugesgula. So nifa lese tomike, galic dalime pro falon muge vi famêlêt rigeifale (rhymes) larla gulente launile su so. Ju sunimûd su so, otêkûlone (stanzas) su siagufa ûndan le laf šazel okam frana mulun dogas efaloke.
So gêl fwil mala džum su ka alagê džumniûne su Yulami. Dabuna ka fûngi mala madžu alagê su ke la so?"
Jakaeke rapeta masa, bola
I facemes tu misal
Rapaga, la Do jana dokadola
Šalagê nakel rapeta ic mela
Ke co gas edodisal
La emojêl su ka i su karela
Fûmojake janara dal krapdolas
Ifransum fwil gel enkara
Dolapaka da Onsu ka legolas
Ži mulu fasadoke diragula
De co larla inalara
Tudž la fla jaralam žusa rabula!
Osokam lûmfwa arkêl i glûnûl
I la rap su Do lomafe
Mulu mêno doledo dašonûl
Osokam su Donsum lese karap
Mulu imaske tulafe
Tu bolake i afaluke rap!
Co galasê donidale šisul
De fwilar fanabu ka
I enad su tu do sušazel misul
Zelesum dosajde i šalarêmke
De fwilar fileguka
Ži su de šazedal lese farêmke
Tu šisul kafagêprok lefwil oko
La su ka, kral ic sumi
Osakam ifran su de, ži keoko
Pro agulomên gaske karalane
Lemal enad šalasumi
Fla dwajên fûdža tu kenal mojane
Aman su tueku šisul kele
Sakafûsum Kristos Jesus
Sumagul agele
Geni ke De azu su ka dojal
Jalagake mala lesus’
Džûkwal su va amarênag haljal...
"Tara la ka pro tên rika siagufan okam ka mala famu i madžu la so. Dabuna ka mala famu zira siagufan onudž karela mugolan?
So fûnke lesi faleske da karela alagê ekamon. (So sulapak mala falpak famu i lêmolada PHP jazofunifal pro famêlêt fjarmadžuseke pro egêdžusal-gêmkelam su šisum su so. Ke co icera i fjalêgeke egêmkanel la ne so ("for me"). So co mala famu COBOL-jazofunifale larla bêrekol alaran.)
So mala amucalapê ("finish reading") onûn Julami-muadžel okam ka mala madžu la so. Oglûno! Galasê ke jansa pro džumni! Ke co lese grezira alagê gas mugola. So mala afakar i afakic jasi ûndan su ke, i lafirlêm so mulu fjarmadžuseka ke manau la ka. Fûn so frana amuca i džumnirê ke ikir, fwil pro fasavu Inglyšgula lofamul, kral pro vi fabu džumni ke.
Doglarêd! Ka mala famêlêt lese rika i golamake mugola! Vajgule, ka sa golamake gêmlarf! Fidona ke so fwil dal amuca Portugesgula. Vabungula ic lese grezira gas mugola! Dogarêd ikir!
So kra mala famu zira siagufan ke tên okam so mala madžu la ka. So is mala famu onudž Portugesgula. So nifa lese tomike, galic dalime pro falon muge vi famêlêt rigeifale (rhymes) larla gulente launile su so. Ju sunimûd su so, otêkûlone (stanzas) su siagufa ûndan le laf šazel okam frana mulun dogas efaloke.
So gêl fwil mala džum su ka alagê džumniûne su Yulami. Dabuna ka fûngi mala madžu alagê su ke la so?"
(português / Portuguese )
Vabungula é uma língua artificial criada pelo americano Bill Price que mora atualmente na Califórnia. É interessante, bonita e fácil pois sua gramática segue os molders da gramática da língua inglesa. Este é o site oficial:
(inglês / English)
Vabungula is an artificial language created by Bill Price, an American who presently lives in California (USA). It is an interesiting and beautiful language. It is also quite easy, because its grammar is alike the English language grammar. This is the official Vabungula's website:
Vabungula nûsk mugola famêlêtke onudž Bill Price, co Amerikasum osokam fûnlar lami fla California (fla Ojadke Siêndwa su Amerika, OSA). Ke golamake i rigeke i lea mugola, ži muadžel su ke zira ke Inglyšgula muadžel. Tu co dikar gêmkelam su ke:
Gatazei nugilao mubeit Vabugulao Bill Price-lei relorisao. Rativeiboazei rotiesa Galievonyaroa rasomazei moabeit. Gatazei gixao, layao, lexitao zie mubeit Vabugulao, yus ajeluy boagisie mubit ajelu musie exa. gotazei maobejis eilurao mubeit ojao:
(Deutsch / German / alemão)
Vabungula ist eine Plansprache, die von Bill Price, der heutzutag in Kalifornia (Amerika) wohnt, geschaffen worden ist. Sie ist eine interessante und schöne Sprache. Die ist auch sehr leicht, denn ist ihre Grammatik ähnlich zu der englischen Grammatik. Dies ist die offizielle Webseite des Vabungulas:
Textos em vabungula
Some texts in Vabungula
Lofamule onudž Vabungula
Gaylao Vabugulalei
Texten auf Vabungula
Glam, zel*!
Hello buddy!
Kameke ka? Kam ka falê fûnke? Ži so frana fali ke, tudž so mulu famu jamugûne onudž Vabungula, i oklêd afakar so...
How are you? What do you do recently? Because of I must practice, then I will write sentences in Vangunla, and please correct me...
Oko kamu ka gêl fwil mala deradagu fjarmagusek su so? So gel sajdi dosajde... Dabuna ka nigo ke so fûngi mala fabu cifamag alagê su Dosedo la fla nûsk mugola su soco, okam aman Julami (rudarêl 3)? So mala lonoêm cifamag Dojcernim su Joanes (ke lese golamake!).
What on earth have you not replied my email yet? I am still waiting patiently... Do you know that I already tried to translate something of the Bible into my own artificial language, that is called Yulami (stress 3)? I began to translate the Gospel of John (it’s very interesting!).
So gaske šafad tu mugola su ka, isa so (ke dosa pro agumu tugac) šien ke su so. Ka mala famêlic ke rika, ži Vabungula sa fizerapule su alagê gas mugolan, gegre rigeke i dogas faludže ju sunimûlam su so. Ke grezira mugolan su Afrika ir Indonêsia. So nimûd ke ka leske dodi fûn ke ka sa lesum pro agula (co fjarmadžuseka) fla Vabungula. Doglarêd!
I really like this language of yours, but I (it’s better to pronounce this way) prefer mine. You have created it beutifully, for Vabungula has irregularities of some real languages, it sounds pretty and works well in my opinion. It looks like a language from Africa or Indonesia. I think you are quite happy now that you have a partner to speak (that is, to email) in Vabungula. Congratulations!
Eranole (kalafe so mfa lapakêm tu madžagul?),
Regards (how should I finish this message?),
Marlon Ribeiro
Famêlêtsum su Julami
Creator of Yulami
* Tu icera mug okam masa su mug “zelesum” i kêm kagan “šisum”.
*This is a new word that comes from the word “comrade” and may mean “friend”, “buddy”.
Sinofên siagufa onudž Vabungula...
(12) Koma dotke gnudal larlana tu misal!
(9) Fûmun gezado fre mihulin!
(12) Têlar ofûmna dotnêl del, su ka komal,
(12) Mêno doledo fadan su nilmûd ojano!
(9) Šorki fu icemes fla muhulin!
(12) Kirake la tu jêndwa agula erano.
A short poem in Vabungula
(nûgû cifamag, a rough translation)
Fly as high as you can during this life!
Quickly rise throuth the clouds!
Then when above them is your flight,
Feel the wonderful freeing of the soul great!
Smell the air fresh in the skies!
After, to this world say goodbye.
by Marlon Ribeiro
Glamis, Marlon,
Hello, Marlon
So fatara ka da leuma fjarmaguseke su ka, i da tun agludale su misal su ka fla
I thank you about your previous e-mails, and about these descriptions of your life
Brasil. Gres ke ka sa lese golamake misal. So ic bela ke ka ke fûmun i dogas
in Brazil. It seems that you have a very interesting life. I am also amazed that so quickly
mala džumni famu onudž Vabungula! Ka co leaca lese donig sum. So lese klego
and well have learnt how to write in Vabungula! You are surely a smart guy. I much doubt
da obuna so cu dal džumni Yulami ke fûmun i lemuke ke ka mala džumni Vbgl.
if I could learn Yulami as fast and fluently as you have learnt Vabungula.
Odapro Nihongula i Džungwogula, ketudž so mokrale šien Džungwogula. Ju
Concerning Japanese and Chinese, then I rather prefer Chinese. According to
sunimûd su so, Džungwogula co lofape janglu lea pro džumni, buna fadžofini
my opinion, Chinese is basically more easy to learn if you ignore these
bêlê leaca mojane arkêle, co famun-enelal i agumul. (Ka co oni mala lavajgu
two obvious main dificulties, namely the writing system and the pronunciation. (know that you have
tun bêlê arkêle!) Is buna dal lûmfwa tun bêlê arkêle, ketudž damuckas ke
mentioned these two dificulties!). but if you can overcome these two dificulties, then results that
Džungwogula co ono su janasa fepûs i lea mugolan fla jêndwa, fwil sate alagê
Chinese itself is one of the most simple and easy languages in the world, without having anything
su tun muadželke arkêle okam galasê fla jansa Europake i karela mugolan (i gi
of these grammatical problems that there are in many European and other languages (and
alekamja (to a certain extent) Nihongula) kerf kamuimkel (declension),
even to a certain extent Japanese) such as declension,
gezmuimkel (conjugation), muabul (mood), muagapol (gender), mulodon
conjugation, mood, gender, number singular/plural
(number singular/plural), gezmular (tense) i.k.t. So ic nimûd ke Džungwogula ic
tense etc. I also think that Chinese is also a
lese rika i rigeke mugola (buna ogulake onudž karlomuke agumul).
very beautiful and soundful (if it is spoken in standard pronunciation).
So ic fatara ka ži da icera muge su Vabungula okam ka mala famêlêt. So flêmis
I also thank you because of the new words of Vabungula that you have created. I however
mala famêkar jasi su ke, ju kitura:
have replaced a few of them, as follows:
Fûngi oni galasê mug pro “capital city”, co “dirasolam”. (So njal ke so mala
Already know that there is a word for “capital city” that is “dirasolam”. (I notice that I have
fikaralon falonmu (spell) Inglyšgula cifamagal su ke fla mugsekûl – mfa jê
incorrectly spelled that English translation of it in the dictionary – it should be
“capital” i fwil “capitol” – i so umalarêm mala afakar tu faufwil). Is mug
“capital” and no “capitol” – and I yesterday have corrected this mistake). But the word
“dirasolam” dal kag fwil oko “jansukan” kral ic malagê karela solam okam dal
“dirasolam” can mean not only “city” but also any other place that can
njamufalga kef solam olam diran dirala la ne alagê lasodir su del, i tudž so mala
function as a place where leaders exercise authority over some domain of them, and so I’ve
njarka ke famêlêt icera mug “dirasukan” okam prako kag “jansukan okam
decided to create the new word “dirasukan” that specifically means “city that
njamufalga kef dirasolam”.
serve as a headquarter”.
Pro “fadžumnil = intern” so mala lesi famêkar ke zal “fagêdžumnil”, ži pro
As for “fadžumnil = intern” I have slightly changed it into “fagêdžumnil”, because for
agepen su so, tu vomugûn “fa” vo “džumni” janglu kag alagê kerf “damuce ke
my ears, this prefix “fa” in front of “džumni” more means something as “to cause that
alasum džumni alagê” neko “zelar fagêmlê i džumni”. Tudž so šien džufe tu “gê”
cause that someone learn something” instead of “simultan. work and learn”. So I prefer to
ta vomugûn “fa”.
insert this “gê” behind the prefix “fa”.
Oda mug “efamuras” = “to finance”, ketudž flêmis kamug “efamura” leke kag
Regarding the word “efamuras”, so however the noun “efamura” indeed mean
“finance”, i fla Vabungula leke dal famêlêt gezmug onudž ladzujan “s”, is
“finance”, and in Vabungula indeed you can create a verb by adding “s”, but the
gezmug “finance” fla Inglyšgula kag “džûlasa murafa pro alagê il alasum”, co
verb “finance” in English means “to provide money for something or someone”, that is
edasa nimûlgû su “džûmban”, i tudž so mala famêkar “efamuras” zal
has to do with the idea of giving, and so I have changed “efamuras” into
“džûmura”. So nimûd ke “efamuras” janglu imavados pro nimûlgû su “engage
“džûmura”. I think that “efamuras” is more apropriate for the idea of “engage
in financial matters”.
in financial matters.”
Pro mug “tourist” so cu šien “alcemasum”, ži janasal su Vabungula muge pro
For the Word “tourist” I would prefer “alcemasum”, because mostly in Vabungula words for
sumi co sa tamugûn “sum”. “Džumnil” i “džûmnil” co cenela agasê muge okam
people themselves have the suffix “sum”. “Džumnil” and “džûmnil” are relatively old words
fwil lese dikadûlke.
that aren’t much standard.
“Karalam” co do mug, i ke co ileco fûngi jêla fla mugsekûl.
”karalam” is a good word, and it moreover already existis in the dictionary.
So karkenim šimonû i onûn fakarno gekare icera muge, co “alekalam”,
I on the other hand like and completely accept the left new words, i.e.
“gapoksumi”, “zukraplam”, ‘nimêlas”, i so mulu famu mna su ke la fla
“Geschwister”, “Kneipe/Lokal”, “sicher sein”, and I will write all of this into
Vabungula-Inglyšgula mugsekûl.
the Vabungula-Inglyšgula dictionary.
Kalar janglu su so…
Later more of me...
Eranole su “zel” su ka fla Kalifornia.
regards from your buddy in California.
Vabungula é uma língua artificial criada pelo americano Bill Price que mora atualmente na Califórnia. É interessante, bonita e fácil pois sua gramática segue os molders da gramática da língua inglesa. Este é o site oficial:
(inglês / English)
Vabungula is an artificial language created by Bill Price, an American who presently lives in California (USA). It is an interesiting and beautiful language. It is also quite easy, because its grammar is alike the English language grammar. This is the official Vabungula's website:
Vabungula nûsk mugola famêlêtke onudž Bill Price, co Amerikasum osokam fûnlar lami fla California (fla Ojadke Siêndwa su Amerika, OSA). Ke golamake i rigeke i lea mugola, ži muadžel su ke zira ke Inglyšgula muadžel. Tu co dikar gêmkelam su ke:
Gatazei nugilao mubeit Vabugulao Bill Price-lei relorisao. Rativeiboazei rotiesa Galievonyaroa rasomazei moabeit. Gatazei gixao, layao, lexitao zie mubeit Vabugulao, yus ajeluy boagisie mubit ajelu musie exa. gotazei maobejis eilurao mubeit ojao:
(Deutsch / German / alemão)
Vabungula ist eine Plansprache, die von Bill Price, der heutzutag in Kalifornia (Amerika) wohnt, geschaffen worden ist. Sie ist eine interessante und schöne Sprache. Die ist auch sehr leicht, denn ist ihre Grammatik ähnlich zu der englischen Grammatik. Dies ist die offizielle Webseite des Vabungulas:
Textos em vabungula
Some texts in Vabungula
Lofamule onudž Vabungula
Gaylao Vabugulalei
Texten auf Vabungula
Glam, zel*!
Hello buddy!
Kameke ka? Kam ka falê fûnke? Ži so frana fali ke, tudž so mulu famu jamugûne onudž Vabungula, i oklêd afakar so...
How are you? What do you do recently? Because of I must practice, then I will write sentences in Vangunla, and please correct me...
Oko kamu ka gêl fwil mala deradagu fjarmagusek su so? So gel sajdi dosajde... Dabuna ka nigo ke so fûngi mala fabu cifamag alagê su Dosedo la fla nûsk mugola su soco, okam aman Julami (rudarêl 3)? So mala lonoêm cifamag Dojcernim su Joanes (ke lese golamake!).
What on earth have you not replied my email yet? I am still waiting patiently... Do you know that I already tried to translate something of the Bible into my own artificial language, that is called Yulami (stress 3)? I began to translate the Gospel of John (it’s very interesting!).
So gaske šafad tu mugola su ka, isa so (ke dosa pro agumu tugac) šien ke su so. Ka mala famêlic ke rika, ži Vabungula sa fizerapule su alagê gas mugolan, gegre rigeke i dogas faludže ju sunimûlam su so. Ke grezira mugolan su Afrika ir Indonêsia. So nimûd ke ka leske dodi fûn ke ka sa lesum pro agula (co fjarmadžuseka) fla Vabungula. Doglarêd!
I really like this language of yours, but I (it’s better to pronounce this way) prefer mine. You have created it beutifully, for Vabungula has irregularities of some real languages, it sounds pretty and works well in my opinion. It looks like a language from Africa or Indonesia. I think you are quite happy now that you have a partner to speak (that is, to email) in Vabungula. Congratulations!
Eranole (kalafe so mfa lapakêm tu madžagul?),
Regards (how should I finish this message?),
Marlon Ribeiro
Famêlêtsum su Julami
Creator of Yulami
* Tu icera mug okam masa su mug “zelesum” i kêm kagan “šisum”.
*This is a new word that comes from the word “comrade” and may mean “friend”, “buddy”.
Sinofên siagufa onudž Vabungula...
(12) Koma dotke gnudal larlana tu misal!
(9) Fûmun gezado fre mihulin!
(12) Têlar ofûmna dotnêl del, su ka komal,
(12) Mêno doledo fadan su nilmûd ojano!
(9) Šorki fu icemes fla muhulin!
(12) Kirake la tu jêndwa agula erano.
A short poem in Vabungula
(nûgû cifamag, a rough translation)
Fly as high as you can during this life!
Quickly rise throuth the clouds!
Then when above them is your flight,
Feel the wonderful freeing of the soul great!
Smell the air fresh in the skies!
After, to this world say goodbye.
by Marlon Ribeiro
Glamis, Marlon,
Hello, Marlon
So fatara ka da leuma fjarmaguseke su ka, i da tun agludale su misal su ka fla
I thank you about your previous e-mails, and about these descriptions of your life
Brasil. Gres ke ka sa lese golamake misal. So ic bela ke ka ke fûmun i dogas
in Brazil. It seems that you have a very interesting life. I am also amazed that so quickly
mala džumni famu onudž Vabungula! Ka co leaca lese donig sum. So lese klego
and well have learnt how to write in Vabungula! You are surely a smart guy. I much doubt
da obuna so cu dal džumni Yulami ke fûmun i lemuke ke ka mala džumni Vbgl.
if I could learn Yulami as fast and fluently as you have learnt Vabungula.
Odapro Nihongula i Džungwogula, ketudž so mokrale šien Džungwogula. Ju
Concerning Japanese and Chinese, then I rather prefer Chinese. According to
sunimûd su so, Džungwogula co lofape janglu lea pro džumni, buna fadžofini
my opinion, Chinese is basically more easy to learn if you ignore these
bêlê leaca mojane arkêle, co famun-enelal i agumul. (Ka co oni mala lavajgu
two obvious main dificulties, namely the writing system and the pronunciation. (know that you have
tun bêlê arkêle!) Is buna dal lûmfwa tun bêlê arkêle, ketudž damuckas ke
mentioned these two dificulties!). but if you can overcome these two dificulties, then results that
Džungwogula co ono su janasa fepûs i lea mugolan fla jêndwa, fwil sate alagê
Chinese itself is one of the most simple and easy languages in the world, without having anything
su tun muadželke arkêle okam galasê fla jansa Europake i karela mugolan (i gi
of these grammatical problems that there are in many European and other languages (and
alekamja (to a certain extent) Nihongula) kerf kamuimkel (declension),
even to a certain extent Japanese) such as declension,
gezmuimkel (conjugation), muabul (mood), muagapol (gender), mulodon
conjugation, mood, gender, number singular/plural
(number singular/plural), gezmular (tense) i.k.t. So ic nimûd ke Džungwogula ic
tense etc. I also think that Chinese is also a
lese rika i rigeke mugola (buna ogulake onudž karlomuke agumul).
very beautiful and soundful (if it is spoken in standard pronunciation).
So ic fatara ka ži da icera muge su Vabungula okam ka mala famêlêt. So flêmis
I also thank you because of the new words of Vabungula that you have created. I however
mala famêkar jasi su ke, ju kitura:
have replaced a few of them, as follows:
Fûngi oni galasê mug pro “capital city”, co “dirasolam”. (So njal ke so mala
Already know that there is a word for “capital city” that is “dirasolam”. (I notice that I have
fikaralon falonmu (spell) Inglyšgula cifamagal su ke fla mugsekûl – mfa jê
incorrectly spelled that English translation of it in the dictionary – it should be
“capital” i fwil “capitol” – i so umalarêm mala afakar tu faufwil). Is mug
“capital” and no “capitol” – and I yesterday have corrected this mistake). But the word
“dirasolam” dal kag fwil oko “jansukan” kral ic malagê karela solam okam dal
“dirasolam” can mean not only “city” but also any other place that can
njamufalga kef solam olam diran dirala la ne alagê lasodir su del, i tudž so mala
function as a place where leaders exercise authority over some domain of them, and so I’ve
njarka ke famêlêt icera mug “dirasukan” okam prako kag “jansukan okam
decided to create the new word “dirasukan” that specifically means “city that
njamufalga kef dirasolam”.
serve as a headquarter”.
Pro “fadžumnil = intern” so mala lesi famêkar ke zal “fagêdžumnil”, ži pro
As for “fadžumnil = intern” I have slightly changed it into “fagêdžumnil”, because for
agepen su so, tu vomugûn “fa” vo “džumni” janglu kag alagê kerf “damuce ke
my ears, this prefix “fa” in front of “džumni” more means something as “to cause that
alasum džumni alagê” neko “zelar fagêmlê i džumni”. Tudž so šien džufe tu “gê”
cause that someone learn something” instead of “simultan. work and learn”. So I prefer to
ta vomugûn “fa”.
insert this “gê” behind the prefix “fa”.
Oda mug “efamuras” = “to finance”, ketudž flêmis kamug “efamura” leke kag
Regarding the word “efamuras”, so however the noun “efamura” indeed mean
“finance”, i fla Vabungula leke dal famêlêt gezmug onudž ladzujan “s”, is
“finance”, and in Vabungula indeed you can create a verb by adding “s”, but the
gezmug “finance” fla Inglyšgula kag “džûlasa murafa pro alagê il alasum”, co
verb “finance” in English means “to provide money for something or someone”, that is
edasa nimûlgû su “džûmban”, i tudž so mala famêkar “efamuras” zal
has to do with the idea of giving, and so I have changed “efamuras” into
“džûmura”. So nimûd ke “efamuras” janglu imavados pro nimûlgû su “engage
“džûmura”. I think that “efamuras” is more apropriate for the idea of “engage
in financial matters”.
in financial matters.”
Pro mug “tourist” so cu šien “alcemasum”, ži janasal su Vabungula muge pro
For the Word “tourist” I would prefer “alcemasum”, because mostly in Vabungula words for
sumi co sa tamugûn “sum”. “Džumnil” i “džûmnil” co cenela agasê muge okam
people themselves have the suffix “sum”. “Džumnil” and “džûmnil” are relatively old words
fwil lese dikadûlke.
that aren’t much standard.
“Karalam” co do mug, i ke co ileco fûngi jêla fla mugsekûl.
”karalam” is a good word, and it moreover already existis in the dictionary.
So karkenim šimonû i onûn fakarno gekare icera muge, co “alekalam”,
I on the other hand like and completely accept the left new words, i.e.
“gapoksumi”, “zukraplam”, ‘nimêlas”, i so mulu famu mna su ke la fla
“Geschwister”, “Kneipe/Lokal”, “sicher sein”, and I will write all of this into
Vabungula-Inglyšgula mugsekûl.
the Vabungula-Inglyšgula dictionary.
Kalar janglu su so…
Later more of me...
Eranole su “zel” su ka fla Kalifornia.
regards from your buddy in California.
quarta-feira, 10 de setembro de 2008
Um pouco de Albanês (Shqip)
Gjuha sqipe – The Albanian Language
Përshëndetjet – The Greeting
Tungjatjeta - Hello!
Mirëmëngjes - Good morning!
Mirëdita - Good afternoon!
Ditën e mirë - Have a nice day!
Mirëmbrëma - Good evening!
Natën e mirë - Good night!
Mirupafshim - Good bye!
Lamtumirë - Farewell!
Si jeni? - How are you? How do you do?
Shumë mirë - Very well!
Falemnderit - Thank you!
Zana - Tungjatjeta! (Hello, how are you?)
Marini - Tungjatjeta! (Hello, how are you?)
Zana - Unë jam shqiptare. Më quajnë Zana Kodra. Po ju kush jeni, ju lutem? (I am an Albanian. My name is Zana Kodra. What is your name, please?)
Marini - Unë jam shqiptar. Më quajnë Marin Drini. (I am an Albanian. My name is Marin Drini)
Zana - Po ai kush është? (And who is he?)
Marini - Ai është amerikan, e quajnë Xhon Smith. (He is an American, his name is John Smith).
Zana - Po ajo amerikane është? (Is she an American as well?)
Marini - Po, edhe ajo është amerikane, e quajnë Ana Graham. (Yes, she is an American too, her name is Anna Graham)
Zana - Po ata kush janë? (And who are they?)
Marini - Ata janë anglezë. (They are English)
Ana: Tungjatjeta! (How are you?)
Xhon: Tungjatjeta! (How are you?)
Ana: Ju jeni anglez? (Are you English?)
Xhon: Jo, unë nuk jam anglez, jam amerikan. Më quajnë Xhon Smith. (No, I am not English, I am American. My name is John Smith.)
Po ju, amerikane jeni? (What about you, are you American?)
Ana: Po, edhe unë amerikane jam. Më quajnë Ana Graham. (Yes, I am an American as well. My name is Anna Graham.)
bir - son
gjuhë - language
zjanë - girl
mal - mountain
muaj - month
Bibël - Bible
Pedëndi - God
përkthim - translation
përkthyes - translator
fjalor - dictionary
Jezus Krishti - Jesus Christ
Përshëndetjet – The Greeting
Tungjatjeta - Hello!
Mirëmëngjes - Good morning!
Mirëdita - Good afternoon!
Ditën e mirë - Have a nice day!
Mirëmbrëma - Good evening!
Natën e mirë - Good night!
Mirupafshim - Good bye!
Lamtumirë - Farewell!
Si jeni? - How are you? How do you do?
Shumë mirë - Very well!
Falemnderit - Thank you!
Zana - Tungjatjeta! (Hello, how are you?)
Marini - Tungjatjeta! (Hello, how are you?)
Zana - Unë jam shqiptare. Më quajnë Zana Kodra. Po ju kush jeni, ju lutem? (I am an Albanian. My name is Zana Kodra. What is your name, please?)
Marini - Unë jam shqiptar. Më quajnë Marin Drini. (I am an Albanian. My name is Marin Drini)
Zana - Po ai kush është? (And who is he?)
Marini - Ai është amerikan, e quajnë Xhon Smith. (He is an American, his name is John Smith).
Zana - Po ajo amerikane është? (Is she an American as well?)
Marini - Po, edhe ajo është amerikane, e quajnë Ana Graham. (Yes, she is an American too, her name is Anna Graham)
Zana - Po ata kush janë? (And who are they?)
Marini - Ata janë anglezë. (They are English)
Ana: Tungjatjeta! (How are you?)
Xhon: Tungjatjeta! (How are you?)
Ana: Ju jeni anglez? (Are you English?)
Xhon: Jo, unë nuk jam anglez, jam amerikan. Më quajnë Xhon Smith. (No, I am not English, I am American. My name is John Smith.)
Po ju, amerikane jeni? (What about you, are you American?)
