Tha caileag bhòidheach anns a’ phàipear ann.
There is a beatufil girl in the paper.
Tha an cù donn beag ann fon bhòrd sin.
There is a small brown dog under the table.
An robh sibh air a’ mhonadh? Bha.
Were you in the moor? Yes.
Tha an t-ìm air an aran glè mhath.
The butter on the bread is very good.
Bha ròn ann air a’ chladach.
There was a seal on the shore.
Tha an gleann sin brèagha air là ciùin.
That glen was beautiful on a calm day.
Bha e uabhasach stoirmeil anns an fheasgar.
It was very stormy in the afternoon.
Chan eil uisge ann anns an t-sruth.
There is no water in the stream.
Tha teine math teth ann bhon ghual seo.
There a good fire from this coal.
An robh e luath leis an t-seòl?
Was he quick with the sail?
Bha sìth ann tron t-saoghal.
There was peace all over the world.
A bheil am bainne bhon fhiadh isn uabhasach math?
Is the milk from this deer really good?
Nach eil aran ùr anns a’ bhocsa ann? Tha.
Was there fresh bread in the box? Yes.
Bha an duine, leis a’ chù, cho mall air a’ chnoc.
The person with the dog was so slow on the hill.
Tha taigh ann thairis air an t-sruth.
There is a house over/across the stream.
Bha an cù anns a’ bhocsa fon bhòrd.
The dog was in the box under the table.
Tha gual ann anns an t-sruth.
There is some coal in the stream
Brown hair is very beautiful?
A bheil falt donn glè bhòidheach?
Bha mi air an rathad dhan bhaile.
I was on the road to the town.
Tha an là air a’ mhonadh math dhut.
A day on the road is good for you.
Bha an làr fliuch le uisge.
The floor was wet with water.
Tha feuch grom ann anns an achadh.
There is green grass on the field.
The new house is near the fast burn.
Tha an taigh ùr faisg air an allt luath.
Nach eil iad a’ dol dhan chèilidh anns a’ bhaile? Nach eil.
Aren’t they going to the ceilidh in the town? No.
Chan eil iasg anns an allt ann.
There is no fish in the burn.
Tha am bòrd anns an t-seòmar sin glè shnog.
The table in that room is very nice.
Bha uisge ann fon bhòrd.
There was water unde the table.
Bha am bàta fo sheòl.
The boat was under sail.
Bha ròn ann anns an uisge, agus air a’ chladach.
There was a seal in the water, and on the share.
Tha an litir seo dhan chaillich.
This letter is to the old woman.
Nach robh iad aig a’ mhuir tron oidhche?
Aren’t they on the sea during the night?
Bha sgeul mun chaileig sin anns an naidheachd.
The story about the girl was in the news.
Bha sgeulachd inntinneach anns an litir.
There was an interesting story in the letter.
Bha slat fhada ùr ann anns a’ bhùth.
There a new long fishing rod in the shop.
Nach robh iad ùine fhada anns a’ bhaile?
Weren’t they a long time in the town?
Bha an cù donn air an fheur ris a’ ghrèin.
The brown dog on the grass was exposed to the sun.
Bha a’ ghrian blàth anns a’ mhadainn.
The sun was warm in the morning.
Bha I anns an leabaidh tron mhadainn.
She was in bed during the morning.
Tha a’ Ghàidhlig glè inntinneach, nach eil?
Scottish Gaelic is very interesting, isn’t it?
Tha an nighean ris an uinneig oir tha a’ ghrian blàth.
The sister is at the window because the sun is warm.
Tha bùth ùr ann air an t-sràid sin.
There is a new shop on that street.
Marlon muebeitoa yu ajue beisie.
Let's learn a foreign language!
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Olá, eu gostaria muito de saber como é "Liberdade" em gaélico escocês.. procurei por toda a parte e não achei. Se puder me ajudar pode postar a resposta nos comentários mesmo, obrigada desde já! =)
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