Ana: Po, edhe unë amerikane jam. Më quajnë Ana Graham. (Yes, I am an American as well. My name is Anna Graham.)
bir - son
gjuhë - language
zjanë - girl
mal - mountain
muaj - month
Bibël - Bible
Pedëndi - God
përkthim - translation
përkthyes - translator
fjalor - dictionary
Jezus Krishti - Jesus Christ
terça-feira, 9 de setembro de 2008
Palavras em 12 idiomas
1. PORTUGUÊS dicionário
2. FRANCÊS (français) dictionnaire
3. INGLÊS (English) dictionary
4. ALEMÃO (Deutsch) Wörterbuch
5. JAPONÊS (nihongo) jiten
6. POLONÊS (polski) słownik
7. FINLANDÊS (suomi) sanakirja
8. SUECO (svenska) ordbok
9. ÁRABE (al´arabiyya) qaamuus
10. GAÉLICO (Gàidhlig) faclair
11. LITUANO (lietivių) žodynas
12. HAVAIANO ('ôlelo hawai'i) puke wehewehe
FRANCÊS (français) langue
INGLÊS (English) language
ALEMÃO (Deutsch) Sprache
JAPONÊS (nihongo) kotoba
POLONÊS (polski) język
FINLANDÊS (suomi) kieli
SUECO (svenska) sprak
ÁRABE (al´arabiyya) lugha
LITUANO (lietivių) kalbų
HAVAIANO ('ôlelo hawai'i) 'ôlelo
PORTUGUÊS tradução
FRANCÊS (français) traduction
INGLÊS (English) translation
ALEMÃO (Deutsch) Übersetzung
JAPONÊS (nihongo) hon'yaku
POLONÊS (polski) przeklad
FINLANDÊS (suomi) käännös
SUECO (svenska) översättning
ÁRABE (al´arabiyya) tarjama
GAÉLICO (Gàidhlig)
LITUANO (lietivių) vertimas
HAVAIANO ('ôlelo hawai'i) unuhi
FRANCÊS (français) Dieu
INGLÊS (English) God
ALEMÃO (Deutsch) Gott
JAPONÊS (nihongo) Kami
POLONÊS (polski) Bóg
FINLANDÊS (suomi) Jumala
SUECO (svenska) Gud
ÁRABE (al´arabiyya) Allah
GAÉLICO (Gàidhlig) Dia
LITUANO (lietivių) Dievas
HAVAIANO ('ôlelo hawai'i) Akua
FRANCÊS (français) Bible
INGLÊS (English) Bible
ALEMÃO (Deutsch) Bibel
JAPONÊS (nihongo) Seisho
POLONÊS (polski) Biblia
FINLANDÊS (suomi) Raamattu
SUECO (svenska) Bibel
ÁRABE (al´arabiyya) Alkitaab almuqadis
LITUANO (lietivių) Biblija
HAVAIANO ('ôlelo hawai'i) Paipala
2. FRANCÊS (français) dictionnaire
3. INGLÊS (English) dictionary
4. ALEMÃO (Deutsch) Wörterbuch
5. JAPONÊS (nihongo) jiten
6. POLONÊS (polski) słownik
7. FINLANDÊS (suomi) sanakirja
8. SUECO (svenska) ordbok
9. ÁRABE (al´arabiyya) qaamuus
10. GAÉLICO (Gàidhlig) faclair
11. LITUANO (lietivių) žodynas
12. HAVAIANO ('ôlelo hawai'i) puke wehewehe
FRANCÊS (français) langue
INGLÊS (English) language
ALEMÃO (Deutsch) Sprache
JAPONÊS (nihongo) kotoba
POLONÊS (polski) język
FINLANDÊS (suomi) kieli
SUECO (svenska) sprak
ÁRABE (al´arabiyya) lugha
LITUANO (lietivių) kalbų
HAVAIANO ('ôlelo hawai'i) 'ôlelo
PORTUGUÊS tradução
FRANCÊS (français) traduction
INGLÊS (English) translation
ALEMÃO (Deutsch) Übersetzung
JAPONÊS (nihongo) hon'yaku
POLONÊS (polski) przeklad
FINLANDÊS (suomi) käännös
SUECO (svenska) översättning
ÁRABE (al´arabiyya) tarjama
GAÉLICO (Gàidhlig)
LITUANO (lietivių) vertimas
HAVAIANO ('ôlelo hawai'i) unuhi
FRANCÊS (français) Dieu
INGLÊS (English) God
ALEMÃO (Deutsch) Gott
JAPONÊS (nihongo) Kami
POLONÊS (polski) Bóg
FINLANDÊS (suomi) Jumala
SUECO (svenska) Gud
ÁRABE (al´arabiyya) Allah
GAÉLICO (Gàidhlig) Dia
LITUANO (lietivių) Dievas
HAVAIANO ('ôlelo hawai'i) Akua
FRANCÊS (français) Bible
INGLÊS (English) Bible
ALEMÃO (Deutsch) Bibel
JAPONÊS (nihongo) Seisho
POLONÊS (polski) Biblia
FINLANDÊS (suomi) Raamattu
SUECO (svenska) Bibel
ÁRABE (al´arabiyya) Alkitaab almuqadis
LITUANO (lietivių) Biblija
HAVAIANO ('ôlelo hawai'i) Paipala
12 Palavras em Kayapó / 12 Kayapo Wörter / 12 Kayapo Words
A língua kayapó (ou "caiapó", "cayapó", "kaiapó") faz parte do tronco jê. É falado por índios ao norte de Mato Grosso e no sul do Pará. Há alguns subgrupos e mudanças dialetais de uma tribo kayapó para outra. Em Redenção (sul do Pará, onde eu morava!), convivemos com vários índios kayapó no dia-a-dia. É muito comum as pessoas saberem algumas palavras ou mesmo frases em kayapó devido a este contato.
1. i-kran
2. i-ñoto
kotoba, gengo
3. i-ntó
me, gan-
4. i-nikra
te, shu-
5. ngo
mizu, sui-
6. kuwú
hi, honoo
7. mut
hi, taiyou
8. dzyuzyé
9. róp
10. kukrot
11. pudi
ichi, hitotsu
12. amaikrut
ni, futatsu
1. i-kran
2. i-ñoto
kotoba, gengo
3. i-ntó
me, gan-
4. i-nikra
te, shu-
5. ngo
mizu, sui-
6. kuwú
hi, honoo
7. mut
hi, taiyou
8. dzyuzyé
9. róp
10. kukrot
11. pudi
ichi, hitotsu
12. amaikrut
ni, futatsu
sexta-feira, 5 de setembro de 2008
Um história para auto-reflexão
Os japoneses sempre adoraram peixe fresco. Porém as águas perto do Japão não
produzem muitos peixes há décadas. Assim, para alimentar a sua população, os
> japoneses aumentaram o tamanho dos navios pesqueiros e começaram a pescar
> mais longe do que nunca. Quanto mais longe os pescadores iam, mais tempo
> levava para o peixe chegar. Se a viagem de volta levasse mais do que alguns
> dias, o peixe já não era mais fresco.
> E os japoneses não gostaram do gosto destes peixes. Para resolver este
> problema as empresas de pesca instalaram congeladores em seus barcos.
> Eles pescavam e congelavam os peixes em alto-mar. Os congeladores permitiram
> que os pesqueiros fossem mais longe e ficassem em alto mar por muito mais
> tempo.
> Entretanto, os japoneses conseguiram notar a diferença entre peixe fresco e
> peixe congelado, e é claro, eles não gostaram do peixe congelado.
> Entretanto, o peixe congelado tornou os preços mais baixos. Então as
> empresas de pesca instalaram tanques de peixe nos navios pesqueiros.
> Eles podiam pescar e enfiar esses peixes nos tanques, "como sardinhas".
> Depois de certo tempo, pela falta de espaço, eles paravam de se debater e
> não se moviam mais.
> Eles chegavam cansados e abatidos, porém, vivos.
> Infelizmente, os japoneses ainda podiam notar a diferença do gosto.
> Por não se mexerem por dias, os peixes perdiam o gosto de frescor. Os
> japoneses preferiam o gosto de peixe fresco e não o gosto de peixe apático.
> Então, como os japoneses resolveram este problema? Como eles conseguiram
> trazer ao Japão peixes com gosto de puro frescor?
> Se você estivesse dando consultoria para a empresa de pesca, o que você
> recomendaria ?
> Quando as pessoas atingem seus objetivos tais como, quando encontram um
> namorado maravilhoso, começam com sucesso numa empresa nova, pagam todas
> suas dívidas ou o que quer que seja, elas podem perder as suas paixões .
> Elas podem começar a pensar que não precisam mais trabalhar tanto, então
> relaxam. Elas passam pelo mesmo problema que os ganhadores de loteria que
> gastam todo seu dinheiro, o mesmo problema de herdeiros que nunca crescem e
> de donas de casa, entediadas, que ficam dependentes de remédios de tarja
> preta.
> Para esses problemas, inclusive no caso dos peixes dos japoneses, a solução
> é bem simples. L. Ron Hubbard observou no começo dos anos 50. "O homem
> progride, estranhamente, somente perante a um ambiente desafiador".
> Quanto mais inteligente, persistente e competitivo você é, mais você gosta
> de um bom problema.
> Se seus desafios estão de um tamanho correto e você consegue, passo a passo,
> conquistar esses desafios, você fica muito feliz. Você pensa em seus
> desafios e se sente com mais energia. Você fica
> excitado em tentar novas soluções.
> Você se diverte. Você fica vivo!
> Para conservar o gosto de peixe fresco, as empresas de pesca japonesas ainda
> colocam os peixes dentro de tanques. Mas, eles também adicionam um pequeno
> tubarão em cada tanque. O tubarão come alguns peixes, mas a maioria dos
> peixes chega "muito vivo". Os peixes são desafiados.
> Portanto, ao invés de evitar desafios, pule dentro deles. Massacre-os.
> Curta o jogo. Se seus desafios são muito grandes e numerosos, não desista.
> Se reorganize! Busque mais determinação, mais conhecimento e mais ajuda.
> Se você alcançou seus objetivos, coloque objetivos maiores. Uma vez que
> suas necessidades pessoais ou familiares forem atingidas, vá de encontro aos
> objetivos do seu grupo, da sociedade e até mesmo da humanidade.
> Crie seu sucesso pessoal e não se acomode nele.
> Você tem recursos, habilidades e destrezas para fazer diferença.
> "Então, ponha um tubarão no seu tanque e veja quão longe você realmente
> pode chegar".
produzem muitos peixes há décadas. Assim, para alimentar a sua população, os
> japoneses aumentaram o tamanho dos navios pesqueiros e começaram a pescar
> mais longe do que nunca. Quanto mais longe os pescadores iam, mais tempo
> levava para o peixe chegar. Se a viagem de volta levasse mais do que alguns
> dias, o peixe já não era mais fresco.
> E os japoneses não gostaram do gosto destes peixes. Para resolver este
> problema as empresas de pesca instalaram congeladores em seus barcos.
> Eles pescavam e congelavam os peixes em alto-mar. Os congeladores permitiram
> que os pesqueiros fossem mais longe e ficassem em alto mar por muito mais
> tempo.
> Entretanto, os japoneses conseguiram notar a diferença entre peixe fresco e
> peixe congelado, e é claro, eles não gostaram do peixe congelado.
> Entretanto, o peixe congelado tornou os preços mais baixos. Então as
> empresas de pesca instalaram tanques de peixe nos navios pesqueiros.
> Eles podiam pescar e enfiar esses peixes nos tanques, "como sardinhas".
> Depois de certo tempo, pela falta de espaço, eles paravam de se debater e
> não se moviam mais.
> Eles chegavam cansados e abatidos, porém, vivos.
> Infelizmente, os japoneses ainda podiam notar a diferença do gosto.
> Por não se mexerem por dias, os peixes perdiam o gosto de frescor. Os
> japoneses preferiam o gosto de peixe fresco e não o gosto de peixe apático.
> Então, como os japoneses resolveram este problema? Como eles conseguiram
> trazer ao Japão peixes com gosto de puro frescor?
> Se você estivesse dando consultoria para a empresa de pesca, o que você
> recomendaria ?
> Quando as pessoas atingem seus objetivos tais como, quando encontram um
> namorado maravilhoso, começam com sucesso numa empresa nova, pagam todas
> suas dívidas ou o que quer que seja, elas podem perder as suas paixões .
> Elas podem começar a pensar que não precisam mais trabalhar tanto, então
> relaxam. Elas passam pelo mesmo problema que os ganhadores de loteria que
> gastam todo seu dinheiro, o mesmo problema de herdeiros que nunca crescem e
> de donas de casa, entediadas, que ficam dependentes de remédios de tarja
> preta.
> Para esses problemas, inclusive no caso dos peixes dos japoneses, a solução
> é bem simples. L. Ron Hubbard observou no começo dos anos 50. "O homem
> progride, estranhamente, somente perante a um ambiente desafiador".
> Quanto mais inteligente, persistente e competitivo você é, mais você gosta
> de um bom problema.
> Se seus desafios estão de um tamanho correto e você consegue, passo a passo,
> conquistar esses desafios, você fica muito feliz. Você pensa em seus
> desafios e se sente com mais energia. Você fica
> excitado em tentar novas soluções.
> Você se diverte. Você fica vivo!
> Para conservar o gosto de peixe fresco, as empresas de pesca japonesas ainda
> colocam os peixes dentro de tanques. Mas, eles também adicionam um pequeno
> tubarão em cada tanque. O tubarão come alguns peixes, mas a maioria dos
> peixes chega "muito vivo". Os peixes são desafiados.
> Portanto, ao invés de evitar desafios, pule dentro deles. Massacre-os.
> Curta o jogo. Se seus desafios são muito grandes e numerosos, não desista.
> Se reorganize! Busque mais determinação, mais conhecimento e mais ajuda.
> Se você alcançou seus objetivos, coloque objetivos maiores. Uma vez que
> suas necessidades pessoais ou familiares forem atingidas, vá de encontro aos
> objetivos do seu grupo, da sociedade e até mesmo da humanidade.
> Crie seu sucesso pessoal e não se acomode nele.
> Você tem recursos, habilidades e destrezas para fazer diferença.
> "Então, ponha um tubarão no seu tanque e veja quão longe você realmente
> pode chegar".
Contadores para numerais e substantivos em Japonês
Muitos destes contadores não são usados mais. Há um grupo de mais ou menos 70 contadores mais necessários para se virar bem na língua japonesa.
character romaji set gloss
1. 雨 ame hito rain
2. アンペア anpea ichi amperes
3. 場 ba hito sections of a play
4. 倍 bai ichi multiples, times as much, duplication
5. 番 ban ichi serial numbers, theatrical performances, Noh, sumo matches, shogi (将棋)
6. 晩 ban hito nights
7. 番地 banchi ichi lot, plot numbers (in address)
8. 番目 banme ichi -ths
9. 番線 bansen ichi track numbers
10. 番手 bante ichi yarn count
11. バーツ bātsu ichi baht, Thai monetary unit
12. 弁 ben ichi flower petals
13. 尾 bi ichi fish
14. 瓶 bin hito bottles (1.8 l), vases of flowers
15. 便 bin ichi public transport runs or flights
16. 木 boku ichi lumber
17. ボルト boruto ichi volts
18. 分 bu ichi tenth part of an equally divided whole; 1/10 of 1%; former unit of length, 3.03mm (3.787mm cloth), 1/10 sun (寸), 0.119 in.; former monetary unit, 1/4 両 (りょう); unit of footwear size, 2.4mm, 1/10 mon (文)
19. 歩 bu ichi unit of sq. measure, 3.3sq m, 36 sq shaku (尺), 1 tsubo (坪), 10 gō (合), 2 jō (畳)
20. 部 bu ichi printed materials, copies, newspapers, sets of books; sections of Kanji dictionaries, scriptures
21. 分 bun ichi fraction, denominators, part
22. 文 bun ichi sentences, novels, writing
23. 秒 byō ichi seconds
24. 着 chaku ichi suits, dresses, trousers; finishing position (race, etc.)
25. 帙 chitsu ichi Japanese-style books (和書 washo)
26. 兆 chō ichi trillions
27. 張 chō ichi bows or stringed instruments; curtains, screens or nets, mosquito nets
28. 町 chō ichi former unit of length, 60 ken (間), 109.0 m; unit of sq measure, 10 tan (段), 99.17 ares
29. 挺 chō ichi long objects: guns (銃 jū), oars, guitars, palanquins, candles, items of cutlery, axes (斧 ono)
30. 提 chō ichi liquor bottles, sake bottles (tokkuri 徳利, chōshi 銚子)
31. 貼 chō ichi powdered medicine (散剤 sanzai)
32. 丁 chō ichi handled objects, carpenters' tools, scissors, pistols, saws, baskets, candles, forks; former unit of length, = 119.16 yards, 360 shaku, 109 m, 60 ken; cakes of tofu, servings (cutlets, noodles...), sheets bound Japanese style; town blocks
33. 丁目 chōme ichi ward, block
34. 打 da ichi hits (baseball?)
35. 駄 da ichi horseloads
36. 朶 da ichi long oblong chest (for clothing): nagamochi (長持); trees
37. 代 dai ichi generations, descendants, reign periods
38. 台 dai ichi vehicles; machines or mechanical devices; pair of skis; sliding ponds; 16-page units in printing, galleys
39. 題 dai ichi questions, problems
40. 弟 dai ichi children, younger brothers ?
41. 弾 dan ichi steps, measures, or stages; shots, bullets
42. 段 dan ichi steps; steps or stages; columns (of print)
43. 段落 danraku ichi paragraphs
44. 打, ダース dāsu ichi dozens
45. 立て date ichi carriage horses or boat oars; films in a multi-feature movie
46. 瓧, デかグラム dekaguramu ichi decagrams (10 grams)
47. 籵, デかメートル dekamētoru ichi decameters (10 meters)
48. 竍, デかリットル dekarittoru ichi decaliters (10 liters)
49. 瓰, デシグラム deshiguramu ichi decigrams (1/10 gram)
50. 粉, デシメートル deshimētoru ichi decimeters (1/10 meter)
51. 竕, デシリットル deshirittoru ichi deciliters (1/10 liter)
52. 度 do ichi number of times; degrees; parts of musical scale
53. 堂 dō ichi Buddhist temples
54. 撮 dori ichi number of shots (pictures) available in a roll of film
55. 弗, ドル doru ichi dollar, $
56. 柄 e ichi halberd, halbert, (なぎなた), kitchen knife, cleaver
57. 重 e hito fold, ply (of garments, cloth)
58. 枝 eda hito flowers, branches
59. 駅 eki hito 1,2 station
60. 園 en ichi kindergartens
61. 円 en ichi yen, ¥, 100 sen (銭)
62. フィート fīto ichi feet (12 inches)
63. 封 fu ichi letters (mail)
64. 筆 fude hito strokes of a brush
65. 幅 fuku ichi scrolls, paintings in scroll form
66. 服 fuku ichi doses/packets of medicine; puffs (of smoke), sips (of tea)
67. 袋 fukuro hito bags, bagfuls, sacks
68. 分 fun ichi minutes; former unit of weight, 0.375g, 1/10 monme (匁)
69. ふね fune hito container of food (as sold in a store)
70. フラン furan ichi franc, French monetary unit
71. 降 furi hito rain
72. 振 furi hito Japanese swords, halberds (naginata)
73. 房 fusa hito bunches (grapes, bananas)
74. 蓋 gai ichi lid-shaped objects such as bamboo hats (kasa 笠)
75. 学期 gakki ichi terms, semesters
76. 学年 gakunen ichi school years
77. ガロン garon ichi gallons
78. 月 gatsu ichi month names
79. ゲーム gēmu ichi games (bowling)
80. 弦 gen ichi strings (chords)
81. 元, ゲン gen ichi gen, Chinese monetary unit
82. 原子 genshi ichi number of atoms
83. 語 go ichi words, languages
84. 号 gō ichi No., number, issue; dress size
85. 合 gō ichi engagements, esp in fencing matches; lidded utensils or receptacles, incense containers (香合 kōgō; former unit of sq measure, 1/10 tsubo (坪), 10 shaku (勺), 0.330 ㎡; unit of capacity, 1/10 shō (升), 10 shaku (勺), 0.180 l; 1/10 the height of a given mountain
86. 盒 gō ichi incense containers (香合 kōgō)
87. 言 gon ichi words or letters
88. 号車 gōsha ichi train car numbers
89. 具 gu ichi sets of articles, as suits of armor, prayer beads (数珠 juzu), palanquin (駕籠 kago)
90. 瓦, グラム guramu ichi grams
91. グロス gurosu ichi gross (12 dozen), e.g. penpoints
92. 行 gyō ichi lines (of print, etc.)
93. 波 ha hito events occurring in waves
94. 葉 ha hito leaves (of a tree)
95. 鉢 hachi hito potted plants, bonsai pots
96. 敗 hai ichi defeats
97. 杯 hai ichi glassfuls, cupfuls, bowlfuls, spoonfuls, containersful, drinks; squid, octopi, cuttlefish; ships
98. 箱 hako hito boxes, boxfuls
99. 拍 haku ichi beats, number of syllables in Japanese words
100. 泊 haku ichi overnight stays
101. 版 han ichi editions
102. 犯 han ichi offenses (prior)
103. 刎 hane hito helmets (兜 kabuto)
104. 腹 hara hito tarako (鱈子) codefish roe
105. 針 hari hito seams, stitches (縫い目 nuime), meshes of a net (編み目 amime)
106. 張り hari hito bows, stringed instruments, paper lanterns, umbrellas, (curtains, objects stretched over a frame)
107. 箸 hashi hito single mouthful of food
108. 柱 hashira hito gods, mortuary tablets
109. 派 hasuri hito errand doers
110. 発 hatsu ichi shots or rounds; engines; blows
111. 瓶 hei ichi potted plants or ikebana
112. ヘクタール hekutāru ichi hectares
113. 瓸, ヘクトグラム hekutoguramu ichi hectograms (100 grams)
114. 粨, ヘクトメートル hekutomētoru ichi hectometers (100 meters)
115. 竡, ヘクトリットル hekutorittoru ichi hectoliters (100 liters)
116. 片 hen ichi fragments or flakes (irregular shaped "mai")
117. 遍 hen ichi number of times
118. 篇 hen ichi poems
119. 編 hen ichi chapters or parts; (Chinese ) poems
120. 返 hen ichi number of times
121. ヘルツ herutsu ichi hertz, hz.
122. 部屋 heya hito rooms
123. 匹 hiki ichi small animals, fish, insects (& unit of measure for rolls of cloth)
124. 疋 hiki hito counter for lengths of cloth, about 21m
125. 疋 hiki ichi animals; former monetary unit, 10 (later 25) mon (文)
126. 疋 hiki ichi unit of measure for rolls of cloth, 2 tan (反), c. 9m
127. 品 hin ichi courses of a meal; saleable things
128. 片 hira hito flower petals
129. 尋 hiro hito fathom, unit of length, c. 1.8m, 6 shaku (尺), used esp. for water depth
130. 筆 hitsu ichi documents, papers (書類 shorui); ricefields, land registrations
131. 歩 ho ichi footsteps, steps
132. 舗 ho ichi maps (literary)
133. 包 hō ichi tablets (pills), packets of (powder) medicine, tea
134. 本 hon ichi long, cylindrical objects; rounds or points of a match (karate); baseball safe hits; movies; letters
135. 百 hyaku ichi 100s
136. 俵 hyō ichi bags (straw) of rice, cereal; sackfuls
137. 票 hyō ichi votes
138. 拍子 hyōshi ichi beats, or number of syllables in Japanese words
139. 位 i ichi spirits (of the dead), ranking, place, standard (順位 jun'i)
140. 圏 īchan ichi games of mahjonng
141. 吋, インチ inchi ichi inches
142. 色 iro hito colors; kinds
143. 寺 ji ichi Buddhist temples
144. 耳 ji ichi rabbits (pairs)
145. 字 ji ichi characters, letters (kanji)
146. 時 ji ichi hours of the day, o'clock
147. 次 ji ichi numerical order or number of times
148. 時限 jigen ichi hour, period (school class)
149. 時間 jikan ichi hours
150. 軸 jiku ichi scrolls
151. 陣 jin ichi occurring in spells
152. 女 jo ichi daughters
153. 錠 jō ichi tablets, pills
154. 丈 jō ichi unit of length, 10 shaku (尺), 3.030 m
155. 乗 jō ichi vehicles (literary), numbers (powers)
156. 畳 jō ichi tatami, mats (3'x6'), roomsize
157. 帖 jō ichi quires (of paper), folding screens, karakami, volumes of Japanese books...; tatami or (straw) mats,
158. 条 jō ichi articles, sections (e.g. constitution); strip-like, slender objects, obi (帯), rivers
159. 樹 ju ichi trees
160. 什 jū ichi Chinese poems
161. 十 jū ichi 10s
162. 重 jū ichi folds, layers, plies, tiered boxes (重箱)
163. 旬 jun ichi ten-day periods; decades?
164. 巡 jun ichi rounds
165. 箇 ka ichi items, places, units of time
166. 価 ka ichi valence (Physics)
167. 日 ka hito days (2-10, 20)
168. 荷 ka ichi loads, burdens; tubs, buckets (桶 oke)
169. 課 ka ichi lessons
170. 顆, 果 ka ichi fruits, jewels, small round things, hanko (seals)
171. 菓 ka ichi fruits
172. 架 ka ichi folding screens (byōbu 屏風), framed pictures
173. 花弁 kaben ichi flower petals
174. 株 kabu hito stocks, shares; plant with roots (shrubs), trees
175. ヶ月 kagetsu ichi months
176. 籠 kago hito baskets, fruits
177. 階 kai ichi floors, stories
178. 回 kai ichi number of times, games, matches; innings
179. 葢 kai ichi hats
180. 掛 kake hito collars (襟 eri), strings (弦 gen)
181. 角形 kakkei ichi -sided figure, -agon
182. ヶ国 kakoku ichi countries
183. ヶ国語 kakokugo ichi languages
184. 角 kaku ichi angles
185. 画 kaku ichi strokes (kanji)
186. 叺 kamasu hito sugar (straw bags of)
187. 艦 kan ichi warships
188. 巻 kan ichi books of one work, volumes, reels of a film
189. 款 kan ichi articles or subsections
190. 缶, 罐 kan hito cans of nori (海苔 edible laver), tea, canned goods
191. 貫 kan ichi 1,000 monme (匁), 8.27 lb, 3.750 kg; former monetary unit, 1,000 mon (文) (Edo era: 960 mon)
192. 管 kan ichi wind instruments
193. ヶ年 kanen ichi years
194. カップ kappu ichi cups (in recipes)
195. カロリー karorī ichi calories
196. 重ね kasane hito mochi (kagami mochi) (鏡餅), tiered boxes (重箱 jūbako), layers of clothing
197. 襲 kasane ichi Japanese clothing
198. 綛, 桛 kase hito thread wound on skeins, items wound on a frame
199. 頭 kashira hito helmets, headgear worn by nobles in court dress (烏帽子 eboshi); masks (faces 面 omote)
200. ヶ所 kasho ichi places (箇所)
201. 方 kata hito persons (honorific)
202. 片食 katakia ichi meals (from Edo era when 2 meals a day were usual)
203. 塊 katamari hito lumped objects
204. 片付 katazuke hito one's tidying
205. 家族 kazoku hito 1,2 families
206. 景 kei ichi scenes, sections of a play
207. 茎 kei ichi long and narrow objects [rare], hanging lantern (灯籠 tōrō), writing brush (筆)
208. 京 kei (& kyō) ichi 10 million billion, 1000 chō (兆), 10 quadrillion, 10 to the 16th
209. 間 ken ichi unit of length, 6 shaku (尺), 1.818 m.
210. 件 ken ichi cases, matters, affairs, bills, measures
211. 剣 ken ichi Japanese swords
212. 軒 ken ichi buildings, houses
213. 鍵 ken ichi keys (of a piano)
214. 桁 keta hito 1-4 digits (number)
215. 穴 ketsu ichi holes
216. 騎 ki ichi horsemen, (mounted) horses
217. 期 ki ichi terms (school)
218. 機 ki ichi planes, aircraft; heavy machinery
219. 紀 ki ichi 12-year periods
220. 基 ki ichi machines, elevators, gravestones, stone monuments, placed things, torī, screens, dressing table
221. 斤 kin ichi catty, kin, 160 monme (匁), 0.601 kg.
222. 切 kire hito slices, cuts, pieces, bits, strips
223. キロ kiro ichi kilograms, kilometers, kiloliters
224. キロアンペヤ kiroanpeya ichi kiloamperes
225. キロボルト kiroboruto ichi kilovolts, kv, 1000 volts
226. 瓩, キログラム kiroguramu ichi kilograms, kg, (1000 grams)
227. 粁, キロメートル kiromētoru ichi kilometers, km, 1000 meters
228. 竏, キロリットル kirorittoru ichi kiloliters, kl, (1000 liters)
229. キロサイクル kirosaikuru ichi kilocycles, kc, 1000 cycles
230. キロワット kirowatto ichi kilowatts, kw, 1000 watts
231. 気筒 kitō ichi cylinders (engine)
232. 壺 ko ichi jars (tsubo 壺)
233. 戸 ko ichi houses, households
234. 個 ko ichi general articles, goods, luggage, hats, items, small artifacts, fruits, mochi
235. 校 kō ichi schools; proofs (corrections of printings)
236. 講 kō ichi lectures
237. 口 kō ichi kettles, pots, teacups, plates, bowls, bells; swords
238. 更 kō ichi watches of the night, lateness of the night
239. 航海 kōkai ichi sea voyages
240. 石 koku ichi former unit of capacity, 10 to (斗), 180.5 l, used esp. for rice stipends in feudal Japan; former unit of capacity, c. 278 l, 10 cubic shaku (尺), used esp. for measuring lumber
241. 国語 kokugo ichi languages
242. コマ, 齣 koma hito classes (授業 jugyō)
243. コマ, 駒, 齣 koma hito movie scenes, shows, shorts, cartoons
244. 項目 kōmoku ichi item, clause
245. 献 kon ichi offerings (drinks) of wine
246. 喉 kon ichi fish
247. 光年 kōnen ichi light years
248. コペック kopekku ichi kopek, Russian monetary unit
249. 梱 kori hito raw silk (thread) (生糸 kīto), luggage (荷物)
250. 腰 koshi hito objects attached to the waist, as swords, hakama, quiver, etc.
251. 区 ku ichi sections
252. 躯 ku ichi statues (of gods)
253. 句 ku ichi haiku, senryū
254. 口 ku ichi swords (刀), razors (剃刀), kettles (釜), pots, dishes (皿 sara)
255. 口 kuchi hito mouthfuls; drinks (liquor)
256. 口 kuchi hito shares, units
257. 区間 kukan ichi sections between two points (as between stations for fare differences)
258. 茎 kuki hito writing brushes (筆 fude)
259. 括 kukuri hito papers
260. 組み kumi hito sets, suits, sake cups in sets of three, tiered boxes, plates, bowls, groups of people
261. クラス kurasu hito class (school)
262. クローネ kurōne ichi krone, Danish and Norwegian monetary units
263. 鎖 kusari hito chain, section of a sequence
264. 癖 kuse hito out-of-the-ordinary actions
265. 串 kushi hito dumplings (団子 dango)
266. 客 kyaku ichi utensils, tableware, etc, used for receiving guests
267. 脚 kyaku ichi legged furniture, chairs, desks, tables, armrests
268. 京 kyō (usu. kei) ichi 10 million billion, 1000 chō (兆), 10 quadrillion, 10 to the 16th
269. 曲 kyoku ichi pieces of music, songs, tunes, dances
270. 局 kyoku ichi board games, go, shogi games
271. 級 kyū ichi ordering, class, grade
272. 球 kyū ichi larger, round "ko"; pitches (baseball)
273. 間 ma hito rooms
274. 曲 mage hito tsukudani (佃煮), food boiled down in soy
275. 枚 mai ichi thin, flat objects, sheets, pages, mats, panes, order of sumo ranking, clothing, mochi
276. 哩, マイル mairu ichi miles
277. 巻 maki hito rolls of silk, cloth, scrolls, windings, scriptures, sacred books
278. 幕 maku ichi acts, performances, shows, sections of a play
279. 万 man ichi 10,000s
280. マルク maruku ichi mark, German monetary unit
281. 目 me ichi monme: unit of weight, 3.75g, 1 monme (匁); meshes of a net, stitches
282. 名 mei ichi persons (lit.), members
283. 面 men ichi flat surfaces (tennis courts, mirrors, go boards (盤 ban)) (2-dimensional "mai"); kotos
284. 米, メートル mētoru ichi meters, m
285. 味 mi ichi food or condiments
286. 粍, ミリ(メートル) miri(mētoru) ichi millimeters, mm, (1/1000 meter)
287. 瓱, ミリグラム miriguramu ichi milligrams, mg, (1/1000 gram)
288. 竓, ミリリットル miririttoru ichi milliliters, ml, (1/1000 liter)
289. ミリバール mirobāru ichi millobars
290. 毛 mō ichi former monetary unit, 1/10,000 yen (円); former unit of length, c. .03mm, 1/1000 sun (寸); former unit of weight, 3.75mg, 1/1000 monme (匁); 1/1000; 1/1000 of 10%: .0001
291. 目 moku ichi items, crosses of a go board
292. 門 mon ichi cannons
293. 問 mon ichi questions
294. 文 mon ichi former monetary unit, 1/1000 貫 (かん)
295. 文 mon hito unit of footwear size c. 2.4 cm
296. 匁 monme ichi 3.750 g, .132 oz, 2.117 drams, 1/000 kan (貫), now esp. for weighing pearls; former monetary unit, 1/60 ryō (両)
297. 盛 mori hito measures of medicine
298. 本 moto hito plants with roots
299. 棟 mune hito buildings, houses
300. 群 mure hito groups, flocks
301. 流 nagare hito flags
302. 男 nan ichi sons
303. 七日 nanuka/nanoka ichi* death anniversary (weeks) [*not 一七日, but 初七日: shonanuka]
304. 夏 natsu hito summers
305. 年 nen ichi years
306. 年間 nenkan ichi years
307. 年生 nensei ichi -grade student, -year student
308. 日 nichi ichi days (except 2-10, 20)
309. 握り nigiri hito grasped objects
310. 人 nin ichi persons, human beings (3 or more)
311. 人組 ningumi ichi group, gang members
312. 人前 ninmae ichi portions, servings (food)
313. 貫 nuki hito rosary beads, (数珠) juzu
314. 往復 ōfuku ichi return trips
315. 桶 oke hito bathtubs (浴槽 yokusō)
316. 億 oku ichi 100,000,000s
317. オンス onsu ichi ounces
318. 折り ori hito small boxes of food (orizume 折り詰め); number of foldings
319. パーセント pāsento ichi percent, %
320. 頁, ページ pēji ichi pages
321. ペンス pensu ichi pence, British monetary unit
322. ペセタ peseta ichi peseta, Spanish monetary unit
323. ペソ peso ichi peso, Mexican (et al.) monetary unit
324. ポイント pointo ichi points (type)
325. 封, 磅, ポンド pondo ichi pounds (unit of weight, about .45 kg)
326. 听, ポンド pondo ichi pound, £, British monetary unit
327. 連 ren ichi reams (of paper), strung objects, misc. linked objects or sets (chains, necklaces...), Chinese poems
328. 聨, 聯 ren ichi stanzas, verses
329. レーン rēn ichi lanes (bowling)
330. 列車 ressha ichi trains
331. 列 retsu ichi rows, columns, ranks
332. 里 ri ichi Japanese league, former unit of distance c. 3.927km, 36 chō (丁), 2.445 mi.
333. 人 ri hito persons (1 & 2 only)
334. 厘 rin ichi former monetary unit, 1/10 sen (銭), 1/1000 yen (円); former unit of length, c. 0.3mm, 1/100 sun (寸); former unit of weight, 37.5mg, 1/100 monme (匁)
335. 輪 rin ichi wheels; flowers, blossoms
336. リラ rira ichi lira, Italian monetary unit
337. 立, リットル rittoru ichi liters
338. ルーブル rūburu ichi ruble, Russian monetary unit
339. 塁 rui ichi bases (baseball)
340. 類 rui ichi kinds, types
341. ルピー rupī ichi rupee, Indian monetary unit
342. 輌 ryō ichi railway cars, vehicles, rolling stock
343. 両 ryō ichi former monetary unit, 4 bu (分) [4 kan (貫)?]; railway cars, cars; former unit of weight, 37.5g, 1/16 kin (斤)
344. 領 ryō ichi suits of armor, Japanese clothing, fusuma, surplice (袈裟 kesa)
345. 笠 ryū ichi bamboo hats
346. 旒 ryū ichi flags
347. 粒 ryū ichi grains (cereal), pills
348. 流 ryū ichi schools (systems of art...); flags
349. 下げ sage hito hakama (袴)
350. 載 sai ichi years, 100 tredecillion (10 to the 44th) (archaic)
351. 才 sai ichi unit of volume, c. 0.0278cc, 1 cubic shaku (尺), esp. for lumber or freight; unit of capacity, c. 1/10 shaku (勺); unit of sq. measure, c. 1 sq. foot, used for measuring textiles
352. 歳, 才 sai ichi years of age, years old
353. 菜 sai ichi dishes (food)
354. 匙 saji hito spoon(ful)s
355. 作 saku ichi film, literary or artistic work
356. さく saku hito block of fish prepared for sashimi, half a fish
357. 盞 san ichi cups, glasses
358. 竿, 棹 sao hito drawers, chests, cupboards, shamisen
359. 皿 sara hito 1-4 plates, helpings, sashimi
360. 差 sashi hito Noh, dances
361. 点 sashi hito eye drops (目薬)
362. 刷 satsu ichi printings
363. 札 satsu ichi papers, letters
364. 冊 satsu ichi volumes, books, magazines, copies
365. 畝 se ichi unit of sq measure, 30 bu (歩), 0.99 ares, 30 tsubo (坪), 99.17 ㎡
366. 世代 sedai ichi generations
367. 世 sei ichi generations or reign periods; 30-year periods
368. 世紀 seiki ichi centuries
369. 隻 seki ichi large ships, warships
370. 席 seki ichi theatrical performances
371. 石 seki ichi jewels of a watch, transistors, diodes
372. 選 sen ichi terms of election
373. 銭 sen ichi sen, former monetary unit, 1/100 yen (円), 10 rin (厘); formerly 1/1000 kan (貫)
374. 煎 sen ichi sencha (green tea of middle grade)
375. 戦 sen ichi games, matches
376. 川 sen ichi rivers [rare]
377. 千 sen ichi 1,000s
378. 糎, センチ(メートル) senchi(mētoru) ichi centimeters, (1/100 meter)
379. 甅, せンチグラム senchiguramu ichi centigrams (1/100 gram)
380. 竰, センチリットル senchirittoru ichi centiliters (1/100 liter)
381. 仙, セント sento ichi cent, ¢ 1/100 dollar
382. 世帯 setai ichi households
383. 節 setsu ichi sections (of a novel), paragraphs (of a composition)
384. セット setto ichi sets of clothing
385. 社 sha ichi companies, Shinto shrines
386. 車 sha ichi freight trains, cars
387. 勺 shaku ichi 0.018 l (dry/liq measure); 330.5 sq cm
388. 尺 shaku ichi .995 feet, 10 sun (寸), 303 mm (378.7 mm cloth)
389. 車線 shasen ichi lanes of traffic
390. 翅 shi ichi birds
391. 子 shi ichi go pieces
392. 指 shi ichi fingers
393. 枝 shi ichi slender objects, halberds (rare)
394. 紙 shi ichi types of newspapers
395. 詩 shi ichi Chinese poems
396. 試合 shiai ichi matches, contests
397. 敷き shiki hito room widths
398. 締め shime hito reams or bundles of paper
399. 審 shin ichi judgements stages
400. 品 shina hito courses of a meal
401. 進法 shinhō ichi system of counting
402. 進数 shinsū ichi system of counting
403. 親等 shintō ichi degree of family relationship
404. シリング shiringu ichi shilling, former British monetary unit
405. シーシー shīshī ichi cc, cubic centimeters
406. 室 shitsu ichi rooms
407. 雫, 滴 shizuku hito drops (liquid)
408. 章 shō ichi chapters
409. 升 shō ichi 10 gō (合), 3.17 pints, box measure, 1.805 l, esp. for sake or rice
410. 勝 shō ichi wins (sports)
411. 床 shō ichi beds
412. 勝負 shōbu ichi matches, contests, games
413. 色 shoku ichi colors
414. 食 shoku ichi meals
415. 株 shu ichi plants, trees
416. 種 shu ichi sorts, kinds, varieties, events (in sports programs)
417. 首 shu ichi Chinese poems, "waka", pieces
418. 朱 shu ichi former monetary unit, 1/16 ryō (両)
419. 周 shū ichi rounds, circuits, laps
420. 週(間) shū(kan) ichi weeks, order of weeks within a month
421. 周忌 shūki ichi death anniversaries
422. 周年 shūnen ichi continuous years, years in a row
423. 種類 shurui ichi sorts, kinds
424. 艘 sō ichi small ships
425. 雙, 双 sō ichi pairs (folding screens...)
426. 層 sō ichi layers, stories of a building
427. 叢 sō ichi groups, flocks
428. 則 soku ichi rules or items
429. 束 soku ichi bundles of firewood, vegetables, various items in bundles or bunches (fagots, sheaves, reams)
430. 足 soku ichi pairs of footwear, shoes, socks, pants; steps
431. 村 son ichi villages
432. 具 sonae hito kamishimo (裃) ceremonial dress, kesa (袈裟) surplice
433. 揃い soroi hito sets, suits, tongs, pairs of chopsticks, pair of skis
434. 数 sū ichi numbers of...
435. 据え sue hito bath tubs (浴槽 yokusō), bath basins (風呂桶 furooke)
436. 錘 sui ichi spindles
437. 筋 suji hito long, slender objects; roads (two dimensional 本), obi, rivers
438. 掬い sukui hito scoop(ing)s
439. 寸 sun ichi unit of length, 10 bu (分), 1.193 in, 30.3 mm (37.87 mm cloth)
440. ステージ sutēji ichi performances, shows
441. 据わり suwari hito kasane-mochi
442. 束 taba hito bundles
443. 度 tabi hito number of times
444. 袋 tai ichi bags, bagfuls
445. 体 tai ichi dead bodies, corpses, remains, ashes; images of Buddhist or Shinto deities, manequins
446. 卓 taku ichi mahjongg tables (雀卓 jantaku)
447. 玉 tama hito lump (一塊 hitokatamari) of udon, soba; small ammunition, bullets
448. 端 tan ichi scrolls
449. 段 tan ichi unit of sq measure, 10 se (畝), 9.917 ares, 300 bu (歩)
450. 反 tan ichi 36cm x ~10m (standard bolt of cloth to make kimono)
451. 単位 tani ichi units, credits
452. 垂れ tare hito blinds (curtains)
453. 樽 taru hito beverages (barrel, cask, keg, tub)
454. 立 tate ichi successive victories or defeats
455. 手 te hito Noh; moves in shogi, go, sumo; pair of arrows
456. 訂 tei ichi cows, horses, deer
457. 訂 tei ichi revised editions
458. 滴 teki ichi drops, (small, liquid round "ko")
459. 点 ten ichi marks, points (score); pieces (art, furniture), various articles
460. 店 ten ichi shops, firms
461. 斗 to ichi 15.88 quarts, 10 shō (升), 18.05 l
462. 等 tō ichi classes, grades, ranks
463. 統 tō ichi setnets (anchored fishnets) [rare]
464. 頭 tō ichi large domesticated animals, cows, horses, whales; statues
465. 刀 tō ichi katana, (Japanese) swords
466. 套 tō ichi books
467. 灯, 燈 tō ichi lamps, lights
468. 棟 tō ichi block number, blocks of flats (buildings)
469. 等分 tōbun ichi equal divisions
470. 所 tokoro hito places; (literary:) people
471. 戸前 tomae hito warehouses, storehouses, godowns
472. 屯, トン ton ichi tons
473. 通 tōri hito 1,2 ways, streets, avenues
474. 通 tōri ichi/hito kinds, ways of doing
475. つ tsu hito general inanimate units (1-9)
476. 通 tsū ichi mail, documents, letters, cards, communications
477. 坪 tsubo hito unit of sq. (land) measure, 1 bu (歩), 10 gō (合), 2 jō (畳), 6'x6', 3.30㎡, 36 sq. shaku (尺); unit of cubic measure, c. 6,000 l, 216 cu. shaku (尺), esp. for measuring earth
478. 粒 tsubu hito grains, pills, drops (small,round,solid "ko")
479. 番 tsugai hito couples, pairs (of animals)
480. 次 tsugi ichi stage on the Tokaido highway
481. 対 tsui ichi pairs (vases, tongs...), folding fans; ikebana (生花)
482. 月 tsuki hito 1-4 months
483. 撮み tsumami hito pinch, a slight amount; pinched objects
484. 包み tsutsumi hito powdered medicine
485. 通話 tsūwa ichi telephone calls
486. 綴 tsuzuri hito papers
487. 宇 u ichi temple buildings (お堂 odō)
488. 臼 usu hito mochi
489. 把 wa ichi bunches, bundles, sheaves, letters (mail)
490. 話 wa ichi stories (tales)
491. 羽 wa ichi birds, hares
492. 碗, 椀 wan ichi helpings of broth
493. 割 wari ichi tenths, units of ten percent
494. ワット watto ichi watts
495. 夜 ya ichi evenings
496. 碼, ヤード yādo ichi yards
497. 役 yaku ichi roles [of an actor playing multiple parts in a movie/play]
498. 山 yama hito 1,2 piles (fruit)
499. 余 yo ichi -odd, some more than...
500. 葉 yō ichi leaves or sheets (of paper...)
501. 翼 yoku ichi birds
502. 元, ユアン yuan ichi yuan, Chinese monetary unit
503. 裄 yuki hito hakama (袴)
504. 座 za ichi Shinto shrines, (seated) statues, deities; high mountains or forests
505. 剤 zai ichi doses (of medicine)
506. 山 zan ichi temples (寺院 jiin)
507. 膳 zen ichi pairs of chopsticks; bowls of rice, meals; small dining tables (膳 zen)
508. 絶 zetsu ichi Chinese poems
character romaji set gloss
1. 雨 ame hito rain
2. アンペア anpea ichi amperes
3. 場 ba hito sections of a play
4. 倍 bai ichi multiples, times as much, duplication
5. 番 ban ichi serial numbers, theatrical performances, Noh, sumo matches, shogi (将棋)
6. 晩 ban hito nights
7. 番地 banchi ichi lot, plot numbers (in address)
8. 番目 banme ichi -ths
9. 番線 bansen ichi track numbers
10. 番手 bante ichi yarn count
11. バーツ bātsu ichi baht, Thai monetary unit
12. 弁 ben ichi flower petals
13. 尾 bi ichi fish
14. 瓶 bin hito bottles (1.8 l), vases of flowers
15. 便 bin ichi public transport runs or flights
16. 木 boku ichi lumber
17. ボルト boruto ichi volts
18. 分 bu ichi tenth part of an equally divided whole; 1/10 of 1%; former unit of length, 3.03mm (3.787mm cloth), 1/10 sun (寸), 0.119 in.; former monetary unit, 1/4 両 (りょう); unit of footwear size, 2.4mm, 1/10 mon (文)
19. 歩 bu ichi unit of sq. measure, 3.3sq m, 36 sq shaku (尺), 1 tsubo (坪), 10 gō (合), 2 jō (畳)
20. 部 bu ichi printed materials, copies, newspapers, sets of books; sections of Kanji dictionaries, scriptures
21. 分 bun ichi fraction, denominators, part
22. 文 bun ichi sentences, novels, writing
23. 秒 byō ichi seconds
24. 着 chaku ichi suits, dresses, trousers; finishing position (race, etc.)
25. 帙 chitsu ichi Japanese-style books (和書 washo)
26. 兆 chō ichi trillions
27. 張 chō ichi bows or stringed instruments; curtains, screens or nets, mosquito nets
28. 町 chō ichi former unit of length, 60 ken (間), 109.0 m; unit of sq measure, 10 tan (段), 99.17 ares
29. 挺 chō ichi long objects: guns (銃 jū), oars, guitars, palanquins, candles, items of cutlery, axes (斧 ono)
30. 提 chō ichi liquor bottles, sake bottles (tokkuri 徳利, chōshi 銚子)
31. 貼 chō ichi powdered medicine (散剤 sanzai)
32. 丁 chō ichi handled objects, carpenters' tools, scissors, pistols, saws, baskets, candles, forks; former unit of length, = 119.16 yards, 360 shaku, 109 m, 60 ken; cakes of tofu, servings (cutlets, noodles...), sheets bound Japanese style; town blocks
33. 丁目 chōme ichi ward, block
34. 打 da ichi hits (baseball?)
35. 駄 da ichi horseloads
36. 朶 da ichi long oblong chest (for clothing): nagamochi (長持); trees
37. 代 dai ichi generations, descendants, reign periods
38. 台 dai ichi vehicles; machines or mechanical devices; pair of skis; sliding ponds; 16-page units in printing, galleys
39. 題 dai ichi questions, problems
40. 弟 dai ichi children, younger brothers ?
41. 弾 dan ichi steps, measures, or stages; shots, bullets
42. 段 dan ichi steps; steps or stages; columns (of print)
43. 段落 danraku ichi paragraphs
44. 打, ダース dāsu ichi dozens
45. 立て date ichi carriage horses or boat oars; films in a multi-feature movie
46. 瓧, デかグラム dekaguramu ichi decagrams (10 grams)
47. 籵, デかメートル dekamētoru ichi decameters (10 meters)
48. 竍, デかリットル dekarittoru ichi decaliters (10 liters)
49. 瓰, デシグラム deshiguramu ichi decigrams (1/10 gram)
50. 粉, デシメートル deshimētoru ichi decimeters (1/10 meter)
51. 竕, デシリットル deshirittoru ichi deciliters (1/10 liter)
52. 度 do ichi number of times; degrees; parts of musical scale
53. 堂 dō ichi Buddhist temples
54. 撮 dori ichi number of shots (pictures) available in a roll of film
55. 弗, ドル doru ichi dollar, $
56. 柄 e ichi halberd, halbert, (なぎなた), kitchen knife, cleaver
57. 重 e hito fold, ply (of garments, cloth)
58. 枝 eda hito flowers, branches
59. 駅 eki hito 1,2 station
60. 園 en ichi kindergartens
61. 円 en ichi yen, ¥, 100 sen (銭)
62. フィート fīto ichi feet (12 inches)
63. 封 fu ichi letters (mail)
64. 筆 fude hito strokes of a brush
65. 幅 fuku ichi scrolls, paintings in scroll form
66. 服 fuku ichi doses/packets of medicine; puffs (of smoke), sips (of tea)
67. 袋 fukuro hito bags, bagfuls, sacks
68. 分 fun ichi minutes; former unit of weight, 0.375g, 1/10 monme (匁)
69. ふね fune hito container of food (as sold in a store)
70. フラン furan ichi franc, French monetary unit
71. 降 furi hito rain
72. 振 furi hito Japanese swords, halberds (naginata)
73. 房 fusa hito bunches (grapes, bananas)
74. 蓋 gai ichi lid-shaped objects such as bamboo hats (kasa 笠)
75. 学期 gakki ichi terms, semesters
76. 学年 gakunen ichi school years
77. ガロン garon ichi gallons
78. 月 gatsu ichi month names
79. ゲーム gēmu ichi games (bowling)
80. 弦 gen ichi strings (chords)
81. 元, ゲン gen ichi gen, Chinese monetary unit
82. 原子 genshi ichi number of atoms
83. 語 go ichi words, languages
84. 号 gō ichi No., number, issue; dress size
85. 合 gō ichi engagements, esp in fencing matches; lidded utensils or receptacles, incense containers (香合 kōgō; former unit of sq measure, 1/10 tsubo (坪), 10 shaku (勺), 0.330 ㎡; unit of capacity, 1/10 shō (升), 10 shaku (勺), 0.180 l; 1/10 the height of a given mountain
86. 盒 gō ichi incense containers (香合 kōgō)
87. 言 gon ichi words or letters
88. 号車 gōsha ichi train car numbers
89. 具 gu ichi sets of articles, as suits of armor, prayer beads (数珠 juzu), palanquin (駕籠 kago)
90. 瓦, グラム guramu ichi grams
91. グロス gurosu ichi gross (12 dozen), e.g. penpoints
92. 行 gyō ichi lines (of print, etc.)
93. 波 ha hito events occurring in waves
94. 葉 ha hito leaves (of a tree)
95. 鉢 hachi hito potted plants, bonsai pots
96. 敗 hai ichi defeats
97. 杯 hai ichi glassfuls, cupfuls, bowlfuls, spoonfuls, containersful, drinks; squid, octopi, cuttlefish; ships
98. 箱 hako hito boxes, boxfuls
99. 拍 haku ichi beats, number of syllables in Japanese words
100. 泊 haku ichi overnight stays
101. 版 han ichi editions
102. 犯 han ichi offenses (prior)
103. 刎 hane hito helmets (兜 kabuto)
104. 腹 hara hito tarako (鱈子) codefish roe
105. 針 hari hito seams, stitches (縫い目 nuime), meshes of a net (編み目 amime)
106. 張り hari hito bows, stringed instruments, paper lanterns, umbrellas, (curtains, objects stretched over a frame)
107. 箸 hashi hito single mouthful of food
108. 柱 hashira hito gods, mortuary tablets
109. 派 hasuri hito errand doers
110. 発 hatsu ichi shots or rounds; engines; blows
111. 瓶 hei ichi potted plants or ikebana
112. ヘクタール hekutāru ichi hectares
113. 瓸, ヘクトグラム hekutoguramu ichi hectograms (100 grams)
114. 粨, ヘクトメートル hekutomētoru ichi hectometers (100 meters)
115. 竡, ヘクトリットル hekutorittoru ichi hectoliters (100 liters)
116. 片 hen ichi fragments or flakes (irregular shaped "mai")
117. 遍 hen ichi number of times
118. 篇 hen ichi poems
119. 編 hen ichi chapters or parts; (Chinese ) poems
120. 返 hen ichi number of times
121. ヘルツ herutsu ichi hertz, hz.
122. 部屋 heya hito rooms
123. 匹 hiki ichi small animals, fish, insects (& unit of measure for rolls of cloth)
124. 疋 hiki hito counter for lengths of cloth, about 21m
125. 疋 hiki ichi animals; former monetary unit, 10 (later 25) mon (文)
126. 疋 hiki ichi unit of measure for rolls of cloth, 2 tan (反), c. 9m
127. 品 hin ichi courses of a meal; saleable things
128. 片 hira hito flower petals
129. 尋 hiro hito fathom, unit of length, c. 1.8m, 6 shaku (尺), used esp. for water depth
130. 筆 hitsu ichi documents, papers (書類 shorui); ricefields, land registrations
131. 歩 ho ichi footsteps, steps
132. 舗 ho ichi maps (literary)
133. 包 hō ichi tablets (pills), packets of (powder) medicine, tea
134. 本 hon ichi long, cylindrical objects; rounds or points of a match (karate); baseball safe hits; movies; letters
135. 百 hyaku ichi 100s
136. 俵 hyō ichi bags (straw) of rice, cereal; sackfuls
137. 票 hyō ichi votes
138. 拍子 hyōshi ichi beats, or number of syllables in Japanese words
139. 位 i ichi spirits (of the dead), ranking, place, standard (順位 jun'i)
140. 圏 īchan ichi games of mahjonng
141. 吋, インチ inchi ichi inches
142. 色 iro hito colors; kinds
143. 寺 ji ichi Buddhist temples
144. 耳 ji ichi rabbits (pairs)
145. 字 ji ichi characters, letters (kanji)
146. 時 ji ichi hours of the day, o'clock
147. 次 ji ichi numerical order or number of times
148. 時限 jigen ichi hour, period (school class)
149. 時間 jikan ichi hours
150. 軸 jiku ichi scrolls
151. 陣 jin ichi occurring in spells
152. 女 jo ichi daughters
153. 錠 jō ichi tablets, pills
154. 丈 jō ichi unit of length, 10 shaku (尺), 3.030 m
155. 乗 jō ichi vehicles (literary), numbers (powers)
156. 畳 jō ichi tatami, mats (3'x6'), roomsize
157. 帖 jō ichi quires (of paper), folding screens, karakami, volumes of Japanese books...; tatami or (straw) mats,
158. 条 jō ichi articles, sections (e.g. constitution); strip-like, slender objects, obi (帯), rivers
159. 樹 ju ichi trees
160. 什 jū ichi Chinese poems
161. 十 jū ichi 10s
162. 重 jū ichi folds, layers, plies, tiered boxes (重箱)
163. 旬 jun ichi ten-day periods; decades?
164. 巡 jun ichi rounds
165. 箇 ka ichi items, places, units of time
166. 価 ka ichi valence (Physics)
167. 日 ka hito days (2-10, 20)
168. 荷 ka ichi loads, burdens; tubs, buckets (桶 oke)
169. 課 ka ichi lessons
170. 顆, 果 ka ichi fruits, jewels, small round things, hanko (seals)
171. 菓 ka ichi fruits
172. 架 ka ichi folding screens (byōbu 屏風), framed pictures
173. 花弁 kaben ichi flower petals
174. 株 kabu hito stocks, shares; plant with roots (shrubs), trees
175. ヶ月 kagetsu ichi months
176. 籠 kago hito baskets, fruits
177. 階 kai ichi floors, stories
178. 回 kai ichi number of times, games, matches; innings
179. 葢 kai ichi hats
180. 掛 kake hito collars (襟 eri), strings (弦 gen)
181. 角形 kakkei ichi -sided figure, -agon
182. ヶ国 kakoku ichi countries
183. ヶ国語 kakokugo ichi languages
184. 角 kaku ichi angles
185. 画 kaku ichi strokes (kanji)
186. 叺 kamasu hito sugar (straw bags of)
187. 艦 kan ichi warships
188. 巻 kan ichi books of one work, volumes, reels of a film
189. 款 kan ichi articles or subsections
190. 缶, 罐 kan hito cans of nori (海苔 edible laver), tea, canned goods
191. 貫 kan ichi 1,000 monme (匁), 8.27 lb, 3.750 kg; former monetary unit, 1,000 mon (文) (Edo era: 960 mon)
192. 管 kan ichi wind instruments
193. ヶ年 kanen ichi years
194. カップ kappu ichi cups (in recipes)
195. カロリー karorī ichi calories
196. 重ね kasane hito mochi (kagami mochi) (鏡餅), tiered boxes (重箱 jūbako), layers of clothing
197. 襲 kasane ichi Japanese clothing
198. 綛, 桛 kase hito thread wound on skeins, items wound on a frame
199. 頭 kashira hito helmets, headgear worn by nobles in court dress (烏帽子 eboshi); masks (faces 面 omote)
200. ヶ所 kasho ichi places (箇所)
201. 方 kata hito persons (honorific)
202. 片食 katakia ichi meals (from Edo era when 2 meals a day were usual)
203. 塊 katamari hito lumped objects
204. 片付 katazuke hito one's tidying
205. 家族 kazoku hito 1,2 families
206. 景 kei ichi scenes, sections of a play
207. 茎 kei ichi long and narrow objects [rare], hanging lantern (灯籠 tōrō), writing brush (筆)
208. 京 kei (& kyō) ichi 10 million billion, 1000 chō (兆), 10 quadrillion, 10 to the 16th
209. 間 ken ichi unit of length, 6 shaku (尺), 1.818 m.
210. 件 ken ichi cases, matters, affairs, bills, measures
211. 剣 ken ichi Japanese swords
212. 軒 ken ichi buildings, houses
213. 鍵 ken ichi keys (of a piano)
214. 桁 keta hito 1-4 digits (number)
215. 穴 ketsu ichi holes
216. 騎 ki ichi horsemen, (mounted) horses
217. 期 ki ichi terms (school)
218. 機 ki ichi planes, aircraft; heavy machinery
219. 紀 ki ichi 12-year periods
220. 基 ki ichi machines, elevators, gravestones, stone monuments, placed things, torī, screens, dressing table
221. 斤 kin ichi catty, kin, 160 monme (匁), 0.601 kg.
222. 切 kire hito slices, cuts, pieces, bits, strips
223. キロ kiro ichi kilograms, kilometers, kiloliters
224. キロアンペヤ kiroanpeya ichi kiloamperes
225. キロボルト kiroboruto ichi kilovolts, kv, 1000 volts
226. 瓩, キログラム kiroguramu ichi kilograms, kg, (1000 grams)
227. 粁, キロメートル kiromētoru ichi kilometers, km, 1000 meters
228. 竏, キロリットル kirorittoru ichi kiloliters, kl, (1000 liters)
229. キロサイクル kirosaikuru ichi kilocycles, kc, 1000 cycles
230. キロワット kirowatto ichi kilowatts, kw, 1000 watts
231. 気筒 kitō ichi cylinders (engine)
232. 壺 ko ichi jars (tsubo 壺)
233. 戸 ko ichi houses, households
234. 個 ko ichi general articles, goods, luggage, hats, items, small artifacts, fruits, mochi
235. 校 kō ichi schools; proofs (corrections of printings)
236. 講 kō ichi lectures
237. 口 kō ichi kettles, pots, teacups, plates, bowls, bells; swords
238. 更 kō ichi watches of the night, lateness of the night
239. 航海 kōkai ichi sea voyages
240. 石 koku ichi former unit of capacity, 10 to (斗), 180.5 l, used esp. for rice stipends in feudal Japan; former unit of capacity, c. 278 l, 10 cubic shaku (尺), used esp. for measuring lumber
241. 国語 kokugo ichi languages
242. コマ, 齣 koma hito classes (授業 jugyō)
243. コマ, 駒, 齣 koma hito movie scenes, shows, shorts, cartoons
244. 項目 kōmoku ichi item, clause
245. 献 kon ichi offerings (drinks) of wine
246. 喉 kon ichi fish
247. 光年 kōnen ichi light years
248. コペック kopekku ichi kopek, Russian monetary unit
249. 梱 kori hito raw silk (thread) (生糸 kīto), luggage (荷物)
250. 腰 koshi hito objects attached to the waist, as swords, hakama, quiver, etc.
251. 区 ku ichi sections
252. 躯 ku ichi statues (of gods)
253. 句 ku ichi haiku, senryū
254. 口 ku ichi swords (刀), razors (剃刀), kettles (釜), pots, dishes (皿 sara)
255. 口 kuchi hito mouthfuls; drinks (liquor)
256. 口 kuchi hito shares, units
257. 区間 kukan ichi sections between two points (as between stations for fare differences)
258. 茎 kuki hito writing brushes (筆 fude)
259. 括 kukuri hito papers
260. 組み kumi hito sets, suits, sake cups in sets of three, tiered boxes, plates, bowls, groups of people
261. クラス kurasu hito class (school)
262. クローネ kurōne ichi krone, Danish and Norwegian monetary units
263. 鎖 kusari hito chain, section of a sequence
264. 癖 kuse hito out-of-the-ordinary actions
265. 串 kushi hito dumplings (団子 dango)
266. 客 kyaku ichi utensils, tableware, etc, used for receiving guests
267. 脚 kyaku ichi legged furniture, chairs, desks, tables, armrests
268. 京 kyō (usu. kei) ichi 10 million billion, 1000 chō (兆), 10 quadrillion, 10 to the 16th
269. 曲 kyoku ichi pieces of music, songs, tunes, dances
270. 局 kyoku ichi board games, go, shogi games
271. 級 kyū ichi ordering, class, grade
272. 球 kyū ichi larger, round "ko"; pitches (baseball)
273. 間 ma hito rooms
274. 曲 mage hito tsukudani (佃煮), food boiled down in soy
275. 枚 mai ichi thin, flat objects, sheets, pages, mats, panes, order of sumo ranking, clothing, mochi
276. 哩, マイル mairu ichi miles
277. 巻 maki hito rolls of silk, cloth, scrolls, windings, scriptures, sacred books
278. 幕 maku ichi acts, performances, shows, sections of a play
279. 万 man ichi 10,000s
280. マルク maruku ichi mark, German monetary unit
281. 目 me ichi monme: unit of weight, 3.75g, 1 monme (匁); meshes of a net, stitches
282. 名 mei ichi persons (lit.), members
283. 面 men ichi flat surfaces (tennis courts, mirrors, go boards (盤 ban)) (2-dimensional "mai"); kotos
284. 米, メートル mētoru ichi meters, m
285. 味 mi ichi food or condiments
286. 粍, ミリ(メートル) miri(mētoru) ichi millimeters, mm, (1/1000 meter)
287. 瓱, ミリグラム miriguramu ichi milligrams, mg, (1/1000 gram)
288. 竓, ミリリットル miririttoru ichi milliliters, ml, (1/1000 liter)
289. ミリバール mirobāru ichi millobars
290. 毛 mō ichi former monetary unit, 1/10,000 yen (円); former unit of length, c. .03mm, 1/1000 sun (寸); former unit of weight, 3.75mg, 1/1000 monme (匁); 1/1000; 1/1000 of 10%: .0001
291. 目 moku ichi items, crosses of a go board
292. 門 mon ichi cannons
293. 問 mon ichi questions
294. 文 mon ichi former monetary unit, 1/1000 貫 (かん)
295. 文 mon hito unit of footwear size c. 2.4 cm
296. 匁 monme ichi 3.750 g, .132 oz, 2.117 drams, 1/000 kan (貫), now esp. for weighing pearls; former monetary unit, 1/60 ryō (両)
297. 盛 mori hito measures of medicine
298. 本 moto hito plants with roots
299. 棟 mune hito buildings, houses
300. 群 mure hito groups, flocks
301. 流 nagare hito flags
302. 男 nan ichi sons
303. 七日 nanuka/nanoka ichi* death anniversary (weeks) [*not 一七日, but 初七日: shonanuka]
304. 夏 natsu hito summers
305. 年 nen ichi years
306. 年間 nenkan ichi years
307. 年生 nensei ichi -grade student, -year student
308. 日 nichi ichi days (except 2-10, 20)
309. 握り nigiri hito grasped objects
310. 人 nin ichi persons, human beings (3 or more)
311. 人組 ningumi ichi group, gang members
312. 人前 ninmae ichi portions, servings (food)
313. 貫 nuki hito rosary beads, (数珠) juzu
314. 往復 ōfuku ichi return trips
315. 桶 oke hito bathtubs (浴槽 yokusō)
316. 億 oku ichi 100,000,000s
317. オンス onsu ichi ounces
318. 折り ori hito small boxes of food (orizume 折り詰め); number of foldings
319. パーセント pāsento ichi percent, %
320. 頁, ページ pēji ichi pages
321. ペンス pensu ichi pence, British monetary unit
322. ペセタ peseta ichi peseta, Spanish monetary unit
323. ペソ peso ichi peso, Mexican (et al.) monetary unit
324. ポイント pointo ichi points (type)
325. 封, 磅, ポンド pondo ichi pounds (unit of weight, about .45 kg)
326. 听, ポンド pondo ichi pound, £, British monetary unit
327. 連 ren ichi reams (of paper), strung objects, misc. linked objects or sets (chains, necklaces...), Chinese poems
328. 聨, 聯 ren ichi stanzas, verses
329. レーン rēn ichi lanes (bowling)
330. 列車 ressha ichi trains
331. 列 retsu ichi rows, columns, ranks
332. 里 ri ichi Japanese league, former unit of distance c. 3.927km, 36 chō (丁), 2.445 mi.
333. 人 ri hito persons (1 & 2 only)
334. 厘 rin ichi former monetary unit, 1/10 sen (銭), 1/1000 yen (円); former unit of length, c. 0.3mm, 1/100 sun (寸); former unit of weight, 37.5mg, 1/100 monme (匁)
335. 輪 rin ichi wheels; flowers, blossoms
336. リラ rira ichi lira, Italian monetary unit
337. 立, リットル rittoru ichi liters
338. ルーブル rūburu ichi ruble, Russian monetary unit
339. 塁 rui ichi bases (baseball)
340. 類 rui ichi kinds, types
341. ルピー rupī ichi rupee, Indian monetary unit
342. 輌 ryō ichi railway cars, vehicles, rolling stock
343. 両 ryō ichi former monetary unit, 4 bu (分) [4 kan (貫)?]; railway cars, cars; former unit of weight, 37.5g, 1/16 kin (斤)
344. 領 ryō ichi suits of armor, Japanese clothing, fusuma, surplice (袈裟 kesa)
345. 笠 ryū ichi bamboo hats
346. 旒 ryū ichi flags
347. 粒 ryū ichi grains (cereal), pills
348. 流 ryū ichi schools (systems of art...); flags
349. 下げ sage hito hakama (袴)
350. 載 sai ichi years, 100 tredecillion (10 to the 44th) (archaic)
351. 才 sai ichi unit of volume, c. 0.0278cc, 1 cubic shaku (尺), esp. for lumber or freight; unit of capacity, c. 1/10 shaku (勺); unit of sq. measure, c. 1 sq. foot, used for measuring textiles
352. 歳, 才 sai ichi years of age, years old
353. 菜 sai ichi dishes (food)
354. 匙 saji hito spoon(ful)s
355. 作 saku ichi film, literary or artistic work
356. さく saku hito block of fish prepared for sashimi, half a fish
357. 盞 san ichi cups, glasses
358. 竿, 棹 sao hito drawers, chests, cupboards, shamisen
359. 皿 sara hito 1-4 plates, helpings, sashimi
360. 差 sashi hito Noh, dances
361. 点 sashi hito eye drops (目薬)
362. 刷 satsu ichi printings
363. 札 satsu ichi papers, letters
364. 冊 satsu ichi volumes, books, magazines, copies
365. 畝 se ichi unit of sq measure, 30 bu (歩), 0.99 ares, 30 tsubo (坪), 99.17 ㎡
366. 世代 sedai ichi generations
367. 世 sei ichi generations or reign periods; 30-year periods
368. 世紀 seiki ichi centuries
369. 隻 seki ichi large ships, warships
370. 席 seki ichi theatrical performances
371. 石 seki ichi jewels of a watch, transistors, diodes
372. 選 sen ichi terms of election
373. 銭 sen ichi sen, former monetary unit, 1/100 yen (円), 10 rin (厘); formerly 1/1000 kan (貫)
374. 煎 sen ichi sencha (green tea of middle grade)
375. 戦 sen ichi games, matches
376. 川 sen ichi rivers [rare]
377. 千 sen ichi 1,000s
378. 糎, センチ(メートル) senchi(mētoru) ichi centimeters, (1/100 meter)
379. 甅, せンチグラム senchiguramu ichi centigrams (1/100 gram)
380. 竰, センチリットル senchirittoru ichi centiliters (1/100 liter)
381. 仙, セント sento ichi cent, ¢ 1/100 dollar
382. 世帯 setai ichi households
383. 節 setsu ichi sections (of a novel), paragraphs (of a composition)
384. セット setto ichi sets of clothing
385. 社 sha ichi companies, Shinto shrines
386. 車 sha ichi freight trains, cars
387. 勺 shaku ichi 0.018 l (dry/liq measure); 330.5 sq cm
388. 尺 shaku ichi .995 feet, 10 sun (寸), 303 mm (378.7 mm cloth)
389. 車線 shasen ichi lanes of traffic
390. 翅 shi ichi birds
391. 子 shi ichi go pieces
392. 指 shi ichi fingers
393. 枝 shi ichi slender objects, halberds (rare)
394. 紙 shi ichi types of newspapers
395. 詩 shi ichi Chinese poems
396. 試合 shiai ichi matches, contests
397. 敷き shiki hito room widths
398. 締め shime hito reams or bundles of paper
399. 審 shin ichi judgements stages
400. 品 shina hito courses of a meal
401. 進法 shinhō ichi system of counting
402. 進数 shinsū ichi system of counting
403. 親等 shintō ichi degree of family relationship
404. シリング shiringu ichi shilling, former British monetary unit
405. シーシー shīshī ichi cc, cubic centimeters
406. 室 shitsu ichi rooms
407. 雫, 滴 shizuku hito drops (liquid)
408. 章 shō ichi chapters
409. 升 shō ichi 10 gō (合), 3.17 pints, box measure, 1.805 l, esp. for sake or rice
410. 勝 shō ichi wins (sports)
411. 床 shō ichi beds
412. 勝負 shōbu ichi matches, contests, games
413. 色 shoku ichi colors
414. 食 shoku ichi meals
415. 株 shu ichi plants, trees
416. 種 shu ichi sorts, kinds, varieties, events (in sports programs)
417. 首 shu ichi Chinese poems, "waka", pieces
418. 朱 shu ichi former monetary unit, 1/16 ryō (両)
419. 周 shū ichi rounds, circuits, laps
420. 週(間) shū(kan) ichi weeks, order of weeks within a month
421. 周忌 shūki ichi death anniversaries
422. 周年 shūnen ichi continuous years, years in a row
423. 種類 shurui ichi sorts, kinds
424. 艘 sō ichi small ships
425. 雙, 双 sō ichi pairs (folding screens...)
426. 層 sō ichi layers, stories of a building
427. 叢 sō ichi groups, flocks
428. 則 soku ichi rules or items
429. 束 soku ichi bundles of firewood, vegetables, various items in bundles or bunches (fagots, sheaves, reams)
430. 足 soku ichi pairs of footwear, shoes, socks, pants; steps
431. 村 son ichi villages
432. 具 sonae hito kamishimo (裃) ceremonial dress, kesa (袈裟) surplice
433. 揃い soroi hito sets, suits, tongs, pairs of chopsticks, pair of skis
434. 数 sū ichi numbers of...
435. 据え sue hito bath tubs (浴槽 yokusō), bath basins (風呂桶 furooke)
436. 錘 sui ichi spindles
437. 筋 suji hito long, slender objects; roads (two dimensional 本), obi, rivers
438. 掬い sukui hito scoop(ing)s
439. 寸 sun ichi unit of length, 10 bu (分), 1.193 in, 30.3 mm (37.87 mm cloth)
440. ステージ sutēji ichi performances, shows
441. 据わり suwari hito kasane-mochi
442. 束 taba hito bundles
443. 度 tabi hito number of times
444. 袋 tai ichi bags, bagfuls
445. 体 tai ichi dead bodies, corpses, remains, ashes; images of Buddhist or Shinto deities, manequins
446. 卓 taku ichi mahjongg tables (雀卓 jantaku)
447. 玉 tama hito lump (一塊 hitokatamari) of udon, soba; small ammunition, bullets
448. 端 tan ichi scrolls
449. 段 tan ichi unit of sq measure, 10 se (畝), 9.917 ares, 300 bu (歩)
450. 反 tan ichi 36cm x ~10m (standard bolt of cloth to make kimono)
451. 単位 tani ichi units, credits
452. 垂れ tare hito blinds (curtains)
453. 樽 taru hito beverages (barrel, cask, keg, tub)
454. 立 tate ichi successive victories or defeats
455. 手 te hito Noh; moves in shogi, go, sumo; pair of arrows
456. 訂 tei ichi cows, horses, deer
457. 訂 tei ichi revised editions
458. 滴 teki ichi drops, (small, liquid round "ko")
459. 点 ten ichi marks, points (score); pieces (art, furniture), various articles
460. 店 ten ichi shops, firms
461. 斗 to ichi 15.88 quarts, 10 shō (升), 18.05 l
462. 等 tō ichi classes, grades, ranks
463. 統 tō ichi setnets (anchored fishnets) [rare]
464. 頭 tō ichi large domesticated animals, cows, horses, whales; statues
465. 刀 tō ichi katana, (Japanese) swords
466. 套 tō ichi books
467. 灯, 燈 tō ichi lamps, lights
468. 棟 tō ichi block number, blocks of flats (buildings)
469. 等分 tōbun ichi equal divisions
470. 所 tokoro hito places; (literary:) people
471. 戸前 tomae hito warehouses, storehouses, godowns
472. 屯, トン ton ichi tons
473. 通 tōri hito 1,2 ways, streets, avenues
474. 通 tōri ichi/hito kinds, ways of doing
475. つ tsu hito general inanimate units (1-9)
476. 通 tsū ichi mail, documents, letters, cards, communications
477. 坪 tsubo hito unit of sq. (land) measure, 1 bu (歩), 10 gō (合), 2 jō (畳), 6'x6', 3.30㎡, 36 sq. shaku (尺); unit of cubic measure, c. 6,000 l, 216 cu. shaku (尺), esp. for measuring earth
478. 粒 tsubu hito grains, pills, drops (small,round,solid "ko")
479. 番 tsugai hito couples, pairs (of animals)
480. 次 tsugi ichi stage on the Tokaido highway
481. 対 tsui ichi pairs (vases, tongs...), folding fans; ikebana (生花)
482. 月 tsuki hito 1-4 months
483. 撮み tsumami hito pinch, a slight amount; pinched objects
484. 包み tsutsumi hito powdered medicine
485. 通話 tsūwa ichi telephone calls
486. 綴 tsuzuri hito papers
487. 宇 u ichi temple buildings (お堂 odō)
488. 臼 usu hito mochi
489. 把 wa ichi bunches, bundles, sheaves, letters (mail)
490. 話 wa ichi stories (tales)
491. 羽 wa ichi birds, hares
492. 碗, 椀 wan ichi helpings of broth
493. 割 wari ichi tenths, units of ten percent
494. ワット watto ichi watts
495. 夜 ya ichi evenings
496. 碼, ヤード yādo ichi yards
497. 役 yaku ichi roles [of an actor playing multiple parts in a movie/play]
498. 山 yama hito 1,2 piles (fruit)
499. 余 yo ichi -odd, some more than...
500. 葉 yō ichi leaves or sheets (of paper...)
501. 翼 yoku ichi birds
502. 元, ユアン yuan ichi yuan, Chinese monetary unit
503. 裄 yuki hito hakama (袴)
504. 座 za ichi Shinto shrines, (seated) statues, deities; high mountains or forests
505. 剤 zai ichi doses (of medicine)
506. 山 zan ichi temples (寺院 jiin)
507. 膳 zen ichi pairs of chopsticks; bowls of rice, meals; small dining tables (膳 zen)
508. 絶 zetsu ichi Chinese poems
"Pai Nosso" em Japonês e Alemão
Shu no inori
Ten ni orareru watashitachi no Chichi yo
Mina ga sei to saremasu you ni
Mikuni ga kimasu you ni
Mikokoro ga ten ni okona wareru toori
Chichi ni mo okonawaremasu youni.
Watashitachi no higoto no kate wo
Kyou mo oatae kudasai.
Watashitachi no tsumi o oyurushi kudasai
Watashitachi mo hito o yurushimassu
Watashitachi o yuuwaku ni ochiirasezu
Aku kara osukui kudasai.
Das Vaterunser
Unser Vater im Himmel
Dein Name werde geheiligt
Dein Reich komme
Deine Wille geschehe
Wie im Himmel, so auf Erden
Unser tägliches Brot gib uns heute
Und vergib uns unser Schuld
Wie auch wir vergeben unsern Schuldigern
Und führe uns nicht in Versuchung
Sondern erlöse uns von dem Bösen
Denn dein ist das Reich und die Kraft
Und Herrlichkeit in Ewigkeit.
Ten ni orareru watashitachi no Chichi yo
Mina ga sei to saremasu you ni
Mikuni ga kimasu you ni
Mikokoro ga ten ni okona wareru toori
Chichi ni mo okonawaremasu youni.
Watashitachi no higoto no kate wo
Kyou mo oatae kudasai.
Watashitachi no tsumi o oyurushi kudasai
Watashitachi mo hito o yurushimassu
Watashitachi o yuuwaku ni ochiirasezu
Aku kara osukui kudasai.
Das Vaterunser
Unser Vater im Himmel
Dein Name werde geheiligt
Dein Reich komme
Deine Wille geschehe
Wie im Himmel, so auf Erden
Unser tägliches Brot gib uns heute
Und vergib uns unser Schuld
Wie auch wir vergeben unsern Schuldigern
Und führe uns nicht in Versuchung
Sondern erlöse uns von dem Bösen
Denn dein ist das Reich und die Kraft
Und Herrlichkeit in Ewigkeit.
quinta-feira, 4 de setembro de 2008
Um versículo da Bíblia em 22 idiomas
1. Dicit ei Iesus, “ego sum via et veritas et vita nemo venit ad Patrem nisi per me”.
(Latim, Ioannes 14: 6)
2. Yesu akawaam bia, “Mimi ndiye Njia na Kweli na Uzima; mtu hawezi kufika kwa Baba bila kupitia kwangu”.
(Swahili, Yohana 14: 6)
3. Sinabi ni Jesus sa kaniya: “Ako ang Daan, ang Katotohanan at ang Buhay. Walang sinumang makakapunta sa Ama maliban sa pamamagitan ko”.
(Tagalog, Juan 14: 6)
4. Jeesus sanoi hänelle: “Minä olen tie ja totuss ja elämä; ei kukaan tule Isäni tykö muttoin minun kauttani”.
(Finlandês, Joane 14: 6)
5. Odpowiedzial mu Jezus: “Jestem droga i prawda i zyciem. Nikt nie przychodzi do ojca inaczej jak przeze mnie”.
(Polonês, Johan 14: 6)
6. Faajabahu Yasuu’a, “anaa huwa aTTriiq wa alHaqq wa alHayaat. Laa ya’tii ahadun ilaa al-abi illa bii.”
(Árabe, YuHanna 14: 6)
7. Jesus sprach zu ihm, “Ich din der Weg, die Wahrheit und das Leben. Niemand kommt zum Vater als nur durch mich”.
(Alemão, Johanes 14: 6)
8. Jesus said unto him, “I am the way, the life and the truth. No one cometh to the Father but through me.”
(Inglês, John 14:6)
9. Jesus lhe respondeu: “Eu sou o caminho, a verdade e a vida; ninguém vem ao Pai a não ser por mim.”
(Português, João 14: 6)
10. Mwy mwryzavaz Yasw, “Yd rivws, yes anelos, yu yelhzy bdvdt. Bdl bajeli yd yamatws vuti nubasdsi bemus ozhle”.
(Yulami, Joranw 14: 6)
11. Iesu wa kare ni kotaeta, “Watashi wa shinri deari, michi deari, inochi na no desu. Daredemo, watashi o tooshinakereba, kami no mimoto ni kuru koto wa arimasen”.
(Japonês, Yohane 14:6)
12. Jezusi i tha: “Unë jam udha, e vërteta dhe jeta; askush nuk vjen tek Ati përveçse nëpërmjet meje”.
(Albanês, Gjoni 14: 6)
13. Jesus sa till honom: “Jag är vägen, sanningen och livet. Ingen kan komma till Fadern utom genom mig”.
(Sueco, Johannes 14: 6)
14. Jésus lui dit: “Je suis le chemin, la vérité, et la vie. Nul ne vient au Père que par moi”.
(Francês, Jean 14: 6)
15. Iisus otvyetil: - Ya yest’, pust’, istina i jien’. Nikta nye prikhodit k Ottsu, kak tol’ka chyeryez Myenya.
(Russo, At Ioanna 14: 6)
16. Ka mea a Ihu ki a ia, Ko ahau te huarahi, te pono, te ora: e kore rawa tetahi tangata e haere ake ki te Matua, ki te kahore ahau.
(Mâori, John 14:6)
17. Gesù gli disse: “Io sono la via, la verità e la vita. Nessuno puo venire al Padre, se non per mezzo di me”.
(Italiano, Giovanni 14: 6)
18. Yesus menjawab, “Akulah jalan untuk mengenal Allah dan mendapat hidup. Tidak seorang pun dapat datang kepada Bapa, kalau tidak melalui Aku”.
(Indonésio, Yohanes 14: 6)
19. Monda néki Jézus: Én vagyok az út, az igazság és az élet; senki sem mehet az Atyához, hanemha én általam. (Húngaro, János 14: 6)
20. Jesús le dijo: --Yo soy el camino, la verdad y la vida; nadie viene al Padre, sino por mí.
(Espanhol 14: 6)
21. Si Jesus mitubag kaniya, “Ako mao ang dalan, ug ang kamatuoran, ug ang kinabuhi; walay bisan kinsa nga makaadto sa Amahan, gawas kon pinaagi kanako”.
(Cebuano, John 14: 6)
22. Odgovori mu Isus: “Ja sam Put i Istina i Život: nitko ne dolazi Ocu osim po meni”.
(Croata, John 14: 6)
(Latim, Ioannes 14: 6)
2. Yesu akawaam bia, “Mimi ndiye Njia na Kweli na Uzima; mtu hawezi kufika kwa Baba bila kupitia kwangu”.
(Swahili, Yohana 14: 6)
3. Sinabi ni Jesus sa kaniya: “Ako ang Daan, ang Katotohanan at ang Buhay. Walang sinumang makakapunta sa Ama maliban sa pamamagitan ko”.
(Tagalog, Juan 14: 6)
4. Jeesus sanoi hänelle: “Minä olen tie ja totuss ja elämä; ei kukaan tule Isäni tykö muttoin minun kauttani”.
(Finlandês, Joane 14: 6)
5. Odpowiedzial mu Jezus: “Jestem droga i prawda i zyciem. Nikt nie przychodzi do ojca inaczej jak przeze mnie”.
(Polonês, Johan 14: 6)
6. Faajabahu Yasuu’a, “anaa huwa aTTriiq wa alHaqq wa alHayaat. Laa ya’tii ahadun ilaa al-abi illa bii.”
(Árabe, YuHanna 14: 6)
7. Jesus sprach zu ihm, “Ich din der Weg, die Wahrheit und das Leben. Niemand kommt zum Vater als nur durch mich”.
(Alemão, Johanes 14: 6)
8. Jesus said unto him, “I am the way, the life and the truth. No one cometh to the Father but through me.”
(Inglês, John 14:6)
9. Jesus lhe respondeu: “Eu sou o caminho, a verdade e a vida; ninguém vem ao Pai a não ser por mim.”
(Português, João 14: 6)
10. Mwy mwryzavaz Yasw, “Yd rivws, yes anelos, yu yelhzy bdvdt. Bdl bajeli yd yamatws vuti nubasdsi bemus ozhle”.
(Yulami, Joranw 14: 6)
11. Iesu wa kare ni kotaeta, “Watashi wa shinri deari, michi deari, inochi na no desu. Daredemo, watashi o tooshinakereba, kami no mimoto ni kuru koto wa arimasen”.
(Japonês, Yohane 14:6)
12. Jezusi i tha: “Unë jam udha, e vërteta dhe jeta; askush nuk vjen tek Ati përveçse nëpërmjet meje”.
(Albanês, Gjoni 14: 6)
13. Jesus sa till honom: “Jag är vägen, sanningen och livet. Ingen kan komma till Fadern utom genom mig”.
(Sueco, Johannes 14: 6)
14. Jésus lui dit: “Je suis le chemin, la vérité, et la vie. Nul ne vient au Père que par moi”.
(Francês, Jean 14: 6)
15. Iisus otvyetil: - Ya yest’, pust’, istina i jien’. Nikta nye prikhodit k Ottsu, kak tol’ka chyeryez Myenya.
(Russo, At Ioanna 14: 6)
16. Ka mea a Ihu ki a ia, Ko ahau te huarahi, te pono, te ora: e kore rawa tetahi tangata e haere ake ki te Matua, ki te kahore ahau.
(Mâori, John 14:6)
17. Gesù gli disse: “Io sono la via, la verità e la vita. Nessuno puo venire al Padre, se non per mezzo di me”.
(Italiano, Giovanni 14: 6)
18. Yesus menjawab, “Akulah jalan untuk mengenal Allah dan mendapat hidup. Tidak seorang pun dapat datang kepada Bapa, kalau tidak melalui Aku”.
(Indonésio, Yohanes 14: 6)
19. Monda néki Jézus: Én vagyok az út, az igazság és az élet; senki sem mehet az Atyához, hanemha én általam. (Húngaro, János 14: 6)
20. Jesús le dijo: --Yo soy el camino, la verdad y la vida; nadie viene al Padre, sino por mí.
(Espanhol 14: 6)
21. Si Jesus mitubag kaniya, “Ako mao ang dalan, ug ang kamatuoran, ug ang kinabuhi; walay bisan kinsa nga makaadto sa Amahan, gawas kon pinaagi kanako”.
(Cebuano, John 14: 6)
22. Odgovori mu Isus: “Ja sam Put i Istina i Život: nitko ne dolazi Ocu osim po meni”.
(Croata, John 14: 6)
Um pouco de Malgaxe (Malagasy)
Este idioma é falado em Madagascar (mais de 12 milhões de falantes), exótica ilha a sudeste do continente Africano.
This language is spoken in the beautiful Madagascar Island (southeast Africa), by more the 12 million people!
English Malagasy
English Anglisy
Yes Eny
No Tsia
Hello! and How are You? Manao ahoana!
Hello! (rural areas) Salama!
I'm fine, thank you. Tsara fa misaotra.
Goodbye! Veloma!
Please Azafady
Thank you Misaotra
You're welcome Tsy misy fisaorana.
Excuse me Azafady with arm and hand pointing to the ground
Sorry Miala tsiny
Who? Iza?
What? Inona?
When? Rahaoviana?
Where? Aiza?
Why? Fa maninona?
How? Ahoana?
How many? Firy?
How much? Hoatrinona?
What's your name? Iza no anaranao?
For Ho any
Because Satria
I don't understand. Tsy azoko.
Yes, I understand. Eny, azoko.
Help! Vonjeo!
Can you help me please? Afaka manampy ahy ve ianao?
Where are the bathrooms? Aiza no ivoahana?
Do you speak English? Mahay teny anglisy ve ianao?
I do not speak Malagasy. Tsy mahay teny Gasy aho.
I do not speak French. Tsy mahay teny frantsay aho.
I am thirsty. Mangetaheta aho.
I am hungry. Noana aho.
I am tired. Vizaka aho.
I need to pee. Poritra aho.
I would like to go to Antsirabe. Te-handeha mankany any Antsirabe aho.
That's expensive! Lafo be izany!
I'm hungry for some rice. Noana vary aho.
What can I do for you? Inona no ataoko anao?
I like... Tiako...
I love you. Tiako ianao.
one iray
two roa
three telo
four efatra
five dimy
six enina
seven fito
eight valo
nine sivy
ten folo
eleven iray ambin'ny folo
twelve roa ambin'ny folo
twenty roapolo
thirty telopolo
forty efapolo
fifty dimampolo
sixty enim_polo
seventy fitopolo
eighty valopolo
ninety sivinfolo
one hundred zato
two hundred roan_jato
one thousand arivo
ten thousand iray alina
one hundred thousand iray hetsy
one million iray tapitrisa
3,568,942 roa amby (ambin'ny) efapolo sy sivin_jato sy valo
arivo sy enina alina sy dimy hetsy sy telo tapitrisa
This language is spoken in the beautiful Madagascar Island (southeast Africa), by more the 12 million people!
English Malagasy
English Anglisy
Yes Eny
No Tsia
Hello! and How are You? Manao ahoana!
Hello! (rural areas) Salama!
I'm fine, thank you. Tsara fa misaotra.
Goodbye! Veloma!
Please Azafady
Thank you Misaotra
You're welcome Tsy misy fisaorana.
Excuse me Azafady with arm and hand pointing to the ground
Sorry Miala tsiny
Who? Iza?
What? Inona?
When? Rahaoviana?
Where? Aiza?
Why? Fa maninona?
How? Ahoana?
How many? Firy?
How much? Hoatrinona?
What's your name? Iza no anaranao?
For Ho any
Because Satria
I don't understand. Tsy azoko.
Yes, I understand. Eny, azoko.
Help! Vonjeo!
Can you help me please? Afaka manampy ahy ve ianao?
Where are the bathrooms? Aiza no ivoahana?
Do you speak English? Mahay teny anglisy ve ianao?
I do not speak Malagasy. Tsy mahay teny Gasy aho.
I do not speak French. Tsy mahay teny frantsay aho.
I am thirsty. Mangetaheta aho.
I am hungry. Noana aho.
I am tired. Vizaka aho.
I need to pee. Poritra aho.
I would like to go to Antsirabe. Te-handeha mankany any Antsirabe aho.
That's expensive! Lafo be izany!
I'm hungry for some rice. Noana vary aho.
What can I do for you? Inona no ataoko anao?
I like... Tiako...
I love you. Tiako ianao.
one iray
two roa
three telo
four efatra
five dimy
six enina
seven fito
eight valo
nine sivy
ten folo
eleven iray ambin'ny folo
twelve roa ambin'ny folo
twenty roapolo
thirty telopolo
forty efapolo
fifty dimampolo
sixty enim_polo
seventy fitopolo
eighty valopolo
ninety sivinfolo
one hundred zato
two hundred roan_jato
one thousand arivo
ten thousand iray alina
one hundred thousand iray hetsy
one million iray tapitrisa
3,568,942 roa amby (ambin'ny) efapolo sy sivin_jato sy valo
arivo sy enina alina sy dimy hetsy sy telo tapitrisa
Um pouco Chinês Mandarim
Hi! Ni3 hao3! 你好
Good Morning! zǎo shàng hǎo/ zǎo 早上好/ 早
Good Evening! Xia4 wu3 hao3!/ Wan3 shang4 hao3! 下午好!/ 晚上好!
Welcome! (to greet someone) Huan2 ying2! 欢迎!
How Are You? Ni3 hao3 你好!
I'm Fine, Thanks! Hen3 hao3! Xie4 xie4 很好!谢谢!
And You? Ni3 ne1? 你呢?
Good/ So-So. Yi1 ban1 一般。
Thank You (Very Much)! Xie4 xie4 谢谢!
You're Welcome! (answering "thank you") huan2 ying2! 欢迎!
Hey! Friend! Hai4! Peng2 you4 嗨!朋友!
I Missed You So Much! Duo1 xiang3 ni3 ya4 多想你呀!
What's New? You3 shen2 me xi1 qi2 de? 有什么希奇的?
Nothing Much Mei2 you2! 没有!
Good Night! Wan3 an1 晚安
See You Later! dài huì ér jiàn 待会儿见
Good Bye! zài jiàn 再见
Good Luck! Zhu4 ni3 hao3 yun4! 祝你好运!
Happy Birthday! Zhu4 ni3 sheng1 ri1 kuai4 le4! 祝你生日快乐!
Happy New Year! Xin1 nian2 kuai4 le4! 新年快乐!
Merry Christmas! Sheng4 dan4 kuai4 le4! 圣诞快乐!
Congratulations! Zhu4 he4/Gong1 xi3! 祝贺/恭喜!
Enjoy! (For meals…) Qing3 yong4 can1! 请用餐!
I'd Like To Visit China One Day
Zong3 you3 yi1 tian1 wo3 hui4 qu4 zhong1 guo2. 总有一天我会去中国。
Say Hi To John For me. Ti4 wo3 xiang4 yue1 han4 wen4 hao3. 替我向(约翰) 问好.
Bless you (when sneezing) Gan3 mao4 le, mei2 shi4 ba? 感冒了,没事吧?
Good Night & Sweet Dreams! Wan3 an1 & zuo4 ge4 mei3 meng4! 晚安&做个美梦!
I'm Sorry! (if you don't hear something) Dui4 bu4 qi3! 对不起!
Sorry (for a mistake) Bao4 qian4! 抱歉!
No Problem! Mei2 wen4 ti2! 没问题!
Can You Say It Again? Shen4 me? Zai4 shuo1 yi1 bian4! 什么!再说一遍!
Can You Speak Slowly? Qing3 zai4 shuo1 yi1 bian4! 请再说一遍!
Write It Down Please! Qing3 ji4 xia4! 请记下!
I Don't Understand! Wo3 bu4 dong3! 我不懂!
I Don't Know! Wo3 bu4 zhi1 dao4! 我不知道!
I Have No Idea. Wo3 ye3 bu4 zhi1 dao4! 我也不知道!
What's That Called In Chinese?
Na4 zai4 han4 yu3 li jiao4 shen2 me? 那在汉语里叫什么?
What Does "ni hao" Mean In English?
"ni hao" zai4 ying1 yu3 li zen3 me shuo1? “ni hao”在英语里怎么说?
How Do You Say "Please" In Chinese?
"Please" zai4 han4 yu3 li zen3 me shuo1? “Please”在汉语里怎么说?
What Is This? Zhe4 shi4 shen2 me? 这是什么?
My Chinese Is Bad. Wo3 han4 yu3 shuo1 de bu4 hao2. 我汉语说的不好。
I need to practice my Chinese Wo3 xu1 yao4 lian4 xi2 han4 yu3. 我需要练习汉语。
Don't Worry! Bie2 dan1 xin1! 别担心!
Good Morning! zǎo shàng hǎo/ zǎo 早上好/ 早
Good Evening! Xia4 wu3 hao3!/ Wan3 shang4 hao3! 下午好!/ 晚上好!
Welcome! (to greet someone) Huan2 ying2! 欢迎!
How Are You? Ni3 hao3 你好!
I'm Fine, Thanks! Hen3 hao3! Xie4 xie4 很好!谢谢!
And You? Ni3 ne1? 你呢?
Good/ So-So. Yi1 ban1 一般。
Thank You (Very Much)! Xie4 xie4 谢谢!
You're Welcome! (answering "thank you") huan2 ying2! 欢迎!
Hey! Friend! Hai4! Peng2 you4 嗨!朋友!
I Missed You So Much! Duo1 xiang3 ni3 ya4 多想你呀!
What's New? You3 shen2 me xi1 qi2 de? 有什么希奇的?
Nothing Much Mei2 you2! 没有!
Good Night! Wan3 an1 晚安
See You Later! dài huì ér jiàn 待会儿见
Good Bye! zài jiàn 再见
Good Luck! Zhu4 ni3 hao3 yun4! 祝你好运!
Happy Birthday! Zhu4 ni3 sheng1 ri1 kuai4 le4! 祝你生日快乐!
Happy New Year! Xin1 nian2 kuai4 le4! 新年快乐!
Merry Christmas! Sheng4 dan4 kuai4 le4! 圣诞快乐!
Congratulations! Zhu4 he4/Gong1 xi3! 祝贺/恭喜!
Enjoy! (For meals…) Qing3 yong4 can1! 请用餐!
I'd Like To Visit China One Day
Zong3 you3 yi1 tian1 wo3 hui4 qu4 zhong1 guo2. 总有一天我会去中国。
Say Hi To John For me. Ti4 wo3 xiang4 yue1 han4 wen4 hao3. 替我向(约翰) 问好.
Bless you (when sneezing) Gan3 mao4 le, mei2 shi4 ba? 感冒了,没事吧?
Good Night & Sweet Dreams! Wan3 an1 & zuo4 ge4 mei3 meng4! 晚安&做个美梦!
I'm Sorry! (if you don't hear something) Dui4 bu4 qi3! 对不起!
Sorry (for a mistake) Bao4 qian4! 抱歉!
No Problem! Mei2 wen4 ti2! 没问题!
Can You Say It Again? Shen4 me? Zai4 shuo1 yi1 bian4! 什么!再说一遍!
Can You Speak Slowly? Qing3 zai4 shuo1 yi1 bian4! 请再说一遍!
Write It Down Please! Qing3 ji4 xia4! 请记下!
I Don't Understand! Wo3 bu4 dong3! 我不懂!
I Don't Know! Wo3 bu4 zhi1 dao4! 我不知道!
I Have No Idea. Wo3 ye3 bu4 zhi1 dao4! 我也不知道!
What's That Called In Chinese?
Na4 zai4 han4 yu3 li jiao4 shen2 me? 那在汉语里叫什么?
What Does "ni hao" Mean In English?
"ni hao" zai4 ying1 yu3 li zen3 me shuo1? “ni hao”在英语里怎么说?
How Do You Say "Please" In Chinese?
"Please" zai4 han4 yu3 li zen3 me shuo1? “Please”在汉语里怎么说?
What Is This? Zhe4 shi4 shen2 me? 这是什么?
My Chinese Is Bad. Wo3 han4 yu3 shuo1 de bu4 hao2. 我汉语说的不好。
I need to practice my Chinese Wo3 xu1 yao4 lian4 xi2 han4 yu3. 我需要练习汉语。
Don't Worry! Bie2 dan1 xin1! 别担心!
Um pouco de Hindi...
Hi! Namastey!
Good Morning! Suprabhaat
Good Evening! Shubh sundhyaa.
Welcome! (to greet someone) Aapka swaagat hai!
How Are You? Aap kaisey hain?
I'm Fine, Thanks! Mein theek hoon, shukriya!
And You? Aur aap?
Good/ So-So. Accha/ Theek-thaak
Thank You (Very Much)! Shukriyaa (Bahut dhanyavaad)
Hey! Friend! Arrey, Dost!
I Missed You So Much! Mujhey aapkee bahut yaad aaee.
What's New? Kyaa chal rahaa hai?
Nothing Much Zyaada kuch nahi
Good Night! Shubh raatri
See You Later! Phir milen-gay.
Good Bye! Alvida!
Good Luck! Shubh Kaamnaayein
Happy Birthday! Janamdin kee shubhaechaen
Happy New Year! Naaey saal kee shubhaechaen
Merry Christmas!Christmas kee badhaaeeyaan
Congratulations! Badhaaee ho!
Enjoy! (For meals…) Bhog keejeeae
I'd Like To Visit India One Day
Mein kabhi Bharat jaana chahoongaa/-ngi (fem)
Say Hi To John For me.
John ko meri taraf sey namastey kehna.
Bless you (when sneezing) (No expression)
Good Night & Sweet Dreams! Shubh raatri
I'm Sorry! (if you don't hear something)
Kyaa aap issey dohraa saktey hain?
Sorry (for a mistake)
Kshamaa/ maafee chaahta/ chaahti (female) hu.
No Problem! Koee baat nuhee
Can You Repeat? Kyaa aap issey dohraa saktey hain?
Can You Speak Slowly? Kyaa aap dheerae baat karengae?
Write It Down Please!
Kripaya karkey yeh likkh deejeeae.
I Don't Understand! Mujhey samajh mein nahi aataa.
I Don't Know! Mujhey nahi maloom
I Have No Idea.
Mujhey iss cheez kaa kuchh pata nahi hai
What's That Called In Hindi?
Issey Hindi mein kyaa kahtey hain?
What Does "maloom" Mean In English?
Angrezi mein “maloom” ka kyaa arth hoga?
How Do You Say "Please" In Hindi?
Hindi mein “please” kaisey kahtey hain?
What Is This? Yeh kyaa hai?
My Hindi Is Bad. Meri Hindi kucch khaas nahi hai.
I need to practice my Hindi
Mujey Hindi ka or abhyaas karnaa hogaa
Don't Worry! Chinta mat karo!
Good Morning! Suprabhaat
Good Evening! Shubh sundhyaa.
Welcome! (to greet someone) Aapka swaagat hai!
How Are You? Aap kaisey hain?
I'm Fine, Thanks! Mein theek hoon, shukriya!
And You? Aur aap?
Good/ So-So. Accha/ Theek-thaak
Thank You (Very Much)! Shukriyaa (Bahut dhanyavaad)
Hey! Friend! Arrey, Dost!
I Missed You So Much! Mujhey aapkee bahut yaad aaee.
What's New? Kyaa chal rahaa hai?
Nothing Much Zyaada kuch nahi
Good Night! Shubh raatri
See You Later! Phir milen-gay.
Good Bye! Alvida!
Good Luck! Shubh Kaamnaayein
Happy Birthday! Janamdin kee shubhaechaen
Happy New Year! Naaey saal kee shubhaechaen
Merry Christmas!Christmas kee badhaaeeyaan
Congratulations! Badhaaee ho!
Enjoy! (For meals…) Bhog keejeeae
I'd Like To Visit India One Day
Mein kabhi Bharat jaana chahoongaa/-ngi (fem)
Say Hi To John For me.
John ko meri taraf sey namastey kehna.
Bless you (when sneezing) (No expression)
Good Night & Sweet Dreams! Shubh raatri
I'm Sorry! (if you don't hear something)
Kyaa aap issey dohraa saktey hain?
Sorry (for a mistake)
Kshamaa/ maafee chaahta/ chaahti (female) hu.
No Problem! Koee baat nuhee
Can You Repeat? Kyaa aap issey dohraa saktey hain?
Can You Speak Slowly? Kyaa aap dheerae baat karengae?
Write It Down Please!
Kripaya karkey yeh likkh deejeeae.
I Don't Understand! Mujhey samajh mein nahi aataa.
I Don't Know! Mujhey nahi maloom
I Have No Idea.
Mujhey iss cheez kaa kuchh pata nahi hai
What's That Called In Hindi?
Issey Hindi mein kyaa kahtey hain?
What Does "maloom" Mean In English?
Angrezi mein “maloom” ka kyaa arth hoga?
How Do You Say "Please" In Hindi?
Hindi mein “please” kaisey kahtey hain?
What Is This? Yeh kyaa hai?
My Hindi Is Bad. Meri Hindi kucch khaas nahi hai.
I need to practice my Hindi
Mujey Hindi ka or abhyaas karnaa hogaa
Don't Worry! Chinta mat karo!
Um pouco de Russo!
Good Evening! dObriy dEn/ vEcher (day/evening) Добрый день/ вечер!
Welcome! (to greet someone) dabrO pazhAlavat’ Добро пожаловать!
How Are You? kak dela? Как дела?
I'm Fine, Thanks! harashO! Spasiba Хорошо, спасибо!
And You? a u tibyA? А у тебя?
Good/ So-So. harashO/ tAk sibe Хорошо/Так себе
Thank You (Very Much)! Spasiba Спасибо!
You're Welcome! (answering "thank you") pazhAlusta пожалуйста!
Hey! Friend! Ey, drug! Эй, друг\ Эй, приятель.
I Missed You So Much!
Ya tak sil'no skuchAl/a (female) pa tibE Я так сильно скучал/a по тебе
What's New? Chto nOvava? Что нового?
Nothing Much NiplOha/ NichivO Неплохо\ Ничего.
Good Night! spakOynay nOchi спокойной ночи
See You Later! da vstrEchi/ da svidAn’ya до встречи/ до свидания
Good Bye! pakA/ da svidAn’ya Пока/до свидания
Good Luck! udAchi! Удачи!
Happy Birthday! z dnÖm razhden’ya! С днём рождения!
Happy New Year! S nOvym gOdam! С Новым Годом!
Merry Christmas! s razhdistvOm! С Рождеством!
Congratulations! pazdravlyAyu! Поздравляю!
Enjoy! (For meals…) Na zdarOv’ye! На здоровье!
I'd Like To Visit your country One Day mnE by hatelas’ pabyvAt’ v vAshey stranE
Мне бы хотелось побывать в вашей стране
Say Hi To John For me.
PiridAyte (DzhOnu) ot minyA privEt Передайте Джону от меня привет!
Bless you (when sneezing) bUte zdarOvy (means be healthy!) Будьте здоровы!
Good Night & Sweet Dreams!
spakOynay nOchi i priYAtnyh snOf Спокойной ночи и приятных снов!
I'm Sorry! (if you don't hear something)
Prastite minyA, kAk vy skazAli? Простите меня, как Вы сказали?
Sorry (for a mistake) Prastite/Izvinite Простите/ Извините
No Problem! Bis prabl’Em Без проблем
Can You Say It Again? Paftarite pazhAlusta! Повторите, пожалуйста
Can You Speak Slowly? mOzhna pamEdlenej? Можно по-медленней?
Write It Down Please! Napichite pazhAlusta Напишите, пожалуйста
I Don't Understand! Ya ni panimAju Я не понимаю
I Don't Know! Ni znaju! Не знаю
I Have No Idea. PanyAtiya ni imEyu Понятия не имею
What's That Called In Russian?
Kak Eta skazAt’ paruski? Как это сказать по-русски?
What Does "horosho" Mean In English?
chtO znAchit “horosho” na angliskam? Что значит «horosho» на английском?
How Do You Say "Please" In Russian?
kAk skazAt’ "please" parUski? Как сказать "please" по-русски?
What Is This? chtO eta? (short: chtOyto?) Что это?
My Russian Is Bad. U min’A plOha s rUskim У меня плохо с русским
I need to practice my Russian
mnE nUzhna praktikovAt’sa v Russkam Мне нужно практиковаться в русском
Don't Worry! Ni bispakOytis’ Не беспокойтесь
Welcome! (to greet someone) dabrO pazhAlavat’ Добро пожаловать!
How Are You? kak dela? Как дела?
I'm Fine, Thanks! harashO! Spasiba Хорошо, спасибо!
And You? a u tibyA? А у тебя?
Good/ So-So. harashO/ tAk sibe Хорошо/Так себе
Thank You (Very Much)! Spasiba Спасибо!
You're Welcome! (answering "thank you") pazhAlusta пожалуйста!
Hey! Friend! Ey, drug! Эй, друг\ Эй, приятель.
I Missed You So Much!
Ya tak sil'no skuchAl/a (female) pa tibE Я так сильно скучал/a по тебе
What's New? Chto nOvava? Что нового?
Nothing Much NiplOha/ NichivO Неплохо\ Ничего.
Good Night! spakOynay nOchi спокойной ночи
See You Later! da vstrEchi/ da svidAn’ya до встречи/ до свидания
Good Bye! pakA/ da svidAn’ya Пока/до свидания
Good Luck! udAchi! Удачи!
Happy Birthday! z dnÖm razhden’ya! С днём рождения!
Happy New Year! S nOvym gOdam! С Новым Годом!
Merry Christmas! s razhdistvOm! С Рождеством!
Congratulations! pazdravlyAyu! Поздравляю!
Enjoy! (For meals…) Na zdarOv’ye! На здоровье!
I'd Like To Visit your country One Day mnE by hatelas’ pabyvAt’ v vAshey stranE
Мне бы хотелось побывать в вашей стране
Say Hi To John For me.
PiridAyte (DzhOnu) ot minyA privEt Передайте Джону от меня привет!
Bless you (when sneezing) bUte zdarOvy (means be healthy!) Будьте здоровы!
Good Night & Sweet Dreams!
spakOynay nOchi i priYAtnyh snOf Спокойной ночи и приятных снов!
I'm Sorry! (if you don't hear something)
Prastite minyA, kAk vy skazAli? Простите меня, как Вы сказали?
Sorry (for a mistake) Prastite/Izvinite Простите/ Извините
No Problem! Bis prabl’Em Без проблем
Can You Say It Again? Paftarite pazhAlusta! Повторите, пожалуйста
Can You Speak Slowly? mOzhna pamEdlenej? Можно по-медленней?
Write It Down Please! Napichite pazhAlusta Напишите, пожалуйста
I Don't Understand! Ya ni panimAju Я не понимаю
I Don't Know! Ni znaju! Не знаю
I Have No Idea. PanyAtiya ni imEyu Понятия не имею
What's That Called In Russian?
Kak Eta skazAt’ paruski? Как это сказать по-русски?
What Does "horosho" Mean In English?
chtO znAchit “horosho” na angliskam? Что значит «horosho» на английском?
How Do You Say "Please" In Russian?
kAk skazAt’ "please" parUski? Как сказать "please" по-русски?
What Is This? chtO eta? (short: chtOyto?) Что это?
My Russian Is Bad. U min’A plOha s rUskim У меня плохо с русским
I need to practice my Russian
mnE nUzhna praktikovAt’sa v Russkam Мне нужно практиковаться в русском
Don't Worry! Ni bispakOytis’ Не беспокойтесь
Um pouco de Coreano
Hi! An-yŏng-ha-se-yo.
Good Morning!
An-yŏng-hi ju-mu-shŏ-ssŏ-yo? / An-nyŏng-ha-se-yo?
Good Evening!
Shik-sa-ha-shŏ-ssŏ-yo? / An-nyŏng-ha-shŏ-ssŏ-yo? (polite)
Welcome! (to greet someone) Hwan-yŏng-ham-ni-da.
How Are You? Chal ji-nae-shŏ-ssŏ-yo?
I'm Fine, Thanks! Ne. Chal ji-nae-ssŏ-yo.
And You? ŭ-nyo/nŭ-nyo?
Good/ So-So. Chal ji-nae-ssŏ-yo. / Kŭ-jŏ kŭ-rae-yo.
Thank You (Very Much)! (Nŏ-mu) kam-sa-ham-ni-da!
You're Welcome! (answering "thank you") A-ni-e-yo.
Hey! Friend! Ya! Ch'in-gu! (informal)
I Missed You So Much! Nŏ-mu po-go shi-p'ŏ-ssŏ-yo.
What's New? Pyŏl-li-ri ŏp-ssŭ-shŏ-ssŏ-yo?
Nothing Much Ne. ŏp-ssŏ-ssŏ-yo.
Good Night! An-yŏng-hi ju-mu-se-yo!
See You Later! Na-jung-e bwae-yo!
Good Bye! An-nyŏng-hi ga-se-yo! / An-nyŏng-hi ge-se-yo!
Good Luck! Hang-u-nŭl bim-ni-da!
Happy Birthday! Sang-il ch'u-k'a-ham-ni-da!
Happy New Year! Sae-hae-bok ma-ni pa-dŭ-se-yo!
Merry Christmas! Me-ri k'ŭ-ri-sŭ-ma-sŭ!
Congratulations! Ch'u-k'a-dŭ-rim-ni-da!
Enjoy! (For meals? Ma-ni dŭ-se-yo!
I'd Like To Visit Korea One Day
Ŏn-jen-ga-nŭn han-gu-ge ka-go shi-p'ŏ-yo.
Say Hi To John For me.
Cha-nan-t'e an-bu-rŭl chŏ-nae-ju-se-yo.
Bless you (when sneezing) (No reaction, as if nothing happened)
Good Night & Sweet Dreams! Dwae-ji-kkum kku-se-yo!
I'm Sorry! (if you don't hear something) Mwŏ-ra-go-yo?
Sorry (for a mistake) Choe-song-ham-ni-da.
No Problem! A-ni-e-yo.
Can You Say It Again?
Ta-shi han-bŏn mal-ssŭ-mae-ju-shi-ge-ssŏ-yo?
Can You Speak Slowly?
Ch'ŏn-ch'ŏ-ni mal-ssŭ-mae ju-shi-ge-ssŏ-yo?
Write It Down Please! Chŏ-gŏ ju-se-yo!
I Don't Understand! Mo-na-ra-dŭt-kke-ssŏ-yo.
I Don't Know! Mo-rŭ-ge-ssŏ-yo.
I Have No Idea. Chŏ-nyŏ mo-rŭ-ge-ssŏ-yo.
What's That Called In Korean?
Kŭ-gŏt han-gung-mal-lo mwŏ-ra-go hae-yo?
What Is This? I-ge mwŏ-ye-yo?
My Korean Is Bad.
Chŏ-nŭn han-gung-mal chal-mo-t'ae-yo.
I need to practice my Korean
Han-gung-mal yŏn-sŭ-p'ae-ya dwoe-yo.
Don't Worry! Kŏk-tchŏng ma-se-yo!
Good Morning!
An-yŏng-hi ju-mu-shŏ-ssŏ-yo? / An-nyŏng-ha-se-yo?
Good Evening!
Shik-sa-ha-shŏ-ssŏ-yo? / An-nyŏng-ha-shŏ-ssŏ-yo? (polite)
Welcome! (to greet someone) Hwan-yŏng-ham-ni-da.
How Are You? Chal ji-nae-shŏ-ssŏ-yo?
I'm Fine, Thanks! Ne. Chal ji-nae-ssŏ-yo.
And You? ŭ-nyo/nŭ-nyo?
Good/ So-So. Chal ji-nae-ssŏ-yo. / Kŭ-jŏ kŭ-rae-yo.
Thank You (Very Much)! (Nŏ-mu) kam-sa-ham-ni-da!
You're Welcome! (answering "thank you") A-ni-e-yo.
Hey! Friend! Ya! Ch'in-gu! (informal)
I Missed You So Much! Nŏ-mu po-go shi-p'ŏ-ssŏ-yo.
What's New? Pyŏl-li-ri ŏp-ssŭ-shŏ-ssŏ-yo?
Nothing Much Ne. ŏp-ssŏ-ssŏ-yo.
Good Night! An-yŏng-hi ju-mu-se-yo!
See You Later! Na-jung-e bwae-yo!
Good Bye! An-nyŏng-hi ga-se-yo! / An-nyŏng-hi ge-se-yo!
Good Luck! Hang-u-nŭl bim-ni-da!
Happy Birthday! Sang-il ch'u-k'a-ham-ni-da!
Happy New Year! Sae-hae-bok ma-ni pa-dŭ-se-yo!
Merry Christmas! Me-ri k'ŭ-ri-sŭ-ma-sŭ!
Congratulations! Ch'u-k'a-dŭ-rim-ni-da!
Enjoy! (For meals? Ma-ni dŭ-se-yo!
I'd Like To Visit Korea One Day
Ŏn-jen-ga-nŭn han-gu-ge ka-go shi-p'ŏ-yo.
Say Hi To John For me.
Cha-nan-t'e an-bu-rŭl chŏ-nae-ju-se-yo.
Bless you (when sneezing) (No reaction, as if nothing happened)
Good Night & Sweet Dreams! Dwae-ji-kkum kku-se-yo!
I'm Sorry! (if you don't hear something) Mwŏ-ra-go-yo?
Sorry (for a mistake) Choe-song-ham-ni-da.
No Problem! A-ni-e-yo.
Can You Say It Again?
Ta-shi han-bŏn mal-ssŭ-mae-ju-shi-ge-ssŏ-yo?
Can You Speak Slowly?
Ch'ŏn-ch'ŏ-ni mal-ssŭ-mae ju-shi-ge-ssŏ-yo?
Write It Down Please! Chŏ-gŏ ju-se-yo!
I Don't Understand! Mo-na-ra-dŭt-kke-ssŏ-yo.
I Don't Know! Mo-rŭ-ge-ssŏ-yo.
I Have No Idea. Chŏ-nyŏ mo-rŭ-ge-ssŏ-yo.
What's That Called In Korean?
Kŭ-gŏt han-gung-mal-lo mwŏ-ra-go hae-yo?
What Is This? I-ge mwŏ-ye-yo?
My Korean Is Bad.
Chŏ-nŭn han-gung-mal chal-mo-t'ae-yo.
I need to practice my Korean
Han-gung-mal yŏn-sŭ-p'ae-ya dwoe-yo.
Don't Worry! Kŏk-tchŏng ma-se-yo!
Um pouquinho de Kartuli (Georgian)...
Gamarjoba Hello
Nakhvamdis Goodbye
Tu sheidzleba Please
Gmadlobt Thank you
Didi madloba Many thanks
Diakh Yes (ki =yeah)
Ara No
Bodishi Sorry
Nu Don’t
Sad aris …? Where is … ?
Ra ghirs …. ? How much is …?(One of those phrases it’s worth knowing,even if you can never understand the reply)
Puli Money
Lari Georgian currency 1 lari=100 tetri
Ver gavige I don’t understand
Ingliseli/amerikeli var I’m English/American
Es lamazia This is beautiful
Dzalian very
Tsavidet let’s go (useful for timekeepers)
Da and
… minda I want …
… ginda? Do you want …?
... unda She/he wants…
…gvinda We want…
…momtsons I like…
Didi Big
P’atara Small
Ch’q’ara quickly
Ts’ota Few/ a little
Dzalian bevri Too much
Supra feast
Tamada toast master at a table
Tsq’ali water
Ludi bear
ghvino wine(shavi = red[lit:black]; tetri =white)
Araq’i wodka(the evil Georgian homebrew version)
P’uri bread
Khachapuri the national dish –bread with cheese filling
Sastumro hotel
Stumari guest (this is what we are: guests, theGeorgians say, come from the God, so thisis a word to remember if you are badly treated)
Ts’eli year
Tve month
K’vira week
Dghe/dghes day/today
Khval tomorrow
Zeg day after tomorrow
Gushin yesterday
Saati hour (also time/watch)
Tsuti minute
Erti 1
Ori 2
Sami 3
Otkhi 4
Khuti 5
Ekvsi 6
Shvidi 7
Rva 8
tskhra 9
Ati 10
t-ert-meti 11
t-or-meti 12
Tsameti 13
Totkhmeti 14
Tkhutmeti 15
Teqvsmeti 16
Chvidmeti 17
Tvrameti 18
Tskhrameti 19
Otsi 20
Ots-da-erti (20-and-1) 21
Ots-da-ori (20-and-2) 22
Ots-da-ati (20-and-10) 30
Ots-da-tskhrameti (20-and-19) 39
Ormotsi (2x20) 40
Ormots-da-ati (2x20-and-10) 50
Samotsi (3x20) 60
Otkhmotsi 80
Asi 100
Atasi 1000
Pirveli 1st
Meore 2nd
Me-sam-e 3rd
Nakhvamdis Goodbye
Tu sheidzleba Please
Gmadlobt Thank you
Didi madloba Many thanks
Diakh Yes (ki =yeah)
Ara No
Bodishi Sorry
Nu Don’t
Sad aris …? Where is … ?
Ra ghirs …. ? How much is …?(One of those phrases it’s worth knowing,even if you can never understand the reply)
Puli Money
Lari Georgian currency 1 lari=100 tetri
Ver gavige I don’t understand
Ingliseli/amerikeli var I’m English/American
Es lamazia This is beautiful
Dzalian very
Tsavidet let’s go (useful for timekeepers)
Da and
… minda I want …
… ginda? Do you want …?
... unda She/he wants…
…gvinda We want…
…momtsons I like…
Didi Big
P’atara Small
Ch’q’ara quickly
Ts’ota Few/ a little
Dzalian bevri Too much
Supra feast
Tamada toast master at a table
Tsq’ali water
Ludi bear
ghvino wine(shavi = red[lit:black]; tetri =white)
Araq’i wodka(the evil Georgian homebrew version)
P’uri bread
Khachapuri the national dish –bread with cheese filling
Sastumro hotel
Stumari guest (this is what we are: guests, theGeorgians say, come from the God, so thisis a word to remember if you are badly treated)
Ts’eli year
Tve month
K’vira week
Dghe/dghes day/today
Khval tomorrow
Zeg day after tomorrow
Gushin yesterday
Saati hour (also time/watch)
Tsuti minute
Erti 1
Ori 2
Sami 3
Otkhi 4
Khuti 5
Ekvsi 6
Shvidi 7
Rva 8
tskhra 9
Ati 10
t-ert-meti 11
t-or-meti 12
Tsameti 13
Totkhmeti 14
Tkhutmeti 15
Teqvsmeti 16
Chvidmeti 17
Tvrameti 18
Tskhrameti 19
Otsi 20
Ots-da-erti (20-and-1) 21
Ots-da-ori (20-and-2) 22
Ots-da-ati (20-and-10) 30
Ots-da-tskhrameti (20-and-19) 39
Ormotsi (2x20) 40
Ormots-da-ati (2x20-and-10) 50
Samotsi (3x20) 60
Otkhmotsi 80
Asi 100
Atasi 1000
Pirveli 1st
Meore 2nd
Me-sam-e 3rd
quarta-feira, 3 de setembro de 2008
Um pouquinho de "Kartuli" (Georgiano)
This language has a beautifully designed alphabet, but not so beatufil sounds. It is quite interesting, mainly the "20"-based number counting and its derivational system.
gamarjoba - Hello
nakhvamdis - Goodbye
tu sheidzleba - Please
gmadlobt - Thank you
didi madloba - Many thanks
diakh Yes - (ki = yeah)
ara - No
bodishi - Sorry
ნუ nu Don’t
სად არის ...? sad aris …? Where is … ?
რა ღირს ...? Ra ghirs …. ? How much is …?
(One of those phrases it’s worth knowing,
even if you can never understand the reply)
ფული Puli Money
ლარი Lari Georgian currency 1 lari=100 tetri
ვერ გავიგე Ver gavige I don’t understand
ინგლისელი/ამერიკელი ვარ ingliseli/amerikeli var I’m English/American
ეს ლამაზია es lamazia This is beautiful
ძალიან dzalian very
წავიდეთ tsavidet let’s go (useful for timekeepers)
და da and
... მინდა … minda I want …
... გინდა? … ginda? Do you want …?
... უნდა ... unda She/he wants…
... გვინდა …gvinda We want…
... მომწონს …momtsons I like…
დიდი didi Big
პატარა p’atara Small
ჩქარა ch’q’ara quickly
ცოტა ts’ota Few/ a little
ძალიან ბევრი dzalian bevri Too much
სუფრა supra feast
თამადა tamada toast master at a table
წყალი tsq’ali water
ლუდი ludi bear
ღვინო ghvino wine
(shavi = red[lit:black]; tetri =white)
არაყი araq’i wodka
(the evil Georgian homebrew version)
პური p’uri bread
ხაჭაპური khachapuri the national dish –
bread with cheese filling
სასტუმრო sastumro hotel
სტუმარი stumari guest (this is what we are: guests, the
Georgians say, come from the God, so this
is a word to remember if you are badly treated)
წელი ts’eli year
თვე tve month
კვირა k’vira week
დღე/დღეს dghe/dghes day/today
ხვალ khval tomorrow
ზეგ zeg day after tomorrow
გუშინ gushin yesterday
საათი saati hour (also time/watch)
წუთი tsuti minute
ერთი erti 1
ორი ori 2
სამი sami 3
ოთხი otkhi 4
ხუთი khuti 5
ექვსი ekvsi 6
შვიდი shvidi 7
რვა rva 8
ცხრა tskhra 9
ათი ati 10
თერთმეტი t-ert-meti 11
თორმეტი t-or-meti 12
ცამეტი tsameti 13
თოთხმეტი totkhmeti 14
თხუთმეტი tkhutmeti 15
თექვსმეტი teqvsmeti 16
ჩვიდმეტი chvidmeti 17
თვრამეტი tvrameti 18
ცხრამეტი tskhrameti 19
ოცი otsi 20
ოცდაერთი ots-da-erti (20-and-1) 21
ოცდაორი ots-da-ori (20-and-2) 22
ოცდაათი ots-da-ati (20-and-10) 30
ოცდაცხრამეტი ots-da-tskhrameti (20-and-19) 39
ორმოცი ormotsi (2x20) 40
ორმოცდაათი ormots-da-ati (2x20-and-10) 50
სამოცი samotsi (3x20) 60
ოთხმოცი otkhmotsi 80
ასი asi 100
ათასი atasi 1000
პირველი pirveli 1st
მეორე meore 2nd
მესამე me-sam-e 3rd
gamarjoba - Hello
nakhvamdis - Goodbye
tu sheidzleba - Please
gmadlobt - Thank you
didi madloba - Many thanks
diakh Yes - (ki = yeah)
ara - No
bodishi - Sorry
ნუ nu Don’t
სად არის ...? sad aris …? Where is … ?
რა ღირს ...? Ra ghirs …. ? How much is …?
(One of those phrases it’s worth knowing,
even if you can never understand the reply)
ფული Puli Money
ლარი Lari Georgian currency 1 lari=100 tetri
ვერ გავიგე Ver gavige I don’t understand
ინგლისელი/ამერიკელი ვარ ingliseli/amerikeli var I’m English/American
ეს ლამაზია es lamazia This is beautiful
ძალიან dzalian very
წავიდეთ tsavidet let’s go (useful for timekeepers)
და da and
... მინდა … minda I want …
... გინდა? … ginda? Do you want …?
... უნდა ... unda She/he wants…
... გვინდა …gvinda We want…
... მომწონს …momtsons I like…
დიდი didi Big
პატარა p’atara Small
ჩქარა ch’q’ara quickly
ცოტა ts’ota Few/ a little
ძალიან ბევრი dzalian bevri Too much
სუფრა supra feast
თამადა tamada toast master at a table
წყალი tsq’ali water
ლუდი ludi bear
ღვინო ghvino wine
(shavi = red[lit:black]; tetri =white)
არაყი araq’i wodka
(the evil Georgian homebrew version)
პური p’uri bread
ხაჭაპური khachapuri the national dish –
bread with cheese filling
სასტუმრო sastumro hotel
სტუმარი stumari guest (this is what we are: guests, the
Georgians say, come from the God, so this
is a word to remember if you are badly treated)
წელი ts’eli year
თვე tve month
კვირა k’vira week
დღე/დღეს dghe/dghes day/today
ხვალ khval tomorrow
ზეგ zeg day after tomorrow
გუშინ gushin yesterday
საათი saati hour (also time/watch)
წუთი tsuti minute
ერთი erti 1
ორი ori 2
სამი sami 3
ოთხი otkhi 4
ხუთი khuti 5
ექვსი ekvsi 6
შვიდი shvidi 7
რვა rva 8
ცხრა tskhra 9
ათი ati 10
თერთმეტი t-ert-meti 11
თორმეტი t-or-meti 12
ცამეტი tsameti 13
თოთხმეტი totkhmeti 14
თხუთმეტი tkhutmeti 15
თექვსმეტი teqvsmeti 16
ჩვიდმეტი chvidmeti 17
თვრამეტი tvrameti 18
ცხრამეტი tskhrameti 19
ოცი otsi 20
ოცდაერთი ots-da-erti (20-and-1) 21
ოცდაორი ots-da-ori (20-and-2) 22
ოცდაათი ots-da-ati (20-and-10) 30
ოცდაცხრამეტი ots-da-tskhrameti (20-and-19) 39
ორმოცი ormotsi (2x20) 40
ორმოცდაათი ormots-da-ati (2x20-and-10) 50
სამოცი samotsi (3x20) 60
ოთხმოცი otkhmotsi 80
ასი asi 100
ათასი atasi 1000
პირველი pirveli 1st
მეორე meore 2nd
მესამე me-sam-e 3rd
sexta-feira, 29 de agosto de 2008
Swahili Phrases and Words
Between peers: "Habari!" and the greeted answers, "Nzuri!".
Between peers: "Hujambo?" (Are you fine?) and the greeted answers, "Sijambo!" (I'm fine!)
Young to older: "Shikamoo!" (originally it meant "I touch your feet" as a sign of respect) and the greeted answers, "Marahabaa!" (I acknowledge your respect!).
Personal Pronouns
English Swahili
I Mimi
We Sisi
You (singular) Wewe
You (plural) nyinyi
He Yeye
She Yeye
They Wao
Common Dialogue
Sentence/Phrase Response
Ninaitwa Charles. Wewe unaitwaje?
(My name is Charles. What's your name?)
Ninaitwa Mary. Nimefurahi kukujua.
(My name is Mary. I'm pleased to know you.)
Unazungumza Kiswahili?
(Do you speak Swahili?)
Ndio! Ninazungumza Kiswahili.
(Yes! I speak Swahili.)
Kidogo tu!
(Just a little bit!)
Hapana! Sizungumzi Kiswahili. Ninazungumza Kiingereza tu!
(No! I don't speak Swahili. I only speak English!)
Ninatokea Marekani. Wewe unatokea wapi?
(I'm from the United States of America. Where are you from?)
Ninatokea Japani. Nipo hapa kwa matembezi.
(I'm from Japan. I'm visiting here.)
Ninatokea Uingereza. Nipo hapa kwa kazi.
(I'm from U.K. I'm here on business.)
Ninatokea Ujerumani. Nimekuja kujifunza Kiswahili.
(I'm from Germany. I've come to learn Swahili.)
Kwaheri! Nimefurahi kukutana na wewe.
(Goodbye! I'm pleased to meet you.)
Karibu! Nimefurahi pia kukutana na wewe.
(Goodbye! I'm also pleased to meet you.)
Utapenda kunywa nini?
(What would you like to drink?)
Nitakunywa maji tu. Nina kiu sana!
(I'll just drink water. I'm very thirsty.)
Nitakunywa kahawa bila maziwa.
(I'll drink coffee without milk.)
Nitakunywa chai na maziwa na sukari kidogo.
(I'll drink tea with milk and little sugar.)
Nitakunywa soda. CocaCola, tafadhali.
(I'll drink soda. CocaCola, please.)
Tafadhali niletee chakula moto haraka. Nina njaa sana!
(Please bring me some hot food quickly. I'm very hungry!)
Huu hapa wali, samaki, mbatata, na saladi. Nitakuletea keki baadaye.
(Here is rice, fish, potatoes, and salad. I'll bring you cake later.)
General Words and Phrases
English Swahili
And Na
Bad Mbaya
Bicycle Baiskeli
Bitter Chungu
Car Gari
Cold Baridi
Danger Hatari
Drink (noun)
Drink (verb)
Excuse me!
Help me, please!
Nisaidie, tafadhali!
I am angry.
I am traveling.
I am happy.
I can speak Swahili.
Ninaweza kusema Kiswahili.
I can't speak Swahili.
Siwezi kusema Kiswahili.
I love you!
Sorry! (apologize)
Sorry! (sympathize)
Thank you!
Thank you very much!
Asante sana!
Wakati gani?
Where are you going to?
Unakwenda wapi?
Days of the Week
In Swahili, Saturday is the first day of the week. The sixth day of the week, Thursday, is mostly pronounced as "Alkhamisi" to match the way it is pronounced in its Arabic origin. Thursday and Friday both are of Arabic origin. They probably replaced the original Bantu names of those days due to their special place in the Islamic religion. Note that in Arabic, "Alkhamis" means the fifth day of the Arabic week while Thursday is actually the sixth day of the Swahili week! Sort of we ended up with two fifth days of the week: "Jumatano" and "Alkhamisi"!
English Swahili
Jumamosi (literally: first day of the week)
Sunday Jumapili (literally: second day of the week)
Monday Jumatatu (literally: third day of the week)
Tuesday Jumanne (literally: fourth day of the week)
Wednesday Jumatano (literally: fifth day of the week)
Thursday Alhamisi (Arabic: fifth day of the week)
Friday Ijumaa (Arabic: the day of congregational prayer)
English Swahili English Swahili
1 Moja 40
2 Mbili
3 Tatu 55
Hamsini na tano
4 Nne
5 Tano
6 Sita
7 Saba
Mia moja thalathini na sita
Mia tisa tisini na tisa
Kumi na moja
Kumi na mbili
Elfu moja mia tisa tisini na saba
Kumi na saba
Two and a half
Mbili na nusu
Ishirini na nne
Forty seven and three quarters Arubaini na saba na robo tatu
It is interesting to note that in the Swahili culture the day starts at sunrise (unlike in the Arab world where the day starts at sunset, and in the Western world where the day starts at midnight). Sunrise in East Africa, being exactly at the Equator, happens every day at approximately 6:00 a.m. And for that reason, 6:00 a.m. is "0:00 morning" Swahili time. By "Swahili time" I mean the time as spoken in Swahili.
So the hands of a watch or clock meant to read Swahili time would always point to a number opposite to the number for the actual time as spoken in English. That is, the Swahili time anywhere in the world (not just East Africa) is delayed by 6 hours.
Therefore 7:00 a.m. is "1:00 morning" (saa moja asubuhi) Swahili time; midnight is "6:00 night" (saa sita usiku) Swahili time. 5:00 a.m. is "11:00 early morning" (saa kumi na moja alfajiri) Swahili time.
Note also that the Swahili time doesn't use "noon" as the reference as in a.m. (before noon) and p.m. (after noon). The time is spoken using "alfajiri" which is the early morning time during which the morning light has started to shine but the sun has not risen yet; "asubuhi" which is the morning time between sunrise and a little before noon; "mchana" which is from around noon to around 3:00 p.m.; "alasiri" which is from around 3:00 p.m. to sunset; "jioni" which is the entire time period from around 3:00 p.m. up to a little before 7:00 p.m.; and "usiku" which is the entire time period from around 7:00 p.m. to early morning.
English Swahili
Time Saa
Morning Asubuhi
Late afternoon
Late night
Usiku wa manane
Early morning
What time is it?
Saa ngapi?
8 o'clock in the morning
Saa mbili kamili asubuhi
8 o'clock sharp
Saa mbili barabara
Saa sita mchana
4:25 p.m.
Saa kumi na dakika ishirini na tano alasiri
6:00 p.m.
Saa kumi na mbili kamili jioni
8:15 p.m.
Saa mbili na robo usiku
7:45 p.m.
Saa mbili kasorobo usiku
9:30 a.m.
Saa tatu unusu asubuhi (also: Saa tatu na nusu asubuhi)
Day before yesterday
Day after tomorrow
Between peers: "Habari!" and the greeted answers, "Nzuri!".
Between peers: "Hujambo?" (Are you fine?) and the greeted answers, "Sijambo!" (I'm fine!)
Young to older: "Shikamoo!" (originally it meant "I touch your feet" as a sign of respect) and the greeted answers, "Marahabaa!" (I acknowledge your respect!).
Personal Pronouns
English Swahili
I Mimi
We Sisi
You (singular) Wewe
You (plural) nyinyi
He Yeye
She Yeye
They Wao
Common Dialogue
Sentence/Phrase Response
Ninaitwa Charles. Wewe unaitwaje?
(My name is Charles. What's your name?)
Ninaitwa Mary. Nimefurahi kukujua.
(My name is Mary. I'm pleased to know you.)
Unazungumza Kiswahili?
(Do you speak Swahili?)
Ndio! Ninazungumza Kiswahili.
(Yes! I speak Swahili.)
Kidogo tu!
(Just a little bit!)
Hapana! Sizungumzi Kiswahili. Ninazungumza Kiingereza tu!
(No! I don't speak Swahili. I only speak English!)
Ninatokea Marekani. Wewe unatokea wapi?
(I'm from the United States of America. Where are you from?)
Ninatokea Japani. Nipo hapa kwa matembezi.
(I'm from Japan. I'm visiting here.)
Ninatokea Uingereza. Nipo hapa kwa kazi.
(I'm from U.K. I'm here on business.)
Ninatokea Ujerumani. Nimekuja kujifunza Kiswahili.
(I'm from Germany. I've come to learn Swahili.)
Kwaheri! Nimefurahi kukutana na wewe.
(Goodbye! I'm pleased to meet you.)
Karibu! Nimefurahi pia kukutana na wewe.
(Goodbye! I'm also pleased to meet you.)
Utapenda kunywa nini?
(What would you like to drink?)
Nitakunywa maji tu. Nina kiu sana!
(I'll just drink water. I'm very thirsty.)
Nitakunywa kahawa bila maziwa.
(I'll drink coffee without milk.)
Nitakunywa chai na maziwa na sukari kidogo.
(I'll drink tea with milk and little sugar.)
Nitakunywa soda. CocaCola, tafadhali.
(I'll drink soda. CocaCola, please.)
Tafadhali niletee chakula moto haraka. Nina njaa sana!
(Please bring me some hot food quickly. I'm very hungry!)
Huu hapa wali, samaki, mbatata, na saladi. Nitakuletea keki baadaye.
(Here is rice, fish, potatoes, and salad. I'll bring you cake later.)
General Words and Phrases
English Swahili
And Na
Bad Mbaya
Bicycle Baiskeli
Bitter Chungu
Car Gari
Cold Baridi
Danger Hatari
Drink (noun)
Drink (verb)
Excuse me!
Help me, please!
Nisaidie, tafadhali!
I am angry.
I am traveling.
I am happy.
I can speak Swahili.
Ninaweza kusema Kiswahili.
I can't speak Swahili.
Siwezi kusema Kiswahili.
I love you!
Sorry! (apologize)
Sorry! (sympathize)
Thank you!
Thank you very much!
Asante sana!
Wakati gani?
Where are you going to?
Unakwenda wapi?
Days of the Week
In Swahili, Saturday is the first day of the week. The sixth day of the week, Thursday, is mostly pronounced as "Alkhamisi" to match the way it is pronounced in its Arabic origin. Thursday and Friday both are of Arabic origin. They probably replaced the original Bantu names of those days due to their special place in the Islamic religion. Note that in Arabic, "Alkhamis" means the fifth day of the Arabic week while Thursday is actually the sixth day of the Swahili week! Sort of we ended up with two fifth days of the week: "Jumatano" and "Alkhamisi"!
English Swahili
Jumamosi (literally: first day of the week)
Sunday Jumapili (literally: second day of the week)
Monday Jumatatu (literally: third day of the week)
Tuesday Jumanne (literally: fourth day of the week)
Wednesday Jumatano (literally: fifth day of the week)
Thursday Alhamisi (Arabic: fifth day of the week)
Friday Ijumaa (Arabic: the day of congregational prayer)
English Swahili English Swahili
1 Moja 40
2 Mbili
3 Tatu 55
Hamsini na tano
4 Nne
5 Tano
6 Sita
7 Saba
Mia moja thalathini na sita
Mia tisa tisini na tisa
Kumi na moja
Kumi na mbili
Elfu moja mia tisa tisini na saba
Kumi na saba
Two and a half
Mbili na nusu
Ishirini na nne
Forty seven and three quarters Arubaini na saba na robo tatu
It is interesting to note that in the Swahili culture the day starts at sunrise (unlike in the Arab world where the day starts at sunset, and in the Western world where the day starts at midnight). Sunrise in East Africa, being exactly at the Equator, happens every day at approximately 6:00 a.m. And for that reason, 6:00 a.m. is "0:00 morning" Swahili time. By "Swahili time" I mean the time as spoken in Swahili.
So the hands of a watch or clock meant to read Swahili time would always point to a number opposite to the number for the actual time as spoken in English. That is, the Swahili time anywhere in the world (not just East Africa) is delayed by 6 hours.
Therefore 7:00 a.m. is "1:00 morning" (saa moja asubuhi) Swahili time; midnight is "6:00 night" (saa sita usiku) Swahili time. 5:00 a.m. is "11:00 early morning" (saa kumi na moja alfajiri) Swahili time.
Note also that the Swahili time doesn't use "noon" as the reference as in a.m. (before noon) and p.m. (after noon). The time is spoken using "alfajiri" which is the early morning time during which the morning light has started to shine but the sun has not risen yet; "asubuhi" which is the morning time between sunrise and a little before noon; "mchana" which is from around noon to around 3:00 p.m.; "alasiri" which is from around 3:00 p.m. to sunset; "jioni" which is the entire time period from around 3:00 p.m. up to a little before 7:00 p.m.; and "usiku" which is the entire time period from around 7:00 p.m. to early morning.
English Swahili
Time Saa
Morning Asubuhi
Late afternoon
Late night
Usiku wa manane
Early morning
What time is it?
Saa ngapi?
8 o'clock in the morning
Saa mbili kamili asubuhi
8 o'clock sharp
Saa mbili barabara
Saa sita mchana
4:25 p.m.
Saa kumi na dakika ishirini na tano alasiri
6:00 p.m.
Saa kumi na mbili kamili jioni
8:15 p.m.
Saa mbili na robo usiku
7:45 p.m.
Saa mbili kasorobo usiku
9:30 a.m.
Saa tatu unusu asubuhi (also: Saa tatu na nusu asubuhi)
Day before yesterday
Day after tomorrow
quarta-feira, 27 de agosto de 2008
Some useful phrases in Lithuanian
I. Formulas of Address
Pone Jonaiti!
Mr. Jonaitis!
Ponia Jonaitiene!
Mrs. Jonaitienė!
Brangūs svečiai!
Dear Guests!
Ponios ir ponai!
Ladies and Gentlemen!
Profesoriau Petraiti!
Professor Petraitis!
Daktare Puodžiūnai!
Doctor Puodžiūnas!
Would you..., please
Atsiprašau, kur (yra) artimiausia autobusų stotelė?
Excuse me please, where is the nearest bus stop?
Atsiprašau, norėčiau sužinoti...
Excuse me, I'd like to know...
Leiskite man pasakyti...
Please let me say...
Leiskite jums pasiūlyti...
Please let me suggest...
II. Greeting People At Meeting and Parting
Hi! (m)
Hi! (f)
Hi (m, pl)
Hi! (f, pl)
Labas rytas! Labą rytą!
Good morning!
Labas vakaras! Labą vakarą!
Good evening!
Laba diena! Labą dieną!
Good afternoon!
Malonu jus matyti.
Glad to see you.
Sveiki atvykę!
Kaip kelionė? Kaip sekėsi kelionėje?
How did you enjoy your journey/trip?
Kaip sekasi?
How are things?
Kaip jaučiatės?
How are you?
Ačiū, gerai.
Thank you, quite well
O jums (kaip)? (answering to 'Kaip sekasi?')
And you?
O jūs (kaip)? (answering to 'Kaip jaučiatės?')
And you?
Very well.
Kaip gyvuojate?
How are you getting on?
Kaip gyvuoja/gyvena jūsų...
How is your...
... šeima?
... family?
... žmona?
... wife?
... vyras?
... husband?
Ačiū, jis/ji gerai gyvuoja/gyvena.
Thanks, she/he is fine.
Viso! Ate! Iki (pasimatymo)!
See you soon!
Viso gero! Viso labo!
Iki malonaus susitikimo!
I'll be glad to see you again!
Iki ryt(ojaus)!
Till tomorrow!
Labos nakties! Labąnakt!
Good night!
Perduokite saviškiams linkėjimų.
Give my best regards/wish to your family.
Laimingo kelio!
Have a pleasant trip!
So long!
III. Invitation
Prašom įeiti!
Come in, please!
Prašom sėsti!
Will you sit down?
Prašom(, galite) rūkyti.
You may smoke, if you like.
Ar galima pakviesti jus į...
May I (we) invite you to...
... priėmimą?
... a reception?
... teatrą?
... the theatre?
... restoraną?
... the restaurant?
Ar (ne)galėtumėt(e) su mumis praleisti šį (šio) sekmadienį (sekmadienio)?
Could you spend this Sunday with us?
Prašom šį vakarą pas mus pasisvečiuoti/į svečius.
Would you come/visit to see us tonight?
Mes mielai/su malonumu priimam(e) jūsų kvietimą.
We accept your invitation with pleasure.
Prašom vėl pas mus ateiti. Aplankykite mus dar kartą.
Please come and see us again.
Ar galima užsirašyti/sužinoti jūsų adresą ir telefoną?
May I have your address and telephone number?
Jūs labai miel/as, -a.
You are very kind.
Gal (nu)eitumėt(e) su mumis į ekskursiją?
Won't you join us for a trip?
Eime su mumis!
Come with us!
Ar galėčiau pakviesti jus šokti? Leiskite pakviesti jus šokiui.
Would you care to dance?
IV. Wish. Request.
Ko jūs norėtumėte/pageidautumėte?
What would you like/wish?
Ko jums reikia?
What do you need?
Norėtumėme apžiūrėti miestą.
We'd like to explore the city. We'd like to go sightseeing.
Mes norėtumėme apie tai smulkiau sužinoti.
We'd like to learn about it in more detail.
Norėčiau susipažinti su...
I'd like to be introduced to/get to know...
Ar galima pamatyti...?
May I see/take a look...?
Mes norėtumėme (nu)eiti į...
We'd like to go to the...
... teatrą.
... theatre.
... kiną.
... cinema.
... muziejų.
... museum.
Noriu valgyti (gerti).
I'd like to eat (drink). I'm hungry (thirsty).
Noriu pailsėti (pamiegoti).
I want to rest (to have a nap).
Kas galėtų mane sutikti (išlydėti)?
Who could meet me (see me off)?
Ar galėtumėte mums parodyti įžymiąsias miesto vietas?
Could you please show us the sights of the town?
Ar galiu paklausti?
May I ask?
Ar galėčiau...
May I...
... sužinoti?
... know?
... pasakyti?
... say?
... pažiūrėti...?
... have a look at...?
Ar galima įeiti/užeiti?
May I come in?
Atsiprašau, ar galima praeiti?
Excuse me, may I pass (may I go by)?
Ar galima (užsi)rūkyti?
May I smoke?
Ar galima įjungti (išjungti) radiją (šviesą)?
May I turn on (turn off) the radio (light)?
... duoti man (mums)...
... give me (us)...
... paduoti man...
... pass me...
... parodyti man (mums)...
... show me (us)...
... uždaryti...
... close...
... atidaryti...
... open...
... neužmiršti/nepamiršti...
... don't forget...
... parašyti...
... write (down)...
... paaiškinti man (mums)...
... explain me (us)...
... pakartoti.
... repeat.
... palaukti.
... wait.
... pakviesti...
... call...
... man paskambinti.
... ring me up/call/phone me.
... sustoti.
... stop.
Ar (ne)galėtumėt(e) man padėti? Ar galiu paprašyti pagalbos?
Would you help me, please? Can I ask for help?
Aš pamečiau pinigus (pasą, bilietus).
I've lost my money (passport, tickets).
Aš pavėlavau į traukinį (lėktuvą).
I missed my train (plane).
Aš negaliu rasti savo viešbučio.
I can't find my hotel.
Aš pamiršau gatvės pavadinimą.
I've fogotten the name of the street.
Prašom mane sujungti su ponu Paršeliu.
Please put me through to mr. Paršelis.
V. Thanks.
Ačiū. Dėkui.
Nuoširdžiai ačiū.
Thank you sincerely.
(Labai) dėkoju.
Thank you very much.
Kaip aš jums atsidėkosiu?
How will I ever thank you?
Esu (jums) labai dėkingas.
I'm very grateful (to you).
Ačiū už malonų priėmimą.
Thank you for the kind reception.
Labai labai ačiū!
Many many thanks!
Nėr(a) už ką. Tai menkniekis. Prašau. Prašom.
Don't mention it.
Ačiū/dėkoju už...
Thank you for...
... kvietimą.
... the invitation.
... dėmesį.
... your attention.
... pagalbą.
... your help.
... dovaną.
... the present.
... patarimą.
... advice.
VI. Consent. Doubt. Objection.
Of course.
Do, please.
Be abejo.
Su malonumu.
With pleasure.
Savaime suprantama.
It goes without saying.
By all means.
Jūs teisus.
You are right.
Iš tikrųjų. Iš tiesų. Tikrai.
Aš su jumis sutinku. (Visiškai) sutinku.
I agree with you.
Aš neprieštarauju.
I don't mind it.
Tai tiesa. Tiesa.
That's true/right.
Džiugu girdėti.
I'm glad to hear it.
Mums tai patinka.
We like it.
Mes tuo tikri.
We are sure of it.
Jūsų pasiūlymas mums priimtinas (nepriimtinas)
We will (cannot) take your suggestion.
Galimas daiktas. Tikriausiai.
Galbūt. Gal. Gali būti.
Tai įmanoma.
That's probable.
Ar tai tiesa? Tikrai?
Is it true?
Jūs turbūt juokaujate.
You're joking, of course.
It's strange.
It's not allowed.
Tai neįmanoma.
It's impossible.
Jūs klystate.
You're wrong.
Tai klaida. Įsivėlė klaida.
It's a mistake.
Jūs neteisus.
You're not right.
On the contrary.
Aš su jumis nesutinku.
I don't agree with you.
Mes prieštaraujame.
We object to it.
Aš prieš.
I'm against it.
Man tai nepatinka.
I don't like it.
VII. Excuse. Refusal. Regret.
Ne, dėkoju/dėkui/ačiū.
No, thank you.
(Aš) nenoriu.
I don't want.
Labai gaila, bet turiu atsisakyti.
I've very sorry, but I must refuse..
Aš (ši)to negaliu padaryti.
I can't do it.
(Ši)to neįmanoma padaryti.
It's impossible to do it.
Aš jums negaliu padėti.
I can't help you.
Negaliu su jumis važiuoti/vykti.
I can't join/go with you.
Gaila, bet aš užsiėm/ęs, -usi.
I'm sorry, but I'm busy.
Aš neturiu laiko.
I have no time.
Prašom atleisti už pavėlavimą.
Please excuse me for being late.
Atsiprašau, kad sutrukdžiau.
I'm sorry to have troubled you.
Prašom nepykti...
Please don't be angry...
... aš užmiršau.
... I've forgotten.
... aš skubu.
... I'm in a hurry.
... aš pavargau.
... I'm tired.
... aš truputį nesveikuoju.
... I'm rather ill.
... mane ištiko nelaimė.
... something terrible has happened to me.
Labai gaila!
It's a great pity!
Kaip gaila!
What a pity!
Leiskite pareikšti jums užuojautą.
Please accept our sympathy.
VIII. Striking up a Conversation.
Laba diena!
Good afternoon!
Atsiprašau, kad trukdau jus.
I'm sorry to trouble you.
Prašom, prašom.
Oh that's all right.
Ar jūs labai užsiėmęs?
Are you very busy?
Ne, neužsiėmęs, aš visai laisvas.
No, I'm not busy, I'm perfectly free..
Ar galite man paskirti keletą minučių?
Could you spare me a few minutes?
Taip, žinoma.
Yes, certainly.
Aš ilgai jūsų netrukdysiu, noriu paprašyti jus vieno dalyko.
I won't keep you long, there's something I want to ask you.
Ar jūs būsite laisvas rytoj dieną?
Will you be free tomorrow afternoon?
Aš būsiu laisvas vakare.
I'll be free in the evening.
Ar galima jus pakviesti pas mus septintai valandai?
May we invite you to come and see us at seven?
Dėkoju, aš ateisiu septintą valandą.
Thank you, I'll come at seven.
Taigi iki pasimatymo rytoj. Bus labai malonu jus matyti.
See you tomorrow, then. We'll be happy to see you.
Pone Jonaiti!
Mr. Jonaitis!
Ponia Jonaitiene!
Mrs. Jonaitienė!
Brangūs svečiai!
Dear Guests!
Ponios ir ponai!
Ladies and Gentlemen!
Profesoriau Petraiti!
Professor Petraitis!
Daktare Puodžiūnai!
Doctor Puodžiūnas!
Would you..., please
Atsiprašau, kur (yra) artimiausia autobusų stotelė?
Excuse me please, where is the nearest bus stop?
Atsiprašau, norėčiau sužinoti...
Excuse me, I'd like to know...
Leiskite man pasakyti...
Please let me say...
Leiskite jums pasiūlyti...
Please let me suggest...
II. Greeting People At Meeting and Parting
Hi! (m)
Hi! (f)
Hi (m, pl)
Hi! (f, pl)
Labas rytas! Labą rytą!
Good morning!
Labas vakaras! Labą vakarą!
Good evening!
Laba diena! Labą dieną!
Good afternoon!
Malonu jus matyti.
Glad to see you.
Sveiki atvykę!
Kaip kelionė? Kaip sekėsi kelionėje?
How did you enjoy your journey/trip?
Kaip sekasi?
How are things?
Kaip jaučiatės?
How are you?
Ačiū, gerai.
Thank you, quite well
O jums (kaip)? (answering to 'Kaip sekasi?')
And you?
O jūs (kaip)? (answering to 'Kaip jaučiatės?')
And you?
Very well.
Kaip gyvuojate?
How are you getting on?
Kaip gyvuoja/gyvena jūsų...
How is your...
... šeima?
... family?
... žmona?
... wife?
... vyras?
... husband?
Ačiū, jis/ji gerai gyvuoja/gyvena.
Thanks, she/he is fine.
Viso! Ate! Iki (pasimatymo)!
See you soon!
Viso gero! Viso labo!
Iki malonaus susitikimo!
I'll be glad to see you again!
Iki ryt(ojaus)!
Till tomorrow!
Labos nakties! Labąnakt!
Good night!
Perduokite saviškiams linkėjimų.
Give my best regards/wish to your family.
Laimingo kelio!
Have a pleasant trip!
So long!
III. Invitation
Prašom įeiti!
Come in, please!
Prašom sėsti!
Will you sit down?
Prašom(, galite) rūkyti.
You may smoke, if you like.
Ar galima pakviesti jus į...
May I (we) invite you to...
... priėmimą?
... a reception?
... teatrą?
... the theatre?
... restoraną?
... the restaurant?
Ar (ne)galėtumėt(e) su mumis praleisti šį (šio) sekmadienį (sekmadienio)?
Could you spend this Sunday with us?
Prašom šį vakarą pas mus pasisvečiuoti/į svečius.
Would you come/visit to see us tonight?
Mes mielai/su malonumu priimam(e) jūsų kvietimą.
We accept your invitation with pleasure.
Prašom vėl pas mus ateiti. Aplankykite mus dar kartą.
Please come and see us again.
Ar galima užsirašyti/sužinoti jūsų adresą ir telefoną?
May I have your address and telephone number?
Jūs labai miel/as, -a.
You are very kind.
Gal (nu)eitumėt(e) su mumis į ekskursiją?
Won't you join us for a trip?
Eime su mumis!
Come with us!
Ar galėčiau pakviesti jus šokti? Leiskite pakviesti jus šokiui.
Would you care to dance?
IV. Wish. Request.
Ko jūs norėtumėte/pageidautumėte?
What would you like/wish?
Ko jums reikia?
What do you need?
Norėtumėme apžiūrėti miestą.
We'd like to explore the city. We'd like to go sightseeing.
Mes norėtumėme apie tai smulkiau sužinoti.
We'd like to learn about it in more detail.
Norėčiau susipažinti su...
I'd like to be introduced to/get to know...
Ar galima pamatyti...?
May I see/take a look...?
Mes norėtumėme (nu)eiti į...
We'd like to go to the...
... teatrą.
... theatre.
... kiną.
... cinema.
... muziejų.
... museum.
Noriu valgyti (gerti).
I'd like to eat (drink). I'm hungry (thirsty).
Noriu pailsėti (pamiegoti).
I want to rest (to have a nap).
Kas galėtų mane sutikti (išlydėti)?
Who could meet me (see me off)?
Ar galėtumėte mums parodyti įžymiąsias miesto vietas?
Could you please show us the sights of the town?
Ar galiu paklausti?
May I ask?
Ar galėčiau...
May I...
... sužinoti?
... know?
... pasakyti?
... say?
... pažiūrėti...?
... have a look at...?
Ar galima įeiti/užeiti?
May I come in?
Atsiprašau, ar galima praeiti?
Excuse me, may I pass (may I go by)?
Ar galima (užsi)rūkyti?
May I smoke?
Ar galima įjungti (išjungti) radiją (šviesą)?
May I turn on (turn off) the radio (light)?
... duoti man (mums)...
... give me (us)...
... paduoti man...
... pass me...
... parodyti man (mums)...
... show me (us)...
... uždaryti...
... close...
... atidaryti...
... open...
... neužmiršti/nepamiršti...
... don't forget...
... parašyti...
... write (down)...
... paaiškinti man (mums)...
... explain me (us)...
... pakartoti.
... repeat.
... palaukti.
... wait.
... pakviesti...
... call...
... man paskambinti.
... ring me up/call/phone me.
... sustoti.
... stop.
Ar (ne)galėtumėt(e) man padėti? Ar galiu paprašyti pagalbos?
Would you help me, please? Can I ask for help?
Aš pamečiau pinigus (pasą, bilietus).
I've lost my money (passport, tickets).
Aš pavėlavau į traukinį (lėktuvą).
I missed my train (plane).
Aš negaliu rasti savo viešbučio.
I can't find my hotel.
Aš pamiršau gatvės pavadinimą.
I've fogotten the name of the street.
Prašom mane sujungti su ponu Paršeliu.
Please put me through to mr. Paršelis.
V. Thanks.
Ačiū. Dėkui.
Nuoširdžiai ačiū.
Thank you sincerely.
(Labai) dėkoju.
Thank you very much.
Kaip aš jums atsidėkosiu?
How will I ever thank you?
Esu (jums) labai dėkingas.
I'm very grateful (to you).
Ačiū už malonų priėmimą.
Thank you for the kind reception.
Labai labai ačiū!
Many many thanks!
Nėr(a) už ką. Tai menkniekis. Prašau. Prašom.
Don't mention it.
Ačiū/dėkoju už...
Thank you for...
... kvietimą.
... the invitation.
... dėmesį.
... your attention.
... pagalbą.
... your help.
... dovaną.
... the present.
... patarimą.
... advice.
VI. Consent. Doubt. Objection.
Of course.
Do, please.
Be abejo.
Su malonumu.
With pleasure.
Savaime suprantama.
It goes without saying.
By all means.
Jūs teisus.
You are right.
Iš tikrųjų. Iš tiesų. Tikrai.
Aš su jumis sutinku. (Visiškai) sutinku.
I agree with you.
Aš neprieštarauju.
I don't mind it.
Tai tiesa. Tiesa.
That's true/right.
Džiugu girdėti.
I'm glad to hear it.
Mums tai patinka.
We like it.
Mes tuo tikri.
We are sure of it.
Jūsų pasiūlymas mums priimtinas (nepriimtinas)
We will (cannot) take your suggestion.
Galimas daiktas. Tikriausiai.
Galbūt. Gal. Gali būti.
Tai įmanoma.
That's probable.
Ar tai tiesa? Tikrai?
Is it true?
Jūs turbūt juokaujate.
You're joking, of course.
It's strange.
It's not allowed.
Tai neįmanoma.
It's impossible.
Jūs klystate.
You're wrong.
Tai klaida. Įsivėlė klaida.
It's a mistake.
Jūs neteisus.
You're not right.
On the contrary.
Aš su jumis nesutinku.
I don't agree with you.
Mes prieštaraujame.
We object to it.
Aš prieš.
I'm against it.
Man tai nepatinka.
I don't like it.
VII. Excuse. Refusal. Regret.
Ne, dėkoju/dėkui/ačiū.
No, thank you.
(Aš) nenoriu.
I don't want.
Labai gaila, bet turiu atsisakyti.
I've very sorry, but I must refuse..
Aš (ši)to negaliu padaryti.
I can't do it.
(Ši)to neįmanoma padaryti.
It's impossible to do it.
Aš jums negaliu padėti.
I can't help you.
Negaliu su jumis važiuoti/vykti.
I can't join/go with you.
Gaila, bet aš užsiėm/ęs, -usi.
I'm sorry, but I'm busy.
Aš neturiu laiko.
I have no time.
Prašom atleisti už pavėlavimą.
Please excuse me for being late.
Atsiprašau, kad sutrukdžiau.
I'm sorry to have troubled you.
Prašom nepykti...
Please don't be angry...
... aš užmiršau.
... I've forgotten.
... aš skubu.
... I'm in a hurry.
... aš pavargau.
... I'm tired.
... aš truputį nesveikuoju.
... I'm rather ill.
... mane ištiko nelaimė.
... something terrible has happened to me.
Labai gaila!
It's a great pity!
Kaip gaila!
What a pity!
Leiskite pareikšti jums užuojautą.
Please accept our sympathy.
VIII. Striking up a Conversation.
Laba diena!
Good afternoon!
Atsiprašau, kad trukdau jus.
I'm sorry to trouble you.
Prašom, prašom.
Oh that's all right.
Ar jūs labai užsiėmęs?
Are you very busy?
Ne, neužsiėmęs, aš visai laisvas.
No, I'm not busy, I'm perfectly free..
Ar galite man paskirti keletą minučių?
Could you spare me a few minutes?
Taip, žinoma.
Yes, certainly.
Aš ilgai jūsų netrukdysiu, noriu paprašyti jus vieno dalyko.
I won't keep you long, there's something I want to ask you.
Ar jūs būsite laisvas rytoj dieną?
Will you be free tomorrow afternoon?
Aš būsiu laisvas vakare.
I'll be free in the evening.
Ar galima jus pakviesti pas mus septintai valandai?
May we invite you to come and see us at seven?
Dėkoju, aš ateisiu septintą valandą.
Thank you, I'll come at seven.
Taigi iki pasimatymo rytoj. Bus labai malonu jus matyti.
See you tomorrow, then. We'll be happy to see you.
segunda-feira, 25 de agosto de 2008
Um textinho em Gaélico Escocês
An so leanaidh an Laoidh-Dhiann no an Athchuinge Choitchionn r’a seinn no r’a ràdh an déigh Urnuigh Mhaidne air Di-dòmhnaichibh, air Di-ciaduinibh, agus air Di-h-aoinibh, agus air àmaibh eile, an uair a dh’ orduichear e leis an Ard-Fhear-ùghdarrais.
O ‘Dhé an t-Athair nèamhaidh: dean tròcair oirnn peacaich thruagha. O ’Dhéan t-Athair nèamhhaidh: dean tròcair oirnn peacaich thruagha. O ‘Dhé am Mac, Fear-saoradh an t-saoghail: dean tròcair oirnn peacaich thruagha. O ‘Dhé am Mac, Fear-saoradh an t-saoghail: dean tròcair oirnn peacaich thruagha. O ‘Dhé an Spiorad Naomh, a’ teachd o ‘n Athair, agus o ‘n Mhac: dean tròcair oirnn peacaich thruagha. O ‘Dhé an Spiorad Naomh, a’ teachd o’n Athair, agus o ’n Mhac: dean tròcair oirnn peacaich thruagha. O ‘Thrionaid naomh, bheannaichte agus ghlòrmhor, tri pearsannan agus aon Dia: dean tròcair oirnn peacaich thruagha. O ‘Thrionaid naomh, bheannaichte agus ghlòrmhor, tri pearsannan agus aon Dia: dean tròcair oirnn peacaich thruagha. Na cuimhnich a Thighearna ar cionta, no cionta ar sinnseanachd, agus na dean dìoghaltas oirnn air son ar peacaidhean: caomhain sinn, a dheadh Thighearna, caomhain do shluagh a shaor thu le d’ fhuil ro phrìseil, agus na bi ‘an corruich ruinn gu bràth.
Caomhain sinn, a dheadh Thighearna. O gach uile olc agus thubaist, o pheacadh, o innleachdaibh agus o ionnsuidhibh an diabhuil, o d’ fheirg féin, agus o dhìteadh sìorruidh,
Saor sinn, a dheadh Thighearna. O gach uile dhoille cridhe; o àrdan, ghlôir dhìomhain, agus fhuar-chràbhadh; o fhanmad, fhuath, agus mhi-run, agus o gach uile mhi-iochd,
Saor sinn, a dheadh Thighearna. O strìopachas, agus o gach uile pheacadh mairbhteach eile; agus o uile cheahgaineachd an t-saoghail, na feola, agus an diabhuil,
Saor sinn, a dheadh Thighearna. O dhealanach agus o stoirm; o phlaigh, o ghalar, agus o ghoirt; o chath, agus o mhort, agus o bhàs obann.
Saor sinn, a dheadh Thighearna. O gach uile aimhreit, choimh-cheilg uaignich, agus cheannairc; o gach uihe theagasg meallta, shaobh-chreidimh, agus easaonachd; o chruas cridhe, agus o thàir a thoirt do d’ Fhocal agus do d’ Aithne,
Saor sinn, a dheadh Thighearna. Le dìomhaireachd do Theachd naoimh ‘s an fheòil; le d’Bhreith naoimh agus he d’Thimchiollghearradh; le d’ Bhaisteadh, le d’ Thrasgadh, agus le d’ Bhuaireadh,
Saor sinn, a dheadh Thighearna. Le d’ Chràdh agus le d’ Fhallus fola; le d’ Chrann-ceusaidh agus le d’ Fhulangas; le d’ Bhàs luachmhor agus le d’ Adhlacadh; le d’ Aiseirigh agus le d’ Dhol suas glòrmhor; agus le teachd an Spioraid Naoimh,
Saor sinn a dheadh Thighearna. Ann an uile àm ar n-an-shocair; ann an uile àm ar soirbheachaidh; ann an uair a’ bhàis, agus ann an là a’ bhreitheanais,
Saor sinn, a dheadh Thighearna. Tha sinne peacaich a’ guidhe ort éisdeachd ruinn, O ‘Thighearna Dhé, agus gu ma deònach leat d’ Eaglais naomh choitchionn a riaghladh agus a stiuradh ‘s an t-slighe cheirt;
Tha sinn a’ guidhe ort éisdeachd ruinn, a dheadh Thighearna. Gu ma deònach leat do sheirbhiseach BHICTORIA ar Ban-righinn agus an Riaghladair ro sheirceil, a ghleidheadh agus a neartachadh ann an aoradh fìor dhuit féin, ann am fìreantachd agus an naomhachd beatha;
Tha sinn a’ guidhe ort éisdeachd ruinn, a dheadh Thighearna. Gu ma deònach leat a cridhe riaghladh ann ad chreidimh, ann ad eagal, agus ann ad ghràdh, agus gu sìorruidh tuilleadh gu’m bi earbsa aice annad, agus gu’n iarr i do ghnàth d’ onoir agus do ghlòir;
Tha sinn a’ guidhe ort éisdeachd ruinn, a dheadh Thighearna. Gu ma deònach leat a bhi a’ d’ fhear-dìon agus a’ d’ fhear-gleidhidh aice, a’ toirt na buaidh’ dhi air a naimhdibh uile;
Tha sinn a’ guidhe ort éisdeachd ruinn, a dheadh Thighearna. Gu ma deônach leat Albert Imhear Prionnsa Uilse, agus Ban-phrionnsa Uilse, agus an Teaghlach Rìoghail uile, a bheannachadh agus a ghleidheadh;
Tha sinn a’ guidhe ort éisdeachd ruinn, a dheadh Thighearna. Gu ma deònach leat na h-uihe Easbuigean, Shagartan agus Dheaconan a shoillseachadh le fìon eòhas agus tuigse air d’ Fhocal, agus araon le ‘n teagasg agus le ‘n caithe-beatha gu’n nochd iad e agus gu’n taisbein iad e d’ a rèir;
Tha sinn a’ guidhe ort éisdeachd ruinn, a dheadh Thighearna. Gu ma deònach leat Mòr-fhearan na Comhairle, agus na Maithean uile a sgeadachadh, le gràs, gliocas, agus tuigse;
Tha sinn a’ guidhe ort éisdeachd ruinn, a dheadh Thighearna. Gu ma deònach leat Luchd-frithealadh a’ cheartais a bheannachadh agus a ghleidheadh, a’ toirt gràis dhoibh a chur ‘an gnìomh ceartais, agus a sheasamh na fìrinn;
Tha sinn a’ guidhe ort éisdeachd ruinn, a dheadh Thighearna. Gu ma deònach leat do shluagh uile a bheannachadh agus a ghleidheadh;
Tha sinn a’ quidhe ort éisdeachd ruinn, a dheadh Thighearna. Gu ma deònach leat aonachd, sìth, agus réite a thoirt do na h-uile chinnich;
Tha sinn a’ guidhe ort éisdeachd ruinn a dheadh Thighearna. Gu ma deònach leat cridhe ‘thoirt dhuinn anns am bi do ghràdh agus d’ eagal, a chaitheamh an beatha gu dùrachdach a réir d’ àitheantan;
Tha sinn a’ guidhe ort éisdeachd ruinn a dheadh Thighearna. Gu ma deònach leat meudachadh gràis a thoirt do d’ shluagh uile, a dh’éisdeachd gu sèimh d’ Fhocail, agus g’ a ghabhail le aigne fhìorghlan, agus a thoirt a mach toraidh an Spioraid;
Tha sinn a’ guidhe ort éisdeachd ruinn, a dheadh Thighearna. Gu ma deònach leat iadsan nile a chaidh air seacharan agus a tha air am mealladh' a threòrachadh gu slighe na fìrinn;
Tha sinn a’ guidhe ort éisdeachd ruinn a dheadh Thighearna. Gu ma deònach leat iadsan a tha ‘n an seasamh a neartachadh, comhfhurtachd, agus còmhnadh a thoirt dhoibhsan a tha lag-chridheach, agus iadsan a tha air tuiteam a thogail a suas, agus fadheoidh Satan a bhualadh sìos fo ‘r cosaibh;
Tha sinn a’ guidhe ort éisdeachd ruinn a dheadh Thighearna. Gu ma deònach leat cabhair, còmhnadh, agus comhfhurtachd a thoirt dhoibhsan uile a tha ‘n cunnart, ‘an éiginn, agus ‘an an-shocair;
Tha sinn a’ guidhe ort éisdeachd ruinn a dheadh Thighearna. Gu ma deònach leat gach neach a theasairginn a tha air astar air muir no air tìr, na h-uihe mhnathan a tha ‘n saothair chloinne, gach uile neach easlainteach agus clann òg, agus d’ iochd a nochdadh do na h-uile phrìosonaich agus bhraighdibh;
Tha sinn a’ guidhe ort éisdeachd ruinn a dheadh Thighearna. Gu ma deònach leat na dìlleachdain agus na bantraichean a dhìon, agus na h-uile a tha aonarach agus fo ainneart, agus deanamh air an son;
Tha sinn a’ guidhe ort éisdeachd ruinn, a dheadh Thighearna. Gu ma deònach leat tròcair a dheanamh air na h-uile dhaoinibh;
Tha sinn a’ guidhe ort éisdeachd ruinn, a dheadh Thighearna. Gu ma deònach leat maitheanas a thoirt d’ar naimhdibh, d’ar luchd-geur-leanmhuinn agus cul-chainidh, agus an cridheachan a thionndadh;
Tha sinn a’ guidhe ort éisdeachd ruinn, a dheadh Thighearna. Gu ma deònach leat gach gnè thoraidh na talmhainn a thoirt agus a théasairginn gu ‘r feum, air chor ‘s gu meal sinn iad ann an àm iomchuidh;
Tha sinn a’ guidhe ort éisdeachd ruinn, a dheadh Thighearna. Gu ma deònach leat aithneachas fìreannach a thoirt dhuinn, ar peacaidhean, an dearmaid, agus an n-aineolais uile a mhaitheadh dhuinn, agus an sgeadachadh le gràs do Spioraid naoimh, a leasachadh ar caithe-beatha a réir d’ fhocail naoimh;
Tha sinn a’ guidhe ort éisdeachd ruinn, a dheadh Thighearna. A Mhic Dhé: tha sinn a’ guidhe ort éisdeachd ruinn.
A Mhic Dhé: tha sinn a’ guidhe ort éisdeachd ruinn. O Uain Dhé: a tha ‘toirt air falbh peacaidhean an t-saoghail;
Deànaich dhuinn do shìth. O Uain Dhé: a tha ‘toirt air falbh peacaidhean an t-saoghail;
Dean tràcair oirnn. O ‘Chriosd, éisd ruinn.
O ‘Chriosd, éisd ruinn. A Thighearna, dean tròcair oirnn.
A Thighearna, dean tròcair oirnn. A Chriosd, dean tròcair oirnn.
A Chriosd, dean tròcair oirnn. A Thigheanna, dean tròcair oirnn.
A Thighearna, dean tròcair oirnn.
¶ An sin their an Sagart, agus an sluagh maille ris, Urnuigh an Tighearna.
AR n-Athair a tha air nèamh, Naomhaichear d’Ainm. Thigeadh do Rìoghachd. Deanar do thoil air an tahamh, Mar thatar a deanamh air nèamh. Thoir dhuinn an diugh ar n-aran laitheil. Agus maith dhuinn an cionta. Mar a mhaitheas sinne dhoibhsan a tha ‘ciontachadh ‘n an n-aghaidh. Agus na leig ‘am buaireadh sinn; Ach saor sinn o olc. Amen.
Sagart. O ‘Thighearna, na buin ruinn a réir an peacaidhean.
Freagairt. Agus na toir duais dhuinn a réir am n-euceantan.
¶ Deanamaid urnuigh.O ‘Dhé Athair thòbcairich, nach ‘eil ri tàir air osnaich a’ chridhe bhrùite, no air miann na muinntir a bhitheas dubhach; Gu tròcaireach cuidich an n-urnuighean a tha sinn a’ deanamh ann ad làthair ‘n ar n-uile an-shocairibh agus àmhghairibh, ge b’ e uair air bith a luidheas iad gu trom oirnn; agus gu gnàsmhor éisd ruinn, a chum ‘s gu’m bi na h-uilc sin uile a tha innleachdan agus cuilbheirtean an Diabhuil no an duine ag oibreachadh ‘n ar n-aghaidh, air an cur gu neo-bhrigh, agus le freasdal do mhaitheis gu’m hi iad air an sgaoileadh, a chum air dhuinne do sheirbhisich a bhi gun dochan le geur-leanmhuinnibh, gu ‘n toir sinn gu sìorruidh tuilleadh buidheachas dhuit ann ad Eaghais naoimh, trìd Iosa Criosd ar Tighearna.
O‘Thighearna, éirich, cuidich sinn, agus saor sinn air sgàth d’ Ainme.
Lord's Prayer
O ‘Dhé, chuala sinn le ‘r cluasaibh, agus dh’ innis an n-aithrichean dhuinn na h-oibmean òirdheirc a ninn thu ri ‘n lìnn-san, agus anns an t-seann aimsir rompa. O ‘Thighearna, éirich, cuidich sinn, agus saor sinn air sgàth d’ onoir. Glòir do ‘n Athair, agus do ‘n Mhac: agus do ‘n Spiorad naomh;
Freagairt. Mar a bha air tùs, a tha nis, agus a bhitheas gu bràth: saoghal gun chrìoch. Amen. O n naimhdibh dìon sinn, O ‘Chriosd.
Gu gràsail amhairc air an n-àmhghairibh. Gu truacanta sealh air bròin an cridheachan.
Gu trò caireach maith peacaidhean do shluaigh. Gu caomh le tròcair éisd ar n-urnuighean.
O ‘Mhic Dhaibhidh, dean tròcair oirnn. Araon a nis agus gu bràth deònaich éisdeachd ruinn, O ‘Chriosd.
Gu gràsail éisd ruinn, O ‘Chriosd ; gu gràsail éisd ruinn, O ‘Thighearna chriosd. Sagart. O ‘Thighearna, bitheadh do thròcair air a nochdadh dhuinn.
Mar a tha sinn a’ cur ar n-earbsa annad.
Deanamaid urnuigh.GU h-ùmhal tha sinn a’ guidhe ort, O Athair, gu tròcaireach amhairc air ar n-anmhunnachdaibh; agus air son glòire d’ Ainme, tionndaidh uainn na h-uilc sin uile gu ro cheart a thoill sinn; agus deònaich, ‘n ar n-uile àmhghairibh gu ‘n cuin sinn an n-earbsa agus an muinghin iomhan ann ad thròcair-sa, agus gu’n dean sinn gu sìorruidh tuilleadh seirbhis dhuit ann an naomhachd agus am fìorghloine caithe-beatha, chum d’ onoir agus do ghlòire, trìd an n-aon Eadar-mheadhonair agus an Fir-tagraidh, Iosa Criosd an Tighearna. Amen.
¶ Urnuigh le Naomh Crisostom.
A Dhé Uile-chumhachdaich, a thug dhuinn gràs anns an àm so ar n-athchuingean choitchionn a dheanamh riut le aon rùm, agus a tha ‘gealltuinn, an uain a chruinnicheas dithis no triuir ‘an ceann a chéile ann ad Ainm, gu’n toir thu dhoibh an iarrtuis; Coimhlion a nis, O ‘Thighearna, miannan agus iarrtuis do sheirbhiseach, man is ro fheumail e dhoibh, a’ deònachadh dhninn anns an t-saoghal so eòlas air d’ fhìrinn, agus anns an t-saoghal a tha ri teachd a’ bheatha mhaireannach. Amen.
2 Corintianach, 13.
GRàs ar Tighearna Iosa Criosd, agus gràdh Dhé, agus comh-chomunn an Spioraid naoimh gu’n robh maille ruinn uile gu sìorruidh. Amen.
An so tha ‘n Laoidh-Dhiann a’ crìochnachadh.
O ‘Dhé an t-Athair nèamhaidh: dean tròcair oirnn peacaich thruagha. O ’Dhéan t-Athair nèamhhaidh: dean tròcair oirnn peacaich thruagha. O ‘Dhé am Mac, Fear-saoradh an t-saoghail: dean tròcair oirnn peacaich thruagha. O ‘Dhé am Mac, Fear-saoradh an t-saoghail: dean tròcair oirnn peacaich thruagha. O ‘Dhé an Spiorad Naomh, a’ teachd o ‘n Athair, agus o ‘n Mhac: dean tròcair oirnn peacaich thruagha. O ‘Dhé an Spiorad Naomh, a’ teachd o’n Athair, agus o ’n Mhac: dean tròcair oirnn peacaich thruagha. O ‘Thrionaid naomh, bheannaichte agus ghlòrmhor, tri pearsannan agus aon Dia: dean tròcair oirnn peacaich thruagha. O ‘Thrionaid naomh, bheannaichte agus ghlòrmhor, tri pearsannan agus aon Dia: dean tròcair oirnn peacaich thruagha. Na cuimhnich a Thighearna ar cionta, no cionta ar sinnseanachd, agus na dean dìoghaltas oirnn air son ar peacaidhean: caomhain sinn, a dheadh Thighearna, caomhain do shluagh a shaor thu le d’ fhuil ro phrìseil, agus na bi ‘an corruich ruinn gu bràth.
Caomhain sinn, a dheadh Thighearna. O gach uile olc agus thubaist, o pheacadh, o innleachdaibh agus o ionnsuidhibh an diabhuil, o d’ fheirg féin, agus o dhìteadh sìorruidh,
Saor sinn, a dheadh Thighearna. O gach uile dhoille cridhe; o àrdan, ghlôir dhìomhain, agus fhuar-chràbhadh; o fhanmad, fhuath, agus mhi-run, agus o gach uile mhi-iochd,
Saor sinn, a dheadh Thighearna. O strìopachas, agus o gach uile pheacadh mairbhteach eile; agus o uile cheahgaineachd an t-saoghail, na feola, agus an diabhuil,
Saor sinn, a dheadh Thighearna. O dhealanach agus o stoirm; o phlaigh, o ghalar, agus o ghoirt; o chath, agus o mhort, agus o bhàs obann.
Saor sinn, a dheadh Thighearna. O gach uile aimhreit, choimh-cheilg uaignich, agus cheannairc; o gach uihe theagasg meallta, shaobh-chreidimh, agus easaonachd; o chruas cridhe, agus o thàir a thoirt do d’ Fhocal agus do d’ Aithne,
Saor sinn, a dheadh Thighearna. Le dìomhaireachd do Theachd naoimh ‘s an fheòil; le d’Bhreith naoimh agus he d’Thimchiollghearradh; le d’ Bhaisteadh, le d’ Thrasgadh, agus le d’ Bhuaireadh,
Saor sinn, a dheadh Thighearna. Le d’ Chràdh agus le d’ Fhallus fola; le d’ Chrann-ceusaidh agus le d’ Fhulangas; le d’ Bhàs luachmhor agus le d’ Adhlacadh; le d’ Aiseirigh agus le d’ Dhol suas glòrmhor; agus le teachd an Spioraid Naoimh,
Saor sinn a dheadh Thighearna. Ann an uile àm ar n-an-shocair; ann an uile àm ar soirbheachaidh; ann an uair a’ bhàis, agus ann an là a’ bhreitheanais,
Saor sinn, a dheadh Thighearna. Tha sinne peacaich a’ guidhe ort éisdeachd ruinn, O ‘Thighearna Dhé, agus gu ma deònach leat d’ Eaglais naomh choitchionn a riaghladh agus a stiuradh ‘s an t-slighe cheirt;
Tha sinn a’ guidhe ort éisdeachd ruinn, a dheadh Thighearna. Gu ma deònach leat do sheirbhiseach BHICTORIA ar Ban-righinn agus an Riaghladair ro sheirceil, a ghleidheadh agus a neartachadh ann an aoradh fìor dhuit féin, ann am fìreantachd agus an naomhachd beatha;
Tha sinn a’ guidhe ort éisdeachd ruinn, a dheadh Thighearna. Gu ma deònach leat a cridhe riaghladh ann ad chreidimh, ann ad eagal, agus ann ad ghràdh, agus gu sìorruidh tuilleadh gu’m bi earbsa aice annad, agus gu’n iarr i do ghnàth d’ onoir agus do ghlòir;
Tha sinn a’ guidhe ort éisdeachd ruinn, a dheadh Thighearna. Gu ma deònach leat a bhi a’ d’ fhear-dìon agus a’ d’ fhear-gleidhidh aice, a’ toirt na buaidh’ dhi air a naimhdibh uile;
Tha sinn a’ guidhe ort éisdeachd ruinn, a dheadh Thighearna. Gu ma deônach leat Albert Imhear Prionnsa Uilse, agus Ban-phrionnsa Uilse, agus an Teaghlach Rìoghail uile, a bheannachadh agus a ghleidheadh;
Tha sinn a’ guidhe ort éisdeachd ruinn, a dheadh Thighearna. Gu ma deònach leat na h-uihe Easbuigean, Shagartan agus Dheaconan a shoillseachadh le fìon eòhas agus tuigse air d’ Fhocal, agus araon le ‘n teagasg agus le ‘n caithe-beatha gu’n nochd iad e agus gu’n taisbein iad e d’ a rèir;
Tha sinn a’ guidhe ort éisdeachd ruinn, a dheadh Thighearna. Gu ma deònach leat Mòr-fhearan na Comhairle, agus na Maithean uile a sgeadachadh, le gràs, gliocas, agus tuigse;
Tha sinn a’ guidhe ort éisdeachd ruinn, a dheadh Thighearna. Gu ma deònach leat Luchd-frithealadh a’ cheartais a bheannachadh agus a ghleidheadh, a’ toirt gràis dhoibh a chur ‘an gnìomh ceartais, agus a sheasamh na fìrinn;
Tha sinn a’ guidhe ort éisdeachd ruinn, a dheadh Thighearna. Gu ma deònach leat do shluagh uile a bheannachadh agus a ghleidheadh;
Tha sinn a’ quidhe ort éisdeachd ruinn, a dheadh Thighearna. Gu ma deònach leat aonachd, sìth, agus réite a thoirt do na h-uile chinnich;
Tha sinn a’ guidhe ort éisdeachd ruinn a dheadh Thighearna. Gu ma deònach leat cridhe ‘thoirt dhuinn anns am bi do ghràdh agus d’ eagal, a chaitheamh an beatha gu dùrachdach a réir d’ àitheantan;
Tha sinn a’ guidhe ort éisdeachd ruinn a dheadh Thighearna. Gu ma deònach leat meudachadh gràis a thoirt do d’ shluagh uile, a dh’éisdeachd gu sèimh d’ Fhocail, agus g’ a ghabhail le aigne fhìorghlan, agus a thoirt a mach toraidh an Spioraid;
Tha sinn a’ guidhe ort éisdeachd ruinn, a dheadh Thighearna. Gu ma deònach leat iadsan nile a chaidh air seacharan agus a tha air am mealladh' a threòrachadh gu slighe na fìrinn;
Tha sinn a’ guidhe ort éisdeachd ruinn a dheadh Thighearna. Gu ma deònach leat iadsan a tha ‘n an seasamh a neartachadh, comhfhurtachd, agus còmhnadh a thoirt dhoibhsan a tha lag-chridheach, agus iadsan a tha air tuiteam a thogail a suas, agus fadheoidh Satan a bhualadh sìos fo ‘r cosaibh;
Tha sinn a’ guidhe ort éisdeachd ruinn a dheadh Thighearna. Gu ma deònach leat cabhair, còmhnadh, agus comhfhurtachd a thoirt dhoibhsan uile a tha ‘n cunnart, ‘an éiginn, agus ‘an an-shocair;
Tha sinn a’ guidhe ort éisdeachd ruinn a dheadh Thighearna. Gu ma deònach leat gach neach a theasairginn a tha air astar air muir no air tìr, na h-uihe mhnathan a tha ‘n saothair chloinne, gach uile neach easlainteach agus clann òg, agus d’ iochd a nochdadh do na h-uile phrìosonaich agus bhraighdibh;
Tha sinn a’ guidhe ort éisdeachd ruinn a dheadh Thighearna. Gu ma deònach leat na dìlleachdain agus na bantraichean a dhìon, agus na h-uile a tha aonarach agus fo ainneart, agus deanamh air an son;
Tha sinn a’ guidhe ort éisdeachd ruinn, a dheadh Thighearna. Gu ma deònach leat tròcair a dheanamh air na h-uile dhaoinibh;
Tha sinn a’ guidhe ort éisdeachd ruinn, a dheadh Thighearna. Gu ma deònach leat maitheanas a thoirt d’ar naimhdibh, d’ar luchd-geur-leanmhuinn agus cul-chainidh, agus an cridheachan a thionndadh;
Tha sinn a’ guidhe ort éisdeachd ruinn, a dheadh Thighearna. Gu ma deònach leat gach gnè thoraidh na talmhainn a thoirt agus a théasairginn gu ‘r feum, air chor ‘s gu meal sinn iad ann an àm iomchuidh;
Tha sinn a’ guidhe ort éisdeachd ruinn, a dheadh Thighearna. Gu ma deònach leat aithneachas fìreannach a thoirt dhuinn, ar peacaidhean, an dearmaid, agus an n-aineolais uile a mhaitheadh dhuinn, agus an sgeadachadh le gràs do Spioraid naoimh, a leasachadh ar caithe-beatha a réir d’ fhocail naoimh;
Tha sinn a’ guidhe ort éisdeachd ruinn, a dheadh Thighearna. A Mhic Dhé: tha sinn a’ guidhe ort éisdeachd ruinn.
A Mhic Dhé: tha sinn a’ guidhe ort éisdeachd ruinn. O Uain Dhé: a tha ‘toirt air falbh peacaidhean an t-saoghail;
Deànaich dhuinn do shìth. O Uain Dhé: a tha ‘toirt air falbh peacaidhean an t-saoghail;
Dean tràcair oirnn. O ‘Chriosd, éisd ruinn.
O ‘Chriosd, éisd ruinn. A Thighearna, dean tròcair oirnn.
A Thighearna, dean tròcair oirnn. A Chriosd, dean tròcair oirnn.
A Chriosd, dean tròcair oirnn. A Thigheanna, dean tròcair oirnn.
A Thighearna, dean tròcair oirnn.
¶ An sin their an Sagart, agus an sluagh maille ris, Urnuigh an Tighearna.
AR n-Athair a tha air nèamh, Naomhaichear d’Ainm. Thigeadh do Rìoghachd. Deanar do thoil air an tahamh, Mar thatar a deanamh air nèamh. Thoir dhuinn an diugh ar n-aran laitheil. Agus maith dhuinn an cionta. Mar a mhaitheas sinne dhoibhsan a tha ‘ciontachadh ‘n an n-aghaidh. Agus na leig ‘am buaireadh sinn; Ach saor sinn o olc. Amen.
Sagart. O ‘Thighearna, na buin ruinn a réir an peacaidhean.
Freagairt. Agus na toir duais dhuinn a réir am n-euceantan.
¶ Deanamaid urnuigh.O ‘Dhé Athair thòbcairich, nach ‘eil ri tàir air osnaich a’ chridhe bhrùite, no air miann na muinntir a bhitheas dubhach; Gu tròcaireach cuidich an n-urnuighean a tha sinn a’ deanamh ann ad làthair ‘n ar n-uile an-shocairibh agus àmhghairibh, ge b’ e uair air bith a luidheas iad gu trom oirnn; agus gu gnàsmhor éisd ruinn, a chum ‘s gu’m bi na h-uilc sin uile a tha innleachdan agus cuilbheirtean an Diabhuil no an duine ag oibreachadh ‘n ar n-aghaidh, air an cur gu neo-bhrigh, agus le freasdal do mhaitheis gu’m hi iad air an sgaoileadh, a chum air dhuinne do sheirbhisich a bhi gun dochan le geur-leanmhuinnibh, gu ‘n toir sinn gu sìorruidh tuilleadh buidheachas dhuit ann ad Eaghais naoimh, trìd Iosa Criosd ar Tighearna.
O‘Thighearna, éirich, cuidich sinn, agus saor sinn air sgàth d’ Ainme.
Lord's Prayer
O ‘Dhé, chuala sinn le ‘r cluasaibh, agus dh’ innis an n-aithrichean dhuinn na h-oibmean òirdheirc a ninn thu ri ‘n lìnn-san, agus anns an t-seann aimsir rompa. O ‘Thighearna, éirich, cuidich sinn, agus saor sinn air sgàth d’ onoir. Glòir do ‘n Athair, agus do ‘n Mhac: agus do ‘n Spiorad naomh;
Freagairt. Mar a bha air tùs, a tha nis, agus a bhitheas gu bràth: saoghal gun chrìoch. Amen. O n naimhdibh dìon sinn, O ‘Chriosd.
Gu gràsail amhairc air an n-àmhghairibh. Gu truacanta sealh air bròin an cridheachan.
Gu trò caireach maith peacaidhean do shluaigh. Gu caomh le tròcair éisd ar n-urnuighean.
O ‘Mhic Dhaibhidh, dean tròcair oirnn. Araon a nis agus gu bràth deònaich éisdeachd ruinn, O ‘Chriosd.
Gu gràsail éisd ruinn, O ‘Chriosd ; gu gràsail éisd ruinn, O ‘Thighearna chriosd. Sagart. O ‘Thighearna, bitheadh do thròcair air a nochdadh dhuinn.
Mar a tha sinn a’ cur ar n-earbsa annad.
Deanamaid urnuigh.GU h-ùmhal tha sinn a’ guidhe ort, O Athair, gu tròcaireach amhairc air ar n-anmhunnachdaibh; agus air son glòire d’ Ainme, tionndaidh uainn na h-uilc sin uile gu ro cheart a thoill sinn; agus deònaich, ‘n ar n-uile àmhghairibh gu ‘n cuin sinn an n-earbsa agus an muinghin iomhan ann ad thròcair-sa, agus gu’n dean sinn gu sìorruidh tuilleadh seirbhis dhuit ann an naomhachd agus am fìorghloine caithe-beatha, chum d’ onoir agus do ghlòire, trìd an n-aon Eadar-mheadhonair agus an Fir-tagraidh, Iosa Criosd an Tighearna. Amen.
¶ Urnuigh le Naomh Crisostom.
A Dhé Uile-chumhachdaich, a thug dhuinn gràs anns an àm so ar n-athchuingean choitchionn a dheanamh riut le aon rùm, agus a tha ‘gealltuinn, an uain a chruinnicheas dithis no triuir ‘an ceann a chéile ann ad Ainm, gu’n toir thu dhoibh an iarrtuis; Coimhlion a nis, O ‘Thighearna, miannan agus iarrtuis do sheirbhiseach, man is ro fheumail e dhoibh, a’ deònachadh dhninn anns an t-saoghal so eòlas air d’ fhìrinn, agus anns an t-saoghal a tha ri teachd a’ bheatha mhaireannach. Amen.
2 Corintianach, 13.
GRàs ar Tighearna Iosa Criosd, agus gràdh Dhé, agus comh-chomunn an Spioraid naoimh gu’n robh maille ruinn uile gu sìorruidh. Amen.
An so tha ‘n Laoidh-Dhiann a’ crìochnachadh.
